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Snowplow Deployment


Version Date Notes
v1.2 2021-01-26 Remove creating the events table from TF and add a one-off kube job
v1.1 2021-01-18 Clarify documentation around setting compute region and observing pods
v1.0 2021-01-10 Initial release


This is an example deployment of the Snowplow data collection and processing pipeline running in GCP. Two tools are used to manage the setup:


Terraform is an Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) tool which allows for the setup and configuration of infrastructure provided a cloud providers via code. The biggest advantage here is that everything is version controlled in a ropo meaning you can change/rollback your infrastructure just as easily as you can your application code.

For this project, Terraform is used to setup all the resources in GCP required to run Snowplow (GKE, PubSub, BigQuery).


Flux is a git-ops tool which brings the same benefits of IaC tools, but to kubernetes. It works by running an agent in the cluster which pulls manifests from a git repo on a regular basis and applies them to the cluster, meaning that the repo is the source of truth of what is running in the cluster. This brings version control to kubernetes deployments.

For this project, flux is used to deploy the different snowplow components inside the GKE cluster created by Terraform.


An engineer deploying or managing the deployment will require the following tools:

  • gcloud CLI installed and authenticated with your google account and the defailt compute region set to where you will run your cluster
  • terraform CLI
  • kubectl CLI


Step 0 - Clone this repo template

This repo is designed to be the template for each deployment as the kubernetes manifests will be pulled directly from the repo. As such, you should clone this repo by pressing the "Use this template" button to have a repo per-deployment.

Step 1 - Setup GCP Project

This deployment is designed to start from scratch, as such, the first setup is to create an empty GCP project. You can do this through the UI or the following command:

> gcloud projects create [PROJECT_ID]

A number of services need to be enabled which will be used by this deployment:

> gcloud --project [PROJECT_ID] services enable

Finally, create the GCS bucket which will hold the terraform state. By this being in a bucket rather than on someones machine, it means multiple people can modify the deployment as the state is held centrally:

> gsutil mb -p [PROJECT_ID] -l europe-west1 -b on gs://[PROJECT_ID]-infra

Step 2 - Configure and apply terraform to deploy infrastructure

If not already setup, gcloud Application Default Credentials need to be available on this system as terraform uses these to access the bucket which holds the state. Run gcloud auth application-default login to do this.

  1. Set the GCP bucket created in Step 1 in the terraform.backend.bucket key - this is where the state will be stored.
  2. In the terraform directory run terraform init to pull the dependencies required to deploy the infrastructure
  3. Modify the terraform.tfvars files with the values relevant to this project - the documentation for each is in the file.
  4. Run terraform plan which will list out all the changes that will be made to the infrastructure. If there are no errors and the plan looks sensible, then run terraform apply. This will take a few minutes the first time as there is a lot of infrastructure to setup.
  5. Grab the credentials to access the newly created GKE cluster via the following which will setup kubectl locally:
> gcloud --project [PROJECT_ID] container clusters get-credentials snowplow-gke

Deployed Resources

The resources deployed are as follows:

  • GKE Cluster called snowplow-gke which for now is empty besides a copy of flux which will be configured in the next step

  • A number of PubSub resources which will be used by Snowplow for each step of the processing:

  • Topics

    • collector_good - the raw events received by the collection endpoint
    • collector_bad - any broken raw events (likely due to a bad HTTP request or connection issue)
    • enriched_good - successfully validated and enriched events
    • enriched_bad - events which resulted in an error when validating/enriching
    • loader_bad_rows - events which could not be converted to a BigQuery row
    • loader_bad_inserts - BigQuery rows which failed to insert into BigQuery
    • loader_bq_types - New Snowplow schemas
  • Subscriptions

    • collector_enricher_sub - link between the collector and the enricher
    • enricher_loader_sub - link between the enricher and the loader
    • loader_bq_types_sub - used by the mutator to handle any schema evolution required on the BQ tables.
  • BigQuery

  • snowplow BigQuery Dataset

  • Empty events BigQuery table which will be used by snowplow loader (the schema will be applied by snowplow later)

  • Static IP collector-ingress-ip-static which will be assigned to the load balancer created by the ingress to the collector service in the GKE cluster.

Everything else is now deployed in the GKE cluster (which will create more GCP resources automatically and manage their lifecycle)

Step 4 - Configure Kubernetes resources

The flux/ folder contains a folder of manifests for each component which need configuring before applying to the cluster:


This is the where events are sent and is exposed as an HTTP service from the cluster. The following configuration is required:


This contains the configuration file used by snowplow collectors. The documentation is directly from snowplow's example configuration. The required parts to change are:

  • the name of the cookie to store data in
  • is the list of domains for the tracker to set cookies on
  • cookie.fallbackDomain the fallback domain should the origin not match
  • streams.sinks.googleProjectId the GCP Project ID from Step 1 - this is so it knows where the PubSub topics are

This tells GCP to create an SSL certificate for the domain you will use (see DNS section also). Add the domain(s) to the list under


This tells which hostname the load balancer should reroute traffic from to the collector service. Set the domain under spec.rules[0].host.


The enricher applies the validation and enrichments to be run on the collected events. The following configuration is required:


Under the config.hocon blob, set the correct project name input.subscription value, leaving the rest as is eg projects/[PROJECT_ID]/subscriptions/collector-enricher-sub.

Do the same for the topics good.topic and bad.topic leaving the rest as is.

resolver.json is set up to use the standard repo of schemas provided by snowplow.


