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Function builders (draft proposal)

  • Proposal: SE-XXXX
  • Authors: John McCall, Doug Gregor
  • Review Manager: TBD
  • Status: Awaiting review
  • Implementation: PR. Note that the implementation in the Xcode developer preview uses a somewhat simpler transformation than that described here. The linked PR reflects the implementation in the preview but is under active development to match this proposal.


This proposal describes function builders, a new feature which allows certain functions (specially-annotated, often via context) to implicitly build up a value from a sequence of components.

The basic idea is that the results of the function's statements are collected using a builder type, like so:

// Original source code:
func build() -> (Int, Int, Int) {

// This code is interpreted exactly as if it were this code:
func build() -> (Int, Int, Int) {
  let _a = 1
  let _b = 2
  let _c = 3
  return TupleBuilder.buildBlock(_a, _b, _c)

In this example, all the statements are expressions and so produce a single value apiece. Other statements, like let, if, and while, are variously either handled differently or prohibited; see the proposal details below.

In effect, this proposal allows the creation of a new class of embedded domain-specific languages in Swift by applying builder transformations to the statements of a function. The power of these builder transformations is intentionally limited so that the result preserves the dynamic semantics of the original code: the original statements of the function are still executed as normal, it's just that values which would be ignored under normal semantics are in fact collected into the result. The use of an ad hoc protocol for the builder transformation leaves room for a wide variety of future extension, whether to support new kinds of statements or to customize the details of the transformation. A similar builder pattern was used successfully for string interpolation in SE-0228.

In the next section, we will discuss the motivation for the feature. We will then develop requirements for the solution and lay out the detailed proposal. Finally, we will discuss alternative approaches.


Domain-specific languages

It's always been a core goal of Swift to allow the creation of great libraries. A lot of what makes a library great is its interface. Any library is going to require a certain amount of work to learn to use well. With a well-designed library, that work should build on and reinforce the knowledge that its users already have from using other libraries and the core language. With a poorly-designed library, that work will feel like memorizing a long list of strange new rules.

The difference hinges on a lot of different choices made by the library designers — which types to expose, what names to give to functions, and so on. Of these choices, one of the most important is which language features to use to expose the interface. As an example, a graph-like library could allow a value a to be "attached" to another value b in any number of ways:

  • a.attachment = b (a property)
  • a.attach(b) (a method)
  • graph.attach(a, b) (a method on a third value)
  • attach(a, b) (a global function)
  • a += b (overloading an existing binary operator)
  • a <-> b (defining a custom binary operator)
  • some more esoteric or unexpected feature

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages that make it more or less appropriate in different situations. If "attaching" values is only an occasional task for clients, or if that task will often be isolated in code that's doing other things which may not even involve the library at all, then it's best to stick with typical language constructs like properties and function calls so that readers won't need to "code-switch" and recognize the unusual interface of this one library. But if "attaching" values is dense in code, and especially if it tends to appear in recognizable idioms, then it's well worth considering something like a custom operator. This line of reasoning leads us towards the general language-design concept of a domain-specific language (DSL).

The term "DSL" covers a wide range of technical approaches, but in general, a DSL is a pattern of code that is "unusual" in a way that makes it better for solving a particular kind of problem. For example, SQL makes it easy to work with relational databases, hiding complexities like storage patterns and in-memory representations; this is an example of an independent DSL, which defines a totally separate programming language with its own syntax, semantics, and tooling. Independent DSLs have some advantages, but they also have significant drawbacks when used as part of a larger program; we are not proposing anything like this. Instead, we're interested in embedded DSLs: libraries that superficially use the syntax of a language, but take advantage of the language's facilities for manipulating or generating code (e.g. macro and template systems) to transform that code to have an atypical meaning. This may seem frightening, but designed well, an embedded DSL can significantly improve the fluency of code that uses it by removing boilerplate (tedious, error-prone, and inflexible once written) and papering over details that are usually unimportant.

What makes an embedded DSL well-designed? The basic rule is that the DSL should be more careful — and more explicitly recognizable — the more that its transformed semantics diverge from the ordinary behavior of the original source. For example, the ordinary behavior of a block of statements is that the statements are evaluated, one after another, until the block exits. A transformation which maintains those semantics but logged the result of each statement doesn't need much fanfare. A transformation which rewrites the block to run statements in parallel requires much more care. The more atypical the DSL is, the more the designer should be thinking about the following:

  • The DSL should be well-justified by its expected use. The point of a DSL is that its rules are somewhat different; those differences will need to be specifically learned by the library's clients, which is asking quite a lot. A DSL which only improves a handful of lines in a typical client codebase is unlikely to be worth the cognitive burden for its clients.

  • The DSL should be easily recognized at the use site if its behavior is unusual. For example, suppose we wanted to write a DSL that executed the statements of a block in parallel. (Please note that such a DSL would not be possible to write with the feature proposed here.) It would be very poor library design for an arbitrary function to casually apply such semantics to a function passed to it. A more appropriate design for such a DSL would be for there to be a single, well-known function that triggered the parallel interpretation for the argument block, e.g. something like parallel { ... }.

Declaring list and tree structures

This proposal does not aim to enable all kinds of embedded DSL in Swift. It is focused on one specific class of problem that can be significantly improved with the use of a DSL: creating lists and trees of (typically) heterogenous data from regular patterns. This is a common need across a variety of different domains, including generating structured data (e.g. XML or JSON), UI view hierarchies (notably including Apple's new SwiftUI framework, which is obviously a strong motivator for the authors), and similar use cases. In this proposal, we will be primarily working with code which generates an HTML DOM hierarchy, somewhat like a web templating language except in code; credit goes to Harlan Haskins for this example.

