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Learn The DOM Interactively

By @alesanchezr and other contributors at 4Geeks Academy

last commit build by developers build by developers

This tutorial is part of a bigger group of tutorials about web development, this repository focuses only on The DOM.

You will learn the following concepts:

  1. How to select elements from your website

  2. Manipulate them with Javascript (change styles, add event listeners).

  3. Remove elements programmaticall.

  4. Change your entire website without a refresh.

I strongly recommend doing this the tutorials in this order:

  1. Introduction to HTML
  2. Introduction to CSS
  3. Introduction to Javascript
  4. Introduction to The DOM ← you are here now 🔥
  5. Using events & The DOM
  6. Object Oriented Programming


One click installation:

Open in Gitpod

Local Installation

  1. Make sure you have learnpack installed and node.js version v14+ and jest v27. This is the command to install the learnpack-cli and jest:
$ npm i learnpack jest@27.0.6 -g
  1. Clone or download this repository. Once you finish downloading, you will find a new folder with a subdirectory "exercises" that contains all the exercises within.

  2. Install the learnpack plugin to test and compile vanillajs:

$ learnpack plugins:install learnpack-dom
  1. Start the tutorial/exercises by running the following command from the root of the project:
$ learnpack start

How are the exercises organized?

Each exercise is a small vanillajs website containing the following files:

  1. index.js: represents the entry javascript file that will be executed when the website loads.
  2. index.html: represents the HTML entry for website.
  3. style.css: your website styles, they have to be imported from the index.html
  4. contains exercise instructions.
  5. test.js: you don't have to open this file, it contains the testing script for the exercise.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

  1. Alejandro Sanchez (alesanchezr), contribution: (coder) 💻 (idea) 🤔, (build-tests) ⚠️ , (pull-request-review) 🤓 (build-tutorial) ✅ (documentation) 📖

  2. Paolo (plucodev), contribution: (bug reports) 🐛, contribution: (coder), (translation) 🌎

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!