Contains a list of JSON files which define the enrichments from Snowplow. ua-parser.json is provided as an example. Add more enrichments in here if you need them.

loader + mutator

The loader component takes the enriched events and writes them off to BigQuery. The loader that Snowplow provides requires configuration to be passed in as a base64 encoded JSON object. The follow is the sample JSONs which need to be base64 encoded (cat some.json | base64 does the trick on mac/linux) and then pasted into the deployment.yaml. Thankfully it is the same config for both the loader and mutator and also in mutator/init-events-table.yaml so this only needs to be done once then copied into both in the args section of the manifest:

Note that the init-events-table is a one-off job that will create the base schema of the events table. Once this job is complete the table should be visible in BQ.

  "schema": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "BigQuery",
    "id": "31b1559d-d319-4023-aaae-97698238d808",
    "projectId": "[PROJECT_ID]",
    "datasetId": "snowplow",
    "tableId": "events",
    "input": "enricher-loader-sub",
    "typesTopic": "loader-bq-types",
    "typesSubscription": "loader-bq-types-sub",
    "badRows": "loader-bad-rows",
    "failedInserts": "loader-bad-inserts",
    "load": {
      "mode": "STREAMING_INSERTS",
      "retry": false
    "purpose": "ENRICHED_EVENTS"
  "schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.iglu/resolver-config/jsonschema/1-0-1",
  "data": {
    "cacheSize": 500,
    "repositories": [
        "name": "Iglu Central",
        "priority": 0,
        "vendorPrefixes": ["com.snowplowanalytics"],
        "connection": {
          "http": {
            "uri": ""

Note: The common way to run the load is via a Cloud Dataflow job which is designed for streaming data processing in a managed environment. This comes at a cost, so Snowplow also provides a standalone version which you can run anywhere - in this case GKE. For larger scale deployments, it is recommended to switch to Dataflow.

Once all the configuration changes are made, make sure to commit and then git push any changes back to GitHub so they can be pulled down by flux.

Step 3 - Setup flux in Kubernetes cluster

Flux itself is deployed into the cluster by Terraform into a namespace called flux. When flux is deployed it generates an SSH key which needs to be added to the git repo's Deploy Keys section in the repo settings to allow the flux instance in the cluster to access the repo and grab the manifests.

Run the following command to get the key:

kubectl -n flux logs deployment/flux | grep | cut -d '"' -f2

This needs to be added as a deploy key to the repo - this needs write access.

Once complete, flux will deploy the manifests, you can run kubectl get pods --all-namespaces to see all the running pods. By default flux runs every 5 minutes.

You can install the fluxctl tool which will allow you to trigger a sync rather than wait the 5 minutes. If you have this, the command is fluxctl --k8s-fwd-ns flux sync. Note that your repo should use master rather than main as the primary branch for flux to pull it.

Step 4 - DNS

Once everything is deployed, the final piece is to create a DNS record in your DNS provider pointing at the load balancer created by the deployment. The load balancer will use the IP created earlier called collector-ingress-ip-static

To get the IP address run:

> gcloud --project [PROJECT_ID] compute addresses list

and the IP will be listed next to collector-ingress-ip-static, eg in this example it is

> gcloud --project [PROJECT_ID] compute addresses list
collector-ingress-ip-static   EXTERNAL                                    IN_USE

Create an A record in the DNS provider pointing to the listed IP address.

Note: The SSL certificate will only be generated by GCP when the DNS record has been set as it needs to check you own the domain before applying it. You can check the status of the SSL certificate via kubectl describe managedcertificate


If at any stage you want to remove the whole deployment just run terraform destroy. All resources will be removed and you will be left with an empty GCP project except for the GCS bucket holding the terraform state in it.

Logging & Monitoring

Logging is centralised in StackDriver by GCP as a managed service. The sections to look at are:

  • Logging for the output from the components running in the cluster
  • Network Load balancers for stats on the amount of traffic coming into the cluster
  • You can setup alerts on these to flag when traffic has dropped off
  • PubSub to see how many messages are being processed through the system
  • You can setup alerts on these to identity when something is stuck


There are two areas where the deployment can be scaled:

GKE Cluster (via Terraform)

You can scale up the deployment by modifying the following variables in the terraform.tfvars file for the deployment:

  • gke_instance_size defines how beefy the nodes are. You can pick any machine type that GCP provides e.g. 'n2-standard-4` gives you 4 VCPUs and 16GB of memory per-node.
  • gke_node_count defines the number of nodes that are in the cluster's node-pool to distribute the workload across

Once you have modified these values you will need to run terraform plan and terraform apply again from the terraform directory.

Kubernetes Deployments

Each of the components deployment.yaml files define the number of replicas to be created and the amount of resources each one can use. The defaults are kept low for cost reasons, but to scale, increase the replicas and request / limits fields to larger values. As you increase the resources each component can use, you will also need to scale the cluster (see above) in order for them to fit into the nodes. Change the values in this repo, then push the changes which will be picked up by flux and applied to the cluster.

Alternative, horizontal pod auto-scaling (HPA) can be set up for the deployment if the load varies overtime.

Future Work

  • Create example HPA
  • Add snowplow replayer
  • Deploy Prometheus for metrics
  • Deploy Grafana
  • Scaling based on PubSub queue size
  • Upgrade helm
  • Migrate to flux2 down


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