Suppose that you have a program, part of which generates HTML. You could, of course, directly generate a String, but that's error-prone (you have to make sure you're handling escapes and closing tags correctly throughout your code) and would make it hard to structurally process the HTML before sending it out. An alternative approach is to generate a DOM-like representation of the HTML and then render it to a String as a separate pass:

protocol HTML {
  func renderAsHTML(into stream: HTMLOutputStream)

extension String: HTML {
  func renderAsHTML(into stream: HTMLOutputStream) {

struct HTMLNode: HTML {
  var tag: String
  var attributes: [String: String] = [:]
  var children: [HTML] = []

  func renderAsHTML(into stream: HTMLOutputStream) {
    for (k, v) in attributes.sort { $0.0 < $1.0 } {
      stream.write(" ")
    if children.isEmpty {
    } else {
      for child in children {
        child.renderAsHTML(into: stream)

To make it easier to build these HTML hierarchies, we can define a bunch of convenient node-builder functions corresponding to common nodes:

func body(_ children: [HTML]) -> HTMLNode { ... }
func div(_ children: [HTML]) -> HTMLNode { ... }
func p(_ children: [HTML]) -> HTMLNode { ... }
func h1(_ text: String) -> HTMLNode { ... }

Unfortunately, even with these helper functions, it's still pretty awkward to actually produce a complex hierarchy because of all the lists of children:

return body([
    h1("Chapter 1. Loomings."),
    p(["Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"]),
    p(["There is now your insular city"])
    h1("Chapter 2. The Carpet-Bag."),
    p(["I stuffed a shirt or two"])

The first problem is that there's a lot of punctuation here: commas, parentheses, and brackets. This is a pretty superficial problem, and it's probably not a showstopper by itself, but it is something that it'd be nice to avoid, because it does distract a little from the content.

The second problem is that, because we're using array literals for the children, the type-checker is going to require the elements to have a homogeneous type. That's fine for our HTML example, but it's limiting in general, because some trees are more generic and would benefit from propagating the types of the children into the type of the node. For example, SwiftUI uses this for various optimizations within the view hierarchy.

The biggest problem, though, is that it's awkward to change the structure of this hierarchy. That's fine if our hierarchy is just the static contents of Moby Dick, but in reality, we're probably generating HTML that should vary significantly based on dynamic information. For example, if we wanted to allow chapter titles to be turned off in the output, we'd have to restructure that part of the code like this:

div((useChapterTitles ? [h1("Chapter 1. Loomings.")] : []) +
    [p(["Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"]),
     p(["There is now your insular city"])])

It's also harder to use good coding practices within this hierarchy. For example, suppose there's a common string we want to use many times, and so we want to create a variable for it:

let chapter = spellOutChapter ? "Chapter " : ""
h1(chapter + "1. Loomings.")
h1(chapter + "2. The Carpet-Bag.")

Most programmers would advise declaring this variable in as narrow a scope as possible and as close as possible to where it's going to be used. But because the entire hierarchy is an expression, and there's no easy to declare variables within expressions, every variable like this has to be declared above the entire hierarchy. (Now, it's true that there's a trick for declaring locals within expressions: you can start a closure, which gives you a local scope that you can use to declare whatever you want, and then immediately call it. But this is awkward in its own way and significantly adds to the punctuation problem.)

Some of these problems would be solved, at least in part, if the hierarchy was built up by separate statements:

let chapter = spellOutChapter ? "Chapter " : ""

let d1header = useChapterTitles ? [h1(chapter + "1. Loomings.")] : []
let d1p1 = p(["Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"])
let d1p2 = p(["There is now your insular city"])
let d1 = div(d1header + [d1p1, d1p2])

let d2header = useChapterTitles ? [h1(chapter + "2. The Carpet-Bag.")] : []
let d2p1 = p(["I stuffed a shirt or two"])
let d2 = div(d2header + [d2p1])

return body([d1, d2])

But in most ways, this is substantially worse. There's quite a lot of extra code that's made it much more difficult to track what's really going on. That's especially true with all the explicit data flow, where it can tough to piece together what nodes are children of others; moreover, that code is as tedious to write as it is to read, making it very prone to copy-paste bugs. Furthermore, the basic structure of the hierarchy used to be clear from the code, and that's been completely lost: all of the nicely-nested calls to node builders have been flattened into one sequence. Also, while optional children are a common problem for this hierarchy, the actual code to handle them has to be repeated over and over again, leading to boilerplate and bugs. Overall, this is not a good approach at all.

What we really want is a compromise between these two approaches:

  • We want the programming flexibility that comes from building things up with ordinary blocks of code: the ability to have local declarations and explicit control flow.

  • We want the explicit recursive structure and implicit data flow that comes from building things up with expression operands.

This suggests a straightforward resolution: allow certain blocks of code to have implicit data flow out of the block and into the context which entered the block. Let's put details aside for a moment and let our imaginations run wild. The goal here is to allow this node hierarchy to be declared something like this:

return body {
  let chapter = spellOutChapter ? "Chapter " : ""
  div {
    if useChapterTitles {
      h1(chapter + "1. Loomings.")
    p {
      "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"
    p {
      "There is now your insular city"
  div {
    if useChapterTitles {
      h1(chapter + "2. The Carpet-Bag.")
    p {
      "I stuffed a shirt or two"

Suppose this was possible. Is this a good language design? Is this a good use of an embedded DSL?

