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Jupyter notebooks illustrating some key ideas from probabalistic tsunami hazard analysis. Developed to accompany the paper

Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis: Multiple Sources and Global Applications, by Anita Grezio, Andrey Babeyko, Maria Ana Baptista, Joern Behrens, Antonio Costa, Gareth Davies, Eric L. Geist, Sylfest Glimsdal, Frank I. Gonzalez, Jonathan Griffin, Carl B. Harbitz, Randall J. LeVeque, Stefano Lorito, Finn Lovholt, Rachid Omira, Christof Mueller, Raphael Paris, Tom Parsons, Jascha Polet William Power, Jacopo Selva, Mathilde B. Sorensen, and Hong Kie Thio, Reviews of Geophysics 55 (2017), pp. 1158-1198.

These notebooks are also archived at with DOI 10.5281/zenodo.816291.

Open the notebook Index.ipynb for the suggested order to view the other notebooks.

View on Github

You can view static versions of the notebooks on the Github page by clicking on a notebook in the list of files. Note that the interactive widgets do not work if you view them this way.

Run the notebooks

To get the most out of these examples, you must run the notebooks so that the interactive widgets work.

You can either clone this repository and then use a Jupyter server on your computer (see the Jupyter documentation), or run them on the cloud (see below).

If you run them, make sure that you uncomment the line

from ipywidgets import interact

and comment out the line

from snapshot_widgets import interact

in order to get live widgets. The latter is used to produce figures that can be viewed from the Github webpage.

You can execute a single cell using Shift-Enter, or select Run all from the Cell menu to execute all cells and activate all widgets.

Run on binder

You can use binder to launch a notebook server in the cloud from which you can run these notebooks from any web browser without installing anything. This may be slow to launch if binder is in heavy use:
