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5: ChatBot functions

tarrynt whitty edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 1 revision

chat bot commands

There are some prebuilt commands that the bot can use

minigame commands

!signup will sign a user up the minigame system. only have to run once !mghelp help command for minigames !mgpoints will return the number of points a user has in the minigame system !mgstats will return stats about the player, number of wins and such

Super admins can also run !starttrivia to start a trivia minigame !startwordle to start a wordle minigame

other commands

!commands will give a list of commands users can run !stats returns stats about the user eg watchtime, number of streams, number of messages !faq if enabled will return the faq from the config !rules if enabled will return the rules from the config where will return what is currently set for the where command. useful for mabinogi

Super admins can also run !add_command [name] [return] will create a new command !remove_command [name] will delete the command !edit_command [name] [new return] will update a command !ban [user] [reason] will ban a user !unban [user] will unban a user

other functions

the bot will record all messages send in chat into the bot database. this can be used for moderation or data gathering reasons.

if enabled in the config if a "shout outable" user speaks in chat they will be shouted out once that stream

when a user is banned or unbanned this is be recorded to the database

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