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765 lines (637 loc) · 34.3 KB

@isolated(any) Function Types


The actor isolation of a function is an important part of how it's used. Swift can reason precisely about the isolation of a specific function declaration, but when functions are passed around as values, Swift's function types are not expressive enough to keep up. This proposal adds a new kind of function type that carries its function's actor isolation dynamically. This solves a variety of expressivity problems in the language. It also allows features such as the standard library's task-creation APIs to be implemented more efficiently and with stronger semantic guarantees.


The safety of Swift concurrency relies on understanding the isolation requirements of functions. The caller of an isolated synchronous function must run it in an appropriately-isolated context or else the function will almost certainly introduce data races.

Function declarations and closures in Swift support three different forms of actor isolation:

  • They can be non-isolated.
  • They can be isolated to a specific global actor type.
  • They can be isolated to a specific parameter or captured value.

A function's isolation can be specified or inferred in many ways. Non-isolation is the default if no other rules apply, and it can also be specified explicitly with the nonisolated modifier. Global actor isolation can be expressed explicitly with a global actor attribute, such as @MainActor, but it can also be inferred from context, such as in the methods of main-actor-isolated types. A function can explicitly declare one of its parameters as isolated to isolate itself to the value of that parameter; this is also done implicitly to the self parameter of an actor method if the method doesn't explicitly use some other isolation. Closure expressions can be declared with a global actor attribute, and there is a proposal currently being developed to also allow them to have an explicit isolated capture or to be explicitly non-isolated. Additionally, when you pass a closure expression directly to the Task initializer, that closure is inferred to have the isolation of the enclosing context.1 These rules are fairly complex, but at the end of the day, they all boil down to this: every function is assigned one of the three kinds of actor isolation above.

When a function is called directly, Swift's isolation checker can analyze its isolation precisely and compare that to the isolation of the calling context. However, when a call expression calls an opaque value of function type, Swift is limited by what can be expressed in the type system:

  • A function type with no isolation specifiers, such as () -> Int, represents a non-isolated function.

  • A function type with a global actor attribute, such as @MainActor () -> Int, represents a function that's isolated to that global actor.

  • A function type with an isolated parameter, such as (isolated MyActor) - > Int, represents a function that's isolated to that parameter.

But there's a very important case that can't be expressed in the type system like this: a closure can be isolated to one of its captures. In the following example, the closure is isolated to its captured self value:

actor WorldModelObject {
  var position: Point3D

  func linearMove(to finalPosition: Point3D, over time: Duration) {
    let originalPosition = self.position
    let motion = finalPosition - originalPosition

    gradually(over: time) { [isolated self] progressProportion in
      self.position = originalPosition + progressProportion * motion

  func updateLater() {
    Task {
      // This closure doesn't have an explicit isolation
      // specification, and it's being passed to the `Task`
      // initializer, so it will be inferred to have the same
      // isolation as its enclosing context.  The enclosing
      // context is isolated to its `self` parameter, which this
      // closure captures, so this closure will also be isolated
      // that value.

This inexpressible case also arises with a partial applicaion of an actor method, such as myActor.methodName: the resulting function value captures myActor and is isolated to it. For now, these are the only two cases of isolated captures. However, the upcoming closure isolation control proposal is expected to give this significantly greater prominence and importance. Under that proposal, isolated captures will become a powerful general tool for controlling the isolation of a specific piece of code. But there will still not be a way to express the isolation of that closure in the type system.2

This is a very unfortunate limitation, because it actually means that there's no way for a function to accept a function argument with arbitrary isolation without completely erasing that isolation. Swift does allow functions with arbitrary isolation to be converted to a non-isolated function type, but this comes with three severe drawbacks. The first is that the resulting function type must be async so that it can switch to the right isolation internally. The second is that, because the function changes isolation internally, it is limited in its ability to work with non-Sendable values because any argument or return value must cross an isolation boundary. And the third is that the isolation is completely dynamically erased: there is no way for the recipient of the function value to recover what isolation the function actually wants, which often puts the recipient in the position of doing unnecesary work.

