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Docker Compose Project - NodeJs Application

nginx docker npm version nfs_server mongo_database

The Project Mainly Focuses on Infrastructure Automation

Fig 1.: Project Infrastructure Diagram


  1. OS: Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 or Centos8
  2. Docker Engine
  3. Docker-compose

Technologies/Tools Used:

  • NodeJS
  • Angular
  • Nginx
  • MongoDB Database

Infrastructure comprises of various components. They are as follows:

  1. Nginx Server
  2. Application Server
  3. Database Server
  4. NFS Server

The each component in the project has its own purpose.

Nginx Server

The Nginx Server is used to distribute the load equally among the Application Servers. The nginx_server container is configured to receive the traffic from external world. The nginx_server container is deployed in seperate network.The container is launched with two network interfaces i.e.; application_external_network and application_internal_network to enable connectivity from outside world and with the node_js_application containers.

Docker command

docker run -dit -p 80:80 -e NGINX_PORT=80 \
-e APPLICATION_SERVER=nodejs_application_server_1 \
-e APPLICATION_SERVER_2=nodejs_application_server_2 --name nginx_server \
--link nodejs_application_server_1 --link nodejs_application_server_2 \

--link option is used for internal connectivity between the nginx container and application containers based on the container name

The Environment Variables defined are as follows:


The port on which the nginx_server container to be running, for example 80 or 8080.

Note: SSL configuration is not yet completed in nginx_server docker image


The container name of the aplication_server container hosting the nodejs application

The logs are stored in seperate volume named logs_nginx to preserve the logs even when the container is deleted or corrupted for debugging any issue in application.

The Configuration File is stored at location /etc/nginx/conf.d/application.conf. The user customized configuration file can be mounted

docker run -it -v nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/application.conf --name nginx_server \

Application Server : NodeJs

The code to be deployed in application server is just a sample project. The project performs CRUD operations using GET and POST APIs in the mongodb Server. The nodejs application code lists the employees details with their current salary. The more employee details can be added using Create Employees button. The nodejs_application_server_1 and nodejs_application_server_2 are attached with two different network interfaces i.e the database network(database_internal_network) and application internal network(application_internal_network)

The containers depends on Mongo DB Database i.e mongo_db_server for API calls to fetch and save details to and from the database and display the entries.

The code directory for the application servers is mounted from the NFS shared volume. It is used enhance the deployment process of code into the application servers.

docker run -it --link mongo_db_server -p 3000:3000 --name application-1 riteshsoni296/nodejs_app:latest

Port Number 3000 is exposed for applocation connectivity. Since the application servers are internal, they cannot be accessed from outside network except the proxy servers i.e Nginx.

The Source Code Directory for the Application server is /usr/src/app.

Database Server : Mongo Database

MongoDB version 4.2.2 container image is used to launch the containers with some customisation fo the applications. The database server is launched in seperate network to keep the data secure from the outside world.

The database network is secured from outside internet access by initialising the internal paramter in networks.

        driver: bridge
        internal: "true"
            driver: default
                - subnet: ""

The Environment variables defined are as follows:


    It is used to define the root account username in database server


    The variable used to define the password for the root account


    The variable is used to define database user account for the application server connectivity


    The variable defines the password for database user for the application server connectivity


    The variable defines the database used in application

The Database stores the Data in seperate volume to have persistent storage, in case server creashes due to unavoidabale circumstances.

NFS Server

The NFS Server storage is used to share the /apps volume or application_code volume with application containers.

Docker Compose file to create a nfs volume

    # Volume for Java Application Code
        driver: local
            type: "nfs4"
            o: "addr=,rw"
            device: ":/apps"

Here, addr is NFS Server IP i.e . It can be NFS Server IP or NFS Server DNS name. device is configured as /apps instead of /nfsshare/apps, in NFS version 4 due to setting of fsuid=0 in exports file in NFS Server, the shared volume /nfsshare can be mounted as /.

HealthCheck is configured to enable of NFS Server container to start and ready first before application containers.

            test: ["CMD", "netstat", "-tnlp", "|grep", "2049"]
            interval: 60s
            timeout: 10s
            retries: 5

Here, test paramter is configured to check the availability of the NFS server till interval seconds. If the request does not receives any response between timeout seconds, the service is marked as unhealthy.

The NFS Server is executed as root user to run some priviledged commands i.e mount and writinf mounts in fstab file. It is achieved in docker compose by initialising the priviledged flag as true

        privileged: "true"

The Environment variables defined are as follows:


The dicrectories that are mounted in application containers to store the application code in one volume rather than having multiple copies of the same code in different containers.


The environment variable sets the Mount Option type as sync or async. If the Environment variable is nt defined, the container sets the default mount option to aync.

The option sync means that all changes to the according filesystem are immediately flushed to disk; the respective write operations are being waited for. In contrast, with async the system buffers the write operation and optimizes the actual writes; meanwhile, instead of being blocked the process in userland continues to run.


The environment variable sets the restriction based on the hosts for the Shared directories. If the variable is not initialised, by default shared directories will be accesible from every host i.e; *


The environment variable is used to set the shared directory as read_only. In absence of the variable, the default value i.e read and write permissions are enabled.

Infrastructure Initialisation

1. Initiating Infrastructure setup

Fig 2.: Docker Compose Startup Diagram

2. Mongo Database Server Launch

Fig 3.: Mongo Database Initialisation Diagram

3. NFS Server, Application Servers and Nginx Server Startup

Fig 4.: NFS Server, Application Server and Nginx Server Initialisation Diagram

Implementation Steps

Follow the below steps to successfuly configure the automation of Project:

  1. Clone master branch of the repository

  2. Copy the files inside source_code directory in NFS mounted directory.

There are two ways to mount the code inside both the application_servers:

  • Make a seperate directory named NFS i.e

    mkdir /nfs

    In the docker-compose.yml file, replace nfs_storage variable wth /nfs in volumes option in nfs_server.

      - /nfs:/nfsshare

    Deploy the code inside /nfs/apps directory.

  • Find out the mount-point of the nfs_storage volume using docker volume management command

     docker volume inspect $(docker volume ls | grep nfs_storage | awk '{print $2}')   

    Copy the code inside the mount point to share the application code among application_containers.


    The application server containers won't boot up until the code deployment is successful

  1. Execute the docker-compose command
docker-compose up -d

-d parameter to run the containers in the background.

  1. Services should be up now.

Application ScreenShots

1. Initial Welcome Page

Fig 5.: Application Welcome Page

2. Create a New Entry

Fig 6.: Create New Employee

3. Saved Employee Details

Fig 7.: Employee Details

4. New List of Employees

Fig 8.: After Creation of Employees

Source: LinuxWorld Informatics Pvt Ltd. Jaipur

Under the Guidance of : Vimal Daga

Initiative: IIEC-RISE