Evaluating DSLs

Earlier, we established three core considerations for answering questions like the above:

  • First, how divergent are the semantics of this DSL? At a glance, without having yet developed a detailed technical design for it, it certainly looks as though this DSL ought to be able to follow the normal type-checking, control-flow, and evaluation rules of Swift. The only thing that we'd expect to be different is that a few values which would normally be ignored will instead need to be captured as the children of their corresponding nodes. That's not an insignificant change, but it's close enough that a programmer who fails to recognize the DSL right away probably won't be too surprised by the behavior.

  • Second, how well-justified is this DSL by its use sites? Does it "pay off" for programmers to learn it in order to use this HTML library? In this case it probably does: it's likely that there will be a substantial amount of HTML-producing code at each use site that will be improved by the DSL.

  • Third, how recognizable is the DSL from the use site? Or, balancing this with the divergence consideration above, What's the expected harm introduced by the DSL for an unsuspecting programmer who needs to understand a use site? In this case, it seems likely that a programmer would recognize that something strange is happening from the large number of statements which normally would have no purpose. Furthermore, if they're at all familiar with common HTML tags, they're likely to immediately grasp what the code must be doing even if they don't understand how it's doing it. In other words, the code in the DSL is quite visually distinctive, as well as fairly suggestive of its behavior. The expected harm is low.

On balance, then, this HTML DSL seems like good design.

Now, of course, this proposal is not proposing an HTML DSL; it's proposing the language feature that enables things like it to be created. We've been working through this exercise with the HTML DSL for three reasons:

  • We believe it demonstrates the value of enabling this class of DSL and therefore helps to justify the function-builder feature that we're proposing.

  • We're aware that DSL-enabling features like this can be used excessively or inappropriately in ways that damage the ecosystem of the language. Therefore, we do think it's important to provide some guidelines for their appropriate use. Almost as importantly, we want to reassure the community that those guidelines both exist and can be enforced by community pressure. Having community consensus around these principles is part of how we keep these features “in check”.

  • We believe that the limitations on the DSL feature we're actually proposing will largely only enable DSLs that follow at least two of the guidelines we've laid out:

    • Transformations have very limited power to change the original semantics of the function. A transformation works via function calls which are generated at specific points in the function. This does not allow it to re-order, skip, or alter the evaluation of the existing statements (beyond possibly applying a contextual type). The generated calls can trigger confusing global side effects, but that is a level of concern which Swift has generally chosen to ignore in the design of language features, since the confusion would necessarily be somewhat self-inflicted. Otherwise, there isn't much the transformation can actually do besides collect and transform the partial results.

    • Transformations that rely on collecting partial results will usually be straightforward to recognize at the use site: as we saw with the HTML DSL, code blocks will contain expressions producing partial results in places where the expression would normally be ignored, and this will usually be visually distinctive.

  • Thus, evaluating whether a DSL enabled by this feature is good design will mostly come down to deciding whether it's justified by its impact on typical client code, which is a standard interface-design question.

Detailed requirements

Earlier, we put details aside; let's consider them now in order to figure out what's necessary in order to enable DSLs like the above.

Consider this code from the example:

body {
  let chapter = spellOutChapter ? "Chapter " : ""
  div {
  div {

The DSL has to be embedded into the ordinary language somehow, which means that at least the outermost layer must obey something like ordinary language rules. Under ordinary language rules, this is a function call to body passing a trailing closure. It makes sense, then, that what we're doing is taking the body of the anonymous function and apply some sort of transformation to it. This raises a series of separate questions:

  1. What it is about this source code that triggers the transformation? We have chosen not to require an explicit annotation on every closure that needs transformation; see Alternatives Considered for a discussion. So somehow this must get picked up from the fact that we're passing the closure to body.

  2. Given that the transformation is going to collect a bunch of information, how does that information get back to body? Since the transformation is working on a function body, this one's straightforward: the collected information will just be the return value of the function. There's no requirement to support this transformation simultaneously with ordinary return.

  3. Given that the transformation has collected a sequence of partial results, how do they get combined to produce a return value? We could simply always produce a tuple, but that isn't necessarily what the caller actually wants. In particular, it may be useful to allow the DSL to do different things for different partial results. The logical answer is that there should be a function somehow provided by the DSL to combine the partial results, and this function might need to be generic or overloaded.

  4. Given that the transformation might collect a partial result within optionally-executed code (e.g. in an if statement), what should be passed to the combining function? The transformation can be taught to produce an optional value of the partial result type, but the DSL needs to be able to distinguish between a partial result that is optionally produced and a partial result that coincidentally happens to be of optional type. The logical answer is that there should be a function provided by the DSL to translate optional partial results into "ordinary" partial results that can be collected normally.

These last two points (and some other considerations) strongly suggest that the DSL should be identified with a type that can provide an arbitrary namespace of functions that can be used as ad hoc customization points for the transformation.

Detailed design

SE-0258 introduced the concept of custom attributes to Swift, and while that proposal is still under development on its main subject, the Core Team has accepted the portions relating to custom attributes as a useful technical direction. We will build on that here.

Function builder types

A function builder type is a type that can be used as a function builder, which is to say, as an embedded DSL for collecting partial results from the expression-statements of a function and combining them into a return value.