Here's an example of that last problem. The Task initializer receives an opaque value of type () async throws -> (). Because it cannot dynamically recover the isolation from this value, the initializer has no choice but to start the task on the global concurrent executor. If the function passed to the initializer is actually isolated to an actor, it will immediately switch to that actor on entry. This requires additional synchronization and may require re-suspending the task. Perhaps more importantly, it means that the order in which tasks are actually enqueued on the actor is not necessarily the same as the order in which they were created. It would be much better --- both semantically and for performance --- if the initializer could immediately enqueue the task on the right executor to begin with.

The straightforward solution to these problems is to add a type which is capable of expressing a function with an arbitrary (but statically unknown) isolation. That is what we propose to do.

Proposed solution

This proposal adds a new attribute that can be placed on function types:

func gradually(over: Duration, operation: @isolated(any) (Double) -> ())

A function value with this type dynamically carries the isolation of the function that was used to initialize it.

When such a function is called from an arbitrary context, it must be assumed to always cross an isolation boundary. This means, among other things, that the call is effectively asynchronous and must be awaited.

await operation(timePassed / overallDuration)

The isolation can be read using the special isolation property of these types:

func traverse(operation: @isolated(any) (Node) -> ()) {
  let isolation = operation.isolation

The isolation checker knows that the value of this special property matches the isolation of the function, so calls to the function from contexts that are isolated to the isolation value do not cross an isolation boundary.

Finally, every task-creation API in the standard library will be updated to take a @isolated(any) function value and synchronously enqueue the new task on the appropriate executor.

Detailed design

Grammar and structural rules

@isolated(any) is a new type attribute that can only be applied to function types. It is an isolation specification, and it is an error to combine it with other isolation specifications such as a global actor attribute or an isolated parameter.

@isolated(any) is not a concrete isolation specification and cannot be directly applied to a declaration or a closure. That is, you cannot declare a function entity as having @isolated(any) isolation, because Swift needs to know what the actual isolation is, and @isolated(any) does not provide a rule for that.

To reduce the number of attributes necessary in typical uses, @isolated(any) implies @Sendable. It is generally not useful to use @isolated(any) on a non-Sendable function because a non-Sendable function must be isolated to the current concurrent context.


Let F and G be function types, and let F' and G' be the corresponding function types with any isolation specifier removed (including but not limited to @isolated(any). If either F or G specifies @isolated(any) then a value of type F can be converted to type G if a value of type F' could be converted to type G' and the following conditions apply:

  • If F and G both specify @isolated(any), there are no further conditions. The resulting function is dynamically isolated to the same value as the original function.

  • If only G specifies @isolated(any), then the behavior depends on the specified isolation of F:

    • If F has an isolated parameter, the conversion is invalid.
    • Otherwise, the conversion is valid, and the dynamic isolation of the resulting function is determined as follows:
      • If the converted value is the result of an expression that is a closure expression (including an implicit autoclosure), a function reference, or a partial application of a method reference, the resulting function is dynamically isolated to the isolation of the function or closure. This looks through syntax that has no impact on the value produced by the expression, such as parentheses; the list is the same as in SE-0420.
      • Otherwise, if F is non-isolated, the resulting function is dynamically non-isolated.
      • Otherwise, F must be isolated to a global actor, and the resulting function is dynamically isolated to that global actor.
  • If only F specifies @isolated(any), then G must be an async function type. G may have any isolation specifier, but it will be ignored and the function will run with the isolation of the original value. The arguments and result must be sendable across an isolation boundary. It is unspecified whether the task will dynamically suspend when calling or returning from the resulting value.

Effects of intermediate conversions

In general, all of the isolation semantics and runtime behaviors laid out here are affected by intermediate conversions to non-@isolated(any) function types. For example, if you coerce a non-isolated function or closure to the type @MainActor () -> (), the resulting function will thereafter be treated as a MainActor-isolated function; the fact that it was originally a non-isolated function is both statically and dynamically erased.

Runtime behavior

Calling a @isolated(any) function value behaves the same way as a direct call to a function with that isolation would:

  • If the function is async, it will run with its formal isolation. This includes leaving isolated contexts if the function is dynamically non-isolated, as specified by SE-0338.

