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Repository files navigation

Xenon Stack Assesment

This is a Node js application with frontend as HTML , CSS , JS , Bootstrap(for responsiveness) and backend as express and ejs template engine for dynamic data Created in Submission for Round 2 of Xenon Stack.


For development, you will only need Node.js and a node global package, NPM, installed in your environement.


If the installation was successful, you should be able to run the following command.

$ node --version

$ npm --version

Project Set Up

$ npm install

Running the project

$ node app.js


Rishabh Technologies

  • Created a Web App for a Service based Company which offers IT Solutions to Clients.


Session Based Authentication with Passport js

  • using passport js implemented session based authentication in which sessions were store in Mongo Db in collection named as sessions.


  • After successfull login user object can be found in req.session.passport.user

  • Thus Showed Name of User in Navbar after Successful login.


  • User Registration is implemented to create a new user sucessfully.


Used Middleware to Ensure All Webpages are locked untill authenticated except Home Page

  • Lock Icon is Given to the pages on home page which are locked without login. "middleware"

Mongo DB - Atlas is used as a Cloud Database


3 Collections are created

  • Contact form --> To store user messages from website
  • users --> To store User Credentials
  • session --> To store/maintain sessions

Template Engine EJS is used for dynamic rendering

  • Used EJS to display the name of user signed In on navbar after sucessfull Login "show_name"

Flash Messages for Errors and Warnings While Login/Register.

  • Flash messages are implemented to inform user about wrong password, User Already Exist etc.


Responsive Frontend Using HTML, CSS, JS , Bootstrap

Home Page

"show_name" "show_name"

Our Work Page


Contact Us

"show_name" "show_name"

Contact Us form Stores data in Contact-form Collection in Mongo DB.

  • Messages, contact number, email , name are store in Databse and user is given a success message on completion.


Thanks Would Love to hear Suggestion


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