A function builder type must satisfy one basic requirement:

  • It must be annotated with the @functionBuilder attribute, which indicates that it is intended to be used as a function builder type and allows it to be used as a custom attribute.

In addition, to be practically useful, it must supply a sufficient set of function-builder methods to translate the kinds of functions which the DSL desires to translate.

Function builder attributes

A function builder type can be used as an attribute in two different syntactic positions. The first position is on a func, var, or subscript declaration. For the var and subscript, the declaration must define a getter, and the attribute is treated as if it were an attribute on that getter. The func, var, or subscript may not be a protocol requirement or any other sort of declaration which does not define an implementation. A function builder attribute used in this way causes the function builder transform to be applied to the body of the function; it is not considered part of the interface of the function and does not affect its ABI.

A function builder type can also be used as an attribute on a parameter of function type, including on parameters of protocol requirements. A function builder attribute used in this way causes the function builder transform to be applied to the body of any explicit closures that are passed as the corresponding argument, unless the closure contains a return statement. This is considered part of the interface of the function and can affect source compatibility, although it does not affect its ABI.

Function-building methods

To be useful as a function builder, the function builder type must provide a sufficient subset of the function-building methods. The protocol between the compiler's generated code and the function builder type is intended to be ad hoc and arbitrarily extensible in the future.

Function-building methods are static methods that can be called on the function builder type. Calls to function-building methods are type-checked as if a programmer had written BuilderType.<methodName>(<arguments>), where the arguments (including labels) are as described below; therefore, all the ordinary overload resolution rules apply. However, in some cases the function builder transform changes its behavior based on whether a function builder type declares a certain method at all; it is important to note that this is a weaker check, and it may be satisfied by a method that cannot in fact ever be successfully called on the given builder type.

This is a quick reference for the function-builder methods currently proposed. The typing here is subtle, as it often is in macro-like features. In the following descriptions, Expression stands for any type that is acceptable for an expression-statement to have (that is, a raw partial result), Component stands for any type that is acceptable for a partial or combined result to have, and Return stands for any type that is acceptable to be ultimately returned by the transformed function.

  • buildExpression(_ expression: Expression) -> Component is used to lift the results of expression-statements into the Component internal currency type. It is only necessary if the DSL wants to either (1) distinguish Expression types from Component types or (2) provide contextual type information for statement-expressions.

  • buildBlock(_ components: Component...) -> Component is used to build combined results for most statement blocks.

  • buildFunction(_ components: Component...) -> Return is used to build combined results for top-level function bodies. It is only necessary if the DSL wants to distinguish Component types from Return types, e.g. if it wants builders to internally traffic in some type that it doesn't really want to expose to clients. If it isn't declared, buildBlock will be used instead.

  • buildDo(_ components: Component...) -> Component is used to build combined results for do statement bodies, if special treatment is wanted for them. If it isn't declared, buildBlock will be used instead.

  • buildOptional(_ component: Component?) -> Component is used to build a partial result in an enclosing block from the result of an optionally-executed sub-block. If it isn't declared, optionally-executed sub-blocks are ill-formed.

  • buildEither(first: Component) -> Component and buildEither(second: Component) -> Component are used to build partial results in an enclosing block from the result of either of two (or more, via a tree) optionally-executed sub-blocks. If they aren't both declared, the alternatives will instead be flattened and handled with buildOptional; the either-tree approach may be preferable for some DSLs.

The function builder transform

The function builder transform is a recursive transformation operating on statement blocks and the individual statements within them.

Statement blocks

Within a statement block, the individual statements are separately transformed into sequences of statements which are then concatenated. Each such sequence may optionally produce a single partial result, which is an expression (typically a reference to a local variable) which can be used later in the block.

After the transformation has been applied to all the statements, an expression is generated to form a combined result by calling the appropriate sequence function-building method, with all the partial results as unlabelled arguments:

  • if the statement block is the body of a do statement, and the function builder type declares a buildDo function-building method, buildDo is called;

  • if the statement block is the top-level body of a function, and the function builder type declares a buildFunction function-building method, buildFunction is called;

  • otherwise, buildBlock is called.

If the statement block is the top-level body of the function being transformed, the final statement in the transformed block is a return with the combined result expression as its operand. Otherwise, the combined result is propagated outwards, typically by assigning it (possibly after a transformation) to a local variable in the enclosing block; the exact rule is specified in the section for the enclosing statement below.

Declaration statements

Local declarations are left alone by the transformation.


An expression statement which performs an assignment is left alone by the transformation. An expression statement performs an assignment if (ignoring parentheses and any operators in the try family) its top-level form is a use of an assignment operator (either the = simple-assignment operator or a binary operator with the assignment attribute).

Expression statements

An expression statement which does not perform an assignment is transformed as follows:

  • If the function builder type declares the buildExpression function-building method, the transformation calls it, passing the expression-statement as a single unlabeled argument. This call expression is hereafter used as the expression statement. This call is type-checked together with the statement-expression and may influence its type.

  • The statement-expression is used to initialize a unique variable of the statement-expression's result type, as if by let v = <expression>. This variable is treated as a partial result of the containing block. References to this variable are type-checked independently from it so that they do not affect the type of the expression.