  • If the function is synchronous, it will run with its formal isolation only if it is dynamically isolated. If it is dynamically non-isolated, it will simply run synchronously in the current context, even if that is isolated, just like an ordinary call to a non-isolated synchronous function would.

isolation property

Values of @isolated(any) function type have a special isolation property. The property is read-only and has type (any Actor)?. The value of the property is determined by the dynamic isolation of the function value:

  • If the function is dynamically non-isolated, the value of isolation is nil.
  • If the function is dynamically isolated to a global actor type G, the value of isolation is G.shared.
  • If the function is dynamically isolated to a specific actor reference, the value of isolation is that actor reference.

Distributed actors

Function values cannot generally be isolated to a distributed actor unless the actor is known to be local. When a distributed actor is local, function values isolated to the actor can be converted to @isolated(any) type as above. The isolation property presents the distributed actor as an (any Actor)? using the same mechanism as #isolation.

Isolation checking

Since the isolation of an @isolated(any) function value is statically unknown, calls to it typically cross an isolation boundary. This means that the call must be awaited even if the function is synchronous, and the arguments and result must satisfy the usual sendability restrictions for cross-isolation calls.

In order for a call to an @isolated(any) function to be treated as not crossing an isolation boundary, the caller must be known to have the same isolation as the function. Since the isolation of an @isoalted(any) parameter is necessarily an opaque value, this would require the caller to be declared with value-specific isolation. It is currently not possible for a local function or closure to be isolated to a specific value that isn't already the isolation of the current context.3 The following rules lay out how @isolated(any) should interact with possible future language support for functions that are explicitly isolated to a captured value. In order to present these rules, this proposal uses the syntax currently proposed by the closure isolation control pitch, where putting isolated before a capture makes the closure isolated to that value. This should not be construed as accepting the terms of that pitch. Accepting this proposal will leave most of this section "suspended" until a feature with a similar effect is added to the language.

If f is an immutable binding of @isolated(any) function type, then a call to f does not cross an isolation boundary if the current context is isolated to a derivation of the expression f.isolation.

In the isolated captures pitch, a closure can be isolated to a specific value by using the isolated modifier on an entry in its capture list. So this question would reduce to whether that capture was initialized to a derivation of f.isolation.

An expression is a derivation of some expression form E if:

  • it has the exact form required by E;
  • it is a reference to a capture or immutable binding immediately initialized with a derivation of E;
  • it is the result of ? (the optional-chaining operator) or ! (the optional-forcing operator) applied to a derivation of E; or
  • it is a reference to a non-optional binding (an immutable binding initialized by a successful pattern-match which removes optionality, such as x in if let x = E) of a derivation of E.

The term immutable binding in the rules above means a let constant or immutable (non-inout) parameter that is neither weak nor unowned. The analysis ignores syntax that has no effect on the value of an expression, such as parentheses; the exact set of cases are the same as described in SE-0420.

For example:

func delay(operation: @isolated(any) () -> ()) {
  let isolation = operation.isolation
  Task { [isolated isolation] in // <-- tentative syntax from the isolated captures pitch
    operation() // <-- does not cross an isolation barrier and so is synchronous

In this example, the expression operation() calls operation, which is an immutable binding (a parameter) of @isolated(any) function type. The call therefore does not cross an isolation boundary if the calling context is isolated to a derivation of operation.isolation. The calling context is the closure passed to Task.init, which has an explicit isolated capture named isolation and so is isolated to that value of that capture. The capture is initialized with the value of the enclosing variable isolation, which is an immutable binding (a let constant) initialized to operation.isolation. As such, the calling context is isolated to a derivation of operation.isolation, so the call does not cross an isolation boundary.

