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Our program will find the best optimum way for your travel under budget. Just enter the locations and you will get which flights will be best suited for you.

This web application asks the user to enter the starting point and the destination point whether by shortest time taken route or cheapest flight route .The points will be the names of the cities. After entering the cities names the user will get the message that whether there is a direct flight is available between the given cities or not

In the case when there is no connection between two cities entered from the database, the program is designed to show the shortest path from source to destination via another city (connecting flights) or the cheapest flight as the output.

The data structure used for the project is Adjacency Matrix because it takes constant time (just one memory access) to determine whether there is an edge between any two given vertices or not. The algorithm used for the project is Dijkstra’s Algorithm as it is by far the most popular approach for finding the shortest path in a directed or undirected graph.

System Design

Since this is developed to search flights using the shortest path to save time and money in the most probable way for the travelers, the destinations which have no direct flights available will be shown the nearest stop over or connecting flight

MODULE 1(using data structures)

MODULE 2(implementing algorithms)

MODULE 3(Implementing it in the website)


Module 1

In this module we will be using adjacent matrix for our project and get the connecting cities across India and prepare the database of cities accordingly. We would be covering at least 30 cities from all over India.

Module 2

The algorithms we will be using in this project will be DIJKSTRA’S ALGORITHM. This will be useful to find the shortest path or the cheapest flight between the two cities. Whether the cities searched for are in the database or not whether there is a shortest path or cheapest flight available or not since our main motive in the project is to save users time and money.

Module 3

This will be our final task and our final focus will be on giving interface design for our software an attractive look and will be designed user friendly. This is so that more and more customers while using this software have a hassle free experience and happen to benefit by this application. We will be implementing the whole code in a website so that anyone from India can access the website and get benefited


“Flight Search System” is user-friendly software which helps the users in guiding them the best flight route to travel based on user selection. The present existing flight searching system displays connecting flights from the same flight company even though if there is a flight available of different company earlier than the displayed flight from intermediate station. But our “Flight Search System” software shows the immediate flight available from the intermediate station in case of displaying the connecting flight route. Hence in this way this software seems better than the present existing flight searching system.