The ability to control how expressions are embedded into partial results is an important advantage for certain kinds of DSL, including our HTML example. In the original HTML example, we have an HTML protocol with a very small (and essentially fixed) number of implementing types. This would probably be more natural to represent in Swift as an enum rather than a protocol, but that would prevent a String from being written directly wherever an HTML was required, which would make complex HTML literals even more onerous to write in our original, pre-DSL solution:

return body([
    h1("Chapter 1. Loomings."),
    p([.text("Call me Ishmael. Some years ago")]),
    p([.text("There is now your insular city")])
    h1("Chapter 2. The Carpet-Bag."),
    p([.text("I stuffed a shirt or two")])

By using a DSL with buildExpression, however, we can use an enum for its natural representational, pattern-matching, and other advantages, then just add overloads to buildExpression to make it easier to build common cases within the DSL:

static func buildExpression(_ text: String) -> [HTML] {
  return [.text(text)]

static func buildExpression(_ node: HTMLNode) -> [HTML] {
  return [.node(node)]

static func buildExpression(_ value: HTML) -> [HTML] {
  return [value]

Selection statements

if/else chains and switch statements produce values conditionally depending on their cases. There are two basic transformation patterns which can be used, depending on what the builder type provides; we'll show examples of each, then explain the details of the transformation.

Consider the following DSL code:

if i == 0 {
} else if i == 1 {
} else {

The first transformation pattern for selection statements turns each case into its own optional partial result in the enclosing block. This is a simple transformation which is easy to enable, but it produces more partial results in the enclosing block and therefore may be less efficient to handle at runtime. Under this pattern, the example code becomes:

var v0opt: String?
var v1opt: String?
var v2opt: Tree?
if i == 0 {
  v0opt = "0"
} else if i == 1 {
  v1opt = "1"
} else {
  v2opt = generateFibTree(i)
let v0 = BuilderType.buildOptional(v0opt)
let v1 = BuilderType.buildOptional(v1opt)
let v2 = BuilderType.buildOptional(v2opt)

The second transformation pattern produces a balanced binary tree of injections into a single partial result in the enclosing block. This can be more efficient in some cases, but it's also more work to enable it in the function builder type, and many DSLs won't substantially benefit. Under this pattern, the example code becomes something like the following:

let v: PartialResult
if i == 0 {
  v = BuilderType.buildEither(first: "0")
} else if i == 1 {
  v = BuilderType.buildEither(second:
        BuilderType.buildEither(first: "1"))
} else {
  v = BuilderType.buildEither(second:
        BuilderType.buildEither(second: generateFibTree(i)))

The detailed transformation of selection statements proceeds as follows. The child blocks of the statement are first analyzed to determine the number N of cases that can produce results and whether there are any cases that don't. The implementation is permitted to analyze multiple nesting levels of statements at once; e.g. if a case consists solely of an if chain, the cases of the if can be treated recursively as cases of the switch at the implementation's discretion. A missing else is a separate case for the purposes of this analysis.

If N = 0, the statement is ignored by the transformation. Otherwise, an injection strategy is chosen:

  • If the function builder type declares the buildEither(first:) and buildEither(second:) function-building methods, a full binary tree with N leaves (the injection tree) is chosen, and each result-producing case is uniquely assigned a leaf in it; these decisions are implementation-defined. A unique variable vMerged of fresh type is declared before the statement.

  • Otherwise, unique variables vCase are declared before the statement for each result-producing case.

The transformation then proceeds as follows:

  • In each result-producing case, the transformation is applied recursively. As the final statement in the case, the combined result is injected and assigned outwards:

    • If the statement is not using an injection tree, the combined result is wrapped in Optional.Some and assigned to the appropriate vCase.

    • Otherwise, the path from the root of the injection tree to the appropriate leaf is considered. An expression is formed by the following rules and then assigned to vMerged:

      • For an empty path, the original combined result from the case.

      • For a left branch through the tree, a call to the function-building method buildEither(first:) with the argument being the injection expression for the remainder of the path.

      • For a right branch through the tree, the same but with buildEither(second:).

      • Finally, if there are any non-result-producing cases, the expression is wrapped in Optional.some.

      For example, if the path to the case's leaf is left, left, right, and there are non-result-producing cases, and the original combined result is E, then the injection expression assigned to vMerged is

            BuilderType.buildEither(second: E))))`

      Note that all of the assignments to vMerged will be type-checked together, which should allow any free generic arguments in the result types of the injections to be unified.

  • After the statement, if the statement is not using an injection tree or if there are any non-result-producing cases, then for each of the variables v declared above, a new unique variable v2 is initialized by calling the function-building method buildOptional(``:) with v as the argument, and v2 is then a partial result of the surrounding block. Otherwise, there is a unique variable vMerged, and vMerged is a partial result of the surrounding block.

Imperative control-flow statements

return statements are ill-formed when they appear within a transformed function. However, note that the transformation is suppressed in closures that contain a return statement, so this rule is only applicable in funcs and getters that explicitly provide the attribute. Some cases of return may be supported in the future.

break and continue statements are ill-formed when they appear within a transformed function. These statements may be supported in some situations in the future, for example by treating all potentially-skipped partial results as optional.

guard is provisionally ill-formed when it appears within a transformed function. Situations in which this statement may appear may be supported in the future, such as when the statement does not produce a partial result.

Exception-handling statements

throw statements are left alone by the transformation.

defer statements are left alone by the transformation. It is ill-formed if the deferred block produces a result.

do statements with catch blocks are provisionally ill-formed when encountered in transformed functions unless none of the nested blocks produce a result. Some cases of these statements may be supported in the future.

do statements

do statements without catch blocks are transformed as follows:

  • A unique variable v is declared immediately prior to the do.

