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Morpheus Lee edited this page Jul 22, 2014 · 32 revisions

Welcome to the MultiWindowAndroid wiki!


This MultiWindowAndroid project is basing on Android KitKat 4.4, which support the APPs' window to drag, maximun, minimun, close, and resize, it looks pretty like the Windows OS.

Demo vedio:


For user

  1. Watch and check is there any error brfore apply the patch file:
android-src-root$ git apply --stat /the/directory/of/xxx.patch
android-src-root$ git apply --check /the/directory/of/xxx.patch

If there is no error, skip step 2.

  1. This patch only for KitKat 4.4 (Tag: android-4.4_r1), so please apply it in a clean branch. If there's any error in step 1, you cannot apply simply. For example, you may got this information:
error: patch failed: build/target/product/
error: build/target/product/ patch does not apply
error: patch failed: frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/
error: frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ patch does not apply

Then, you can reset the git repo build/ and /frameworks/base/ to android-4.4_r1

android-src-root$ cd build/
android-src-root/build$ git reset --hard android-4.4_r1
android-src-root$ cd frameworks/base/
android-src-root/frameworks/base$ git reset --hard android-4.4_r1

finally, git apply --check again till there's no error.

  1. In the root of AOSP, apply the patch file:
android-src-root$ git apply xxx.patch
  1. Source and lunch, choose the "aosp_flo-userdebug" for Nexus 7 2013 WIFI:
android-src-root$ source build/
android-src-root$ lunch
  1. Build:
android-src-root$ make -j8 otapackage
  1. Flash your device

For developer

You'd better git init in the root of AOSP, and git add the build/ frameworks/ packages/, To generate a patch:

  1. Git diff a patch:
android-src-root$ git diff INITIAL_COMMIT_ID --binary > xxx.patch 
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