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Omni API

Omni API is a project designed to showcase the speed and efficiency of a very fast API. It demonstrates rapid data retrieval capabilities, making it an ideal example of a high-performance API.


  • Very fast search functionality
  • Minimal latency for query processing
  • Optimized for high performance
  • Scalable architecture
  • Supports :
    • Redis
    • Neon DB

Technologies Used

  • Prisma ORM
  • Neon DB(PostgreSQL)
  • Next.js (for frontend integration)
  • Hono
  • CloudFlare Workers
  • Upstash


  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd omni-api
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file and provide the required values.
  5. Set up the wrangler.toml file and provide the required vars values.
  6. Deploy the backend on cloudflare workers: npm run deploy
  7. Start the development server: npm run dev


  1. Send GET requests to /api/search with the query parameter t to search for data. Example: GET /api/search?t=your-query-here
  2. Send GET requests to /api/search/psql with the query parameter t to search for data. Example: GET /api/search/psql?t=your-query-here


Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.