  • The transformation is applied recursively to the child statement block except that, if the function builder type declares the buildDo function-building method, the transformation calls that instead of buildBlock.

  • The combined result is assigned to v as the final statement in the child block, and v becomes a partial result of the containing block.


Let's return to our earlier example and work out how to define a function-builder DSL for it. First, we need to define a basic function builder type:

struct HTMLBuilder {
  // We'll use these typealiases to make the lifting rules clearer in this example.
  // Function builders don't really require these to be specific types that can
  // be named this way!  For example, Expression could be "either a String or an
  // HTMLNode", and we could just overload buildExpression to accept either.
  // Similarly, Component could be "any Collection of HTML", and we'd just have
  // to make buildBlock et al generic functions to support that.  But we'll keep
  // it simple so that we can write these typealiases.

  // Expression-statements in the DSL should always produce an HTML value.
  typealias Expression = HTML

  // "Internally" to the DSL, we'll just build up flattened arrays of HTML
  // values, immediately flattening any optionality or nested array structure.
  typealias Component = [HTML]

  // Given an expression result, "lift" it into a Component.
  // If Component were "any Collection of HTML", we could have this return
  // CollectionOfOne to avoid an array allocation.
  static func buildExpression(_ expression: Expression) -> Component {
    return [expression]

  // Build a combined result from a list of partial results by concatenating.
  // If Component were "any Collection of HTML", we could avoid some unnecessary
  // reallocation work here by just calling joined().
  static func buildBlock(_ children: Component...) -> Component {
    return children.flatMap { $0 }

  // We can provide this overload as a micro-optimization for the common case
  // where there's only one partial result in a block.  This shows the flexibility
  // of using an ad-hoc builder pattern.
  static func buildBlock(_ component: Component) -> Component {
    return component
  // Handle optionality by turning nil into the empty list.  
  static func buildOptional(_ children: Component?) -> Component {
    return children ?? []
  // We could avoid a small amount of work here with certain if/else patterns
  // by implementing the buildEither functions, but we'll keep it simple.

Next, we need to adjust our convenience functions to use it:

func body(@HTMLBuilder makeChildren: () -> [HTML]) -> HTMLNode {
  return HTMLNode(tag: "body", attributes: [:], children: makeChildren())
func div(@HTMLBuilder makeChildren: () -> [HTML]) -> HTMLNode { ... }
func p(@HTMLBuilder makeChildren: () -> [HTML]) -> HTMLNode { ... }

Now we can go back to the example code and see how the transformation acts on a small part of it:

div {
  if useChapterTitles {
    h1(chapter + "1. Loomings.")
  p {
    "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"
  p {
    "There is now your insular city"

The transformation proceeds one-by-one through the top-level statements of the closure body passed to div.

For the if statement, we see that there are two cases: the “then” case and the implicit “else” case. The first produces a result (because it has a non-assignment expression-statement), the second does not. We apply the recursive transformation to the “then” case:

  if useChapterTitles {
    let v0: [HTML] = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(h1(chapter + "1. Loomings."))
    // combined result is HTMLBuilder.buildBlock(v0)

We're not using an injection tree because the function builder type doesn't declare those methods, but it would work out to the same code anyway:

  var v0_opt: [HTML]?
  if useChapterTitles {
    let v0: [HTML] = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(h1(chapter + "1. Loomings."))
    v0_opt = v0
  let v0_result = HTMLBuilder.buildOptional(v0_opt)
  // partial result is v0_result

The two calls to p happen to involve arguments which are also transformed blocks; we'll leave those alone for now, but suffice it to say that they'll also get transformed in time when the type-checker gets around to checking those calls. These are just non-assignment expression-statements, so we just lift them into the Component type:

div {
  var v0_opt: [HTML]?
  if useChapterTitles {
    let v0: [HTML] = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(h1(chapter + "1. Loomings."))
    v0_opt = v0
  let v0_result = HTMLBuilder.buildOptional(v0_opt)
  let v1 = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(p {
    "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"
  let v2 = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(p {
    "There is now your insular city"
  // partial results are v0_result, v1, v2

Finally, we finish this block. This is the top-level body of the function, but the function builder type doesn't declare buildFunction, so we just fall back on using buildBlock again:

div {
  var v0_opt: [HTML]?
  if useChapterTitles {
    let v0: [HTML] = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(h1(chapter + "1. Loomings."))
    v0_opt = v0
  let v0_result = HTMLBuilder.buildOptional(v0_opt)
  let v1 = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(p {
    "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago"
  let v2 = HTMLBuilder.buildExpression(p {
    "There is now your insular city"
  return HTMLBuilder.buildBlock(v0_result, v1, v2)

This closure has now been completely transformed (except for the nested closures passed to p).

Source compatibility

Function builders are an additive feature which should not effect existing source code.

Because some decisions with function builders are implementation-defined, e.g. the structure of the injection tree for switch statements, it is possible that certain DSLs will observe differences in behavior across future compiler versions if they are written to observe such differences.

Effect on ABI stability and API resilience

Function builders are based on compile-time code generation and do not require support from the language runtime or standard library.

Because function builders are essentially a kind of macro system, where the details of expansion are basically an aspect of the current implementation rather than necessarily a stable interface, library authors are encouraged to make as much as possible inlinable and, if possible, non-ABI.

