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A Python library to automate ML model training for polymer informatics.

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This repository contains one of the custom packages used to train the machine learning models presented in a companion paper, polyGNN: Multitask graph neural networks for polymer informatics. Currently, polygnn_trainer (pt) contains general code for the following tasks

  • Data preparation
  • Submodel training (and limited analysis of training metrics, provided by the parse module)
  • Submodel saving & loading
  • Composing the submodels into an ensemble for inference


This repository is currently set up to run on 1) Mac OSX and 2) Linux/Windows machines with CUDA 10.2. Please raise a GitHub issue if you want to use this repo with a different configuration. Otherwise, please follow these steps for installation:

  1. Install poetry on your machine.
  2. If Python3.7 is installed on your machine skip to step 3, if not you will need to install it. There are many ways to do this, one option is detailed below:
    • Install Homebrew on your machine.
    • Run brew install python@3.7. Take note of the path to the python executable.
  3. Clone this repo on your machine.
  4. Open a terminal at the root directory of this repository.
  5. Run poetry env use /path/to/python3.7/executable. If you installed Python3.7 with Homebrew, the path may be something like /usr/local/Cellar/python\@3.7/3.7.13_1/bin/python3.7.
  6. Run poetry install.
  7. If your machine is a Mac, run poetry run poe torch-osx. If not, run poetry run poe torch-linux_win-cuda102.
  8. If your machine is a Mac, run poetry run poe pyg-osx. If not, run poetry run poe pyg-linux_win-cuda102.


General usage

A usage pattern may look something like below:

  • First, import polygnn_trainer
    import polygnn_trainer as pt
  • Then, create a pandas Dataframe out of the data set (see here for an example CSV data set, note that you can distinguish between tasks using the "prop" column). Split this dataset into training+val and test set. It is required that graph features are provided in several dictionaries; one dictionary per row of the dataframe.
  • Pass the training+val DataFrame into pt.train.prepare_train. The outputs will be the dataframe, with SMILES converted to features, and dictionary of scalers. One scaler per task. Additionally, some metadata on training features will be saved to path input to root_dir. This will be useful to order features during inference.
    dataframe, scaler_dict = prepare_train(
        "dataframe", morgan_featurizer, root_dir=/path/to/model/root/
  • Split the training+val DataFrame into two DataFrames using your favorite splitting strategy (example shown below). One DataFrame for validation and one for training. See the example snippet below.
     training_df, val_df = sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(
  • Run hyperparameter optimization using your favorite algorithm (example shown below). Use the error on the validation set to find the optimal set. See the example snippet below. The unittest named test_ensemble_trainer contains a more detailed, working, example. Unittests are located in this folder.
    from skopt import gp_minimize
    # obtain the optimal point in hp space
    opt_obj = gp_minimize(
        func=obj_func, # define this yourself
    # create an HpConfig from the optimal point in hp space
    hps = pt.hyperparameters.HpConfig()
        "r_learn": 10 ** opt_obj.x[0],
        "batch_size": opt_obj.x[1],
        "dropout_pct": opt_obj.x[2],
        "capacity": opt_obj.x[3],
        "activation": torch.nn.functional.leaky_relu,
  • Train an ensemble of submodels using pt.train.train_kfold_ensemble. Again, test_ensemble_trainer contains a nice working example. If the ensemble is being trained for research, we can train the ensemble using just the train+val set (so that we have the test set to assess model accuracy). If the ensemble is being trained for production, we can train the ensemble on the entire data set. The details of the model and its metadata will be stored in a root directory. The contents of that directory are as follows:
    │   │   features.pkl
    │   │   features.txt
    │   │   hyperparams.pkl
    │   │   properties.txt
    │   │   scalers.pkl
    │   │   selectors.pkl
       │   ...
  • Prepare a DataFrame of points to run inference on. Again, it is required that graph features are provided in several dictionaries; one dictionary per row of the melted dataframe.
  • Load the ensemble using pt.load.load_ensemble. Fields needed to instantiate the submodels can be passed into submodel_kwargs_dict.
    ensemble = pt.load.load_ensemble(
  • Run inference on the ensemble using pt.infer.eval_ensemble. See below for example usage.
    y_val, y_val_mean_hat, y_val_std_hat, selectors = pt.infer.eval_ensemble(
      ensemble_kwargs_dict={"monte_carlo": False},

Much of the information in the "General usage" section is combined into one file, Here we use training data located in the directory sample_data to train an ensemble model (composed of several submodels). The submodels, by default, are saved in a directory named example_models. The data in sample_data is a small subset of the DFT data used to train the models in the companion paper. A complete set of the DFT data can be found at Khazana.

To train models run: poetry run python This should not take longer than 3 minutes on a machine with at least 8GB of free GPU memory. To manually specify the device you want to use for training, set the device flag. For example poetry run python --device cpu. Otherwise, the device will automatically be chosen.

Looking at sample_data/sample.csv, you will notice that this dataset contains multiple different properties (e.g., band gap, electron affinity, etc.). In, we use this data to train a multitask model, capable of predicting each property. To train your own multitask model, you can replace sample_data/sample.csv with your own dataset containing multiple properties. Single task models are also supported.


If you use this repository in your work please consider citing us.

   annote = {doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02991},
   author = {Gurnani, Rishi and Kuenneth, Christopher and Toland, Aubrey and Ramprasad, Rampi},
   doi = {10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02991},
   issn = {0897-4756},
   journal = {Chemistry of Materials},
   month = {feb},
   number = {4},
   pages = {1560--1567},
   publisher = {American Chemical Society},
   title = {{Polymer Informatics at Scale with Multitask Graph Neural Networks}},
   url = {},
   volume = {35},
   year = {2023}


This repository is protected under a General Public Use License Agreement, the details of which can be found in GT Open Source General Use License.pdf.


A Python library to automate ML model training for polymer informatics.







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