Future Directions

If Swift supported custom attributes on statements, those attributes could be evaluated at runtime and then passed to the appropriate function-building method. For example, consider code like this:

do {

This Group value could be passed to buildDo along with the partial results, which would create interesting new avenues for DSL extension.

Certain statements which are currently banned in transformed functions could be supported in the future:

  • Iteration statements could be handled by capturing the result of each iteration in an array. For for, this effectively turns the loop into a map on the iterated-over collection. Some DSLs might prefer to evaluate this map lazily, since this is more efficient e.g. for the rows of a table view; that wouldn't be reasonable to do by default because of the divergence from normal language semantics, but it might be reasonable to request with a custom attribute on the for statement.
  • Local control flow statements that aren't “strictly structural”, like break, continue, and do/catch, could be handled by treating subsequent partial results as optional, as if they appeared within an if.
  • return could be allowed with no argument, allowing an early exit from the entire function; all currently-collected partial results would be returned and all subsequent partial results would be treated as optional, as with break.
  • defer could be allowed to produce results.

More kinds of expressions could be recognized as not producing a result. In particular, expressions which produce Void should probably be implicitly ignored. Currently they must be explicitly ignored, e.g. _ = assert(...).

Function builders have no ability to interact with local bindings and are therefore substantially less general than what you can do with, say, monads in Haskell. Some specific monad-like use cases could be supported by allowing function builders to carry local state, making function-builder methods into instance calls on a value initialized (somehow) at the start of the function. Others are harder to imagine how they could be integrated into the model.

buildBlock is somewhat inconvenient (and inefficient) for the case of just building up an array of results across different nesting levels. It might be worth adding an alternative set of function-building methods that are more targeted to this pattern.

It is common for DSLs to want to introduce shorthands which might not be unreasonable to introduce into the global scope. For example, p might be a reasonable name in the context of our HTMLBuilder DSL, but actually introducing a global function named p just for DSL use is quite unfortunate. Contextual lookups like .p will generally not work at the top level in DSLs because they will be interpreted as continuations of the previous statement. It would be good if there was some way for the DSL to affect lexical lookup within transformed functions (although this might be unfortunate for features like code-completion and diagnostics).

It might be a good idea to allow attributes directly on closures so that the builder transform can be specifically requested (or suppressed, if there's a well-known no-op transform).

Alternatives considered

There are a number of ways that a similar “structured data” DSL could be embedded in Swift that would work today. Some of these have been discussed above in part.

Children as arguments

First, children could be written out in as arguments:

  h1(chapter + "1. Loomings"),
  "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago",
  "There is now your insular city"

This has some substantial disadvantages, many of which are shared with other alternatives that we'll cover:

  • An argument list cannot have a parameter clause, so if it's useful to parameterize the children for some reason, this won't work and we'll have to find another way of expressing the children, creating inconsistencies between similar features.

  • An argument list cannot introduce local variables that are convenient for the definition of multiple arguments.

  • There's no way to dynamically omit a call argument. We could pass an Optional-typed argument, but then (1) we'll have to find a way of constructing that at each call site and (2) we'll have to interpret those down to the arguments we actually want in each callee.

  • It isn't typical to have a large explanatory comment on an argument, but it's not hard to imagine wanting a good explanatory comment on a child in a complex hierarchy.

  • As the number of children grows large, and in particular if children have explanatory comments, the use of comma separators between children seems increasingly arbitrary. This relatively minor objection could be addressed by the adoption of SE-0257, if it fell into a case where the community was prepared to accept comma elision.

  • This call has not been formatted using the standard rules for call arguments. If we do follow standard rules, we'll lose a most of the visual uniformity that makes the structure immediately obvious to readers; we'll probably also be over-indented, which could be a problem if the child expressions are complex (e.g. if the hierarchy is deep). If we don't follow standard rules, we'll be undermining code-formatting principles for a poorly-defined exception.

  • If the call arguments are part of the call forming the parent, and there are other arguments to this call, it may be difficult to visually distinguish those arguments from the children. If the call arguments are part of a separate call forming the parent, the API must be designed to deal with the possibility that the code never actually makes a call providing any children (or makes it twice).

Children as subsript operands

Second, children could be written in subscripts, as a sort of “trailing array literal”:

div [
  h1(chapter + "1. Loomings"),
  "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago",
  "There is now your insular city"

This has essentially the same disadvantages as call arguments. The subscript arguments will always be a separate “call” from any arguments forming the parent, so the API must be designed to deal with the possibility that the code never actually makes a call providing any children.

Children as tuple elements

Third, children could be written in tuple literals that are passed as arguments to calls or subscripts:

  (h1(chapter + "1. Loomings"),
   "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago",
   "There is now your insular city")

This has essentially the same disadvantages as call arguments, except that parameterization is more natural: an API that could take one of these tuples could just as well be written to be passed a function that returns one of them.

Children as array literals

Fourth, children could be written in array literals that are passed as arguments to calls or subscripts:

  h1(chapter + "1. Loomings"),
  "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago",
  "There is now your insular city"

This has essentially the same disadvantages as call arguments, except:

  • List concatenation is a natural way of skipping or replacing children dynamically, although it does take a fair amount of boilerplate to do so.

  • It is not possible to propagate the individual types of children or to enforce that the children will have essentially the same (possibly conditional/alternative) structure on every invocation.

  • The syntax feels more heavyweight.

It would be possible to augment array literals to have some of the structural expressive power of blocks: for example, if and else could be allowed within the literal to conditionally exclude elements from the built array:

let numbers = [
  if composites {
  if composites {
  if composites {

This is an interesting idea that might be worth considering on its own as a way to simplify the creation of certain arrays and dictionaries. However, it would be problematic to use this as a basis for a more general DSL feature:

  • Many DSLs wouldn't read well as an array literal.

  • Array literals naturally expect elements to have uniform type, which may be inappropriate, limiting, or awkward for many DSLs.

  • The inability to inject code at various points in the list significantly restricts the kinds of DSL that can be written.

  • This treatment of if is challenging to extend to other structures:

    • switch would collide with the possible future introduction of switch expressions, since the case bodies of the switch would be element lists and not expressions;

    • the scope of a let would not naturally extend over later elements; and

    • for would be somewhat strange to read in an array literal and would introduce some significant implementation hurdles.

Children provided separately

Instead of being provided a list of children, the parent could be given all the children separately:

  .child(h1(chapter + "1. Loomings"))
  .child("Call me Ishmael. Some years ago")
  .child("There is now your insular city")

This has some but not all of the disadvantages of call arguments (no parameterization (at least across children), no local variables, no way to omit children without breaking into multiple expressions or adding conditional-child methods, no way to know when the children are complete). It's admirably clear about intent, but it is significantly more heavyweight.

Advantages of adapting function bodies

That's pretty much it for alternatives that don't extend Swift in some way. Among true extensions, closure/function syntax is the most natural vehicle given:

  • the already-common use of braces in Swift and its ancestor languages for grouping,
  • the already-well-defined rules for statement separation, which have been shaping language and library design for years (as opposed to the novel rules for SE-0257, which clearly run into difficulties),
  • the ability to define the feature simply as a transformation of a function body rather than needing to define a new kind of language structure,
  • the existing ability of functions to take parameters and capture local state,
  • the existing ability of functions to have local declarations, and
  • the existing ability of functions to have local conditional / iterative structure via if/ switch / for.

Marking the use of a DSL at use sites

If we take as given that the feature should adapt function-body syntax, it is reasonable to ask whether the use of a DSL should be explicitly identified on all affected function bodies. The chief tensions here are that:

  • While an annotation might be acceptable on the top-most body (at least in some use-cases), applying it at every level in the literal would be very onerous. Even the short examples we gave in the main proposal have half a dozen or more different closures that need to be transformed, many of them one-liners; if each needed its own @HTMLBuilder annotation, the attributes would visually dominate the entire literal. This would also be error-prone; a missing annotation might produce awful diagnostics. Also, bear in mind that different DSLs may be in use at different places in a program, so it's not enough to say that a transformation is being applied, it's necessary to say which transformation is being applied.

  • Requiring an annotation on the outermost function and then propagating it to lexically-nested closures avoids “attribute overload” but is quite limiting on the DSL. For one, there may be compelling reasons for the DSL to use non-DSL functions within its body; for example, a UI hierarchy might want to directly define handler functions for various events. This suggests that there would have to be a way of turning off the lexical propagation (which would be error-prone in much the same way as non-propagation would be). Second, a DSL might actually consist of multiple similar function builder types used in different positions; this sort of implementation detail should not be allowed to become a serious usability problem for clients.

Therefore, we are proposing a model where the need for a function builder transformation can be inferred from type context, which is somewhat more “magical” than Swift generally prefers but also allows very lightweight-feeling DSLs, with the hope that the guidelines we've laid out in this proposal will help to limit abuse.

Specific function-building methods

The function-building methods in this proposal have been deliberately chosen to cover the different situations in which results can be produced rather than to try to closely match the different source structures that can give rise to these situations. For example, there is a buildOptional that works with an optional result, which might be optional for many different reasons, rather than a buildIf that takes a condition and the result of applying the transformation to the controlled block of the if. The latter would more closely resemble the rules of an arbitrary term rewriter, but it is not be possible to come up with a finite set of such rules that could be soundly applied to an arbitrary function in Swift. For example, there would be no way to to apply that buildIf to an if let condition: for one, the condition isn't just a boolean expression, but more importantly, the controlled block cannot be evaluated before the condition has been (uniquely and successfully) evaluated to bind the let variable. We could perhaps add a buildIfLet to handle this, but the same idea could never be extended to allow a buildIfCase or buildReturn. Such things require a true term-rewriting system, which may be desirable but is far beyond the scope of this proposal.

if and switch expressions vs. buildEither

If Swift had the ability to treat if and switch as expressions, then those statements could be transformed into their corresponding expressions, using their internal results as the expression result. Some community members have suggested that this would eliminate the need for the complexity around their transformation, e.g. buildEither. However:

  • While an if expression would always require an else, if statements do not, and so some special treatment like buildOptional would still be required.

  • The ordinary type-checking rule for if and switch expressions would be that all the cases must produce the same type. This rule works for DSLs where Component is a specific type, but it does not work if Component is merely a family of types. For example, in our HTMLBuilder example, we discussed the possibility of making Component be any Collection of HTML, not just [HTML]; this would not be possible under this simplified transformation because an if expression in which the cases produced different collection types would not type-check. Similarly, the SwiftUI DSL encodes the structure of child Views in the type of a composite View; different cases will generally have different structure and therefore different types. One goal of the buildEither transformation is to permit a DSL to gracefully handle this sort of type difference.