The primary intent of the rules above is simply to extend the generalized isolation checking rules laid out in SE-0420 to work with an underlying expression like fn.isolation. However, the rules above go beyond the SE-0420 rules in some ways, most importantly by looking through local lets. Looking through such bindings was not especially important for SE-0420, but it is important for this proposal. In order to keep the rules consistent, the isolation checking rules from SE-0420 will be "rebased" on top of the rules in this proposal, as follows:

  • When calling a function with an isolated parameter calleeParam, if the current context also has an isolated parameter or capture callerIsolation, the function has the same isolation as the current context if the argument expression corresponding to calleeParam is a derivation of either:

    • a reference to callerIsolation or
    • a call to DistributedActor.asAnyActor applied to a derivation of calleeIsolation.

As a result, the following code is now well-formed:

func operate(actor1: isolated MyActor) {
  let actor2 = actor1
  actor2.isolatedMethod() // Swift now knows that actor2 is isolated

There is no reason to write this code instead of just using actor1, but it's good to have consistent rules.

Adoption in task-creation routines

There are a large number of functions in the standard library that create tasks:

  • Task.init
  • Task.detached
  • TaskGroup.addTask
  • TaskGroup.addTaskUnlessCancelled
  • ThrowingTaskGroup.addTask
  • ThrowingTaskGroup.addTaskUnlessCancelled
  • DiscardingTaskGroup.addTask
  • DiscardingTaskGroup.addTaskUnlessCancelled
  • ThrowingDiscardingTaskGroup.addTask
  • ThrowingDiscardingTaskGroup.addUnlessCancelled

This proposal modifies all of these APIs so that the task function has @isolated(any) function type. These APIs now all synchronously enqueue the new task directly on the appropriate executor for the task function's dynamic isolation.

Swift reserves the right to optimize the execution of tasks to avoid "unnecessary" isolation changes, such as when an isolated async function starts by calling a function with different isolation.4 In general, this includes optimizing where the task initially starts executing:

@MainActor class MyViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBAction func buttonTapped(_ sender : UIButton) {
    Task {
      // This closure is implicitly isolated to the main actor, but Swift
      // is free to recognize that it doesn't actually need to start there.
      let image = await downloadImage()

As an exception, in order to provide a primitive scheduling operation with stronger guarantees, Swift will always start a task function on the appropriate executor for its formal dynamic isolation unless:

  • it is non-isolated or
  • it comes from a closure expression that is only implicitly isolated to an actor (that is, it has neither an explicit isolated capture nor a global actor attribute). This can currently only happen with Task {}.

As a result, in the following code, these two tasks are guaranteed to start executing on the main actor in the order in which they were created, even if they immediately switch away from the main actor without having done anything that requires isolation:3

func process() async {
  Task { @MainActor in

  // do some work

  Task { @MainActor in

The exception here to allow more optimization for implicitly-isolated closures is an effort to avoid turning Task {} into a surprising performance bottleneck. Programmers often reach for Task {} just to do something concurrently with the current context, such as downloading a file from the internet and then storing it somewhere. However, if Task {} is used from an isolated context (such as from a @MainActor event handler), the closure passed to Task will implicitly formally inherit that isolation. A strict interpretation of the scheduling guarantee in this proposal would require the closure to run briefly on the current actor before it could do anything else. That would mean that the task could never begin the download immediately; it would have to wait, not just for the current operation on the actor to finish, but for the actor to finish processing everything else currently in its queue. If this is needed, it is not unreasonable to ask programmers to state it explicitly, just as they would have to from a non-isolated context.

Source compatibility

Most of this proposal is additive. The exception is the adoption in the standard library, which changes the types of certain API parameters. Calls to these APIs should continue to work, as any function that could be passed to the current parameter should also be convertible to an @isolated(any) type. The observed type of the API will change, however, if anyone does an abstract reference such as Task.init. Contravariant conversion should allow these unapplied references to work in any concrete type context that would accept the current function, but references in other contexts can lead to source breaks (such as var fn = Task.init). This is unlikely to be an issue in practice. More importantly, I believe Swift has a general policy of declining to guarantee stable types for unapplied function references in the standard library this way. Doing so would prevent a wide variety of reasonable code evolution for the library, such as generalizing the type of a parameter (as this proposal does) or adding a new defaulted parameter.

ABI compatibility

This feature does not change the ABI of any existing code.

Implications on adoption

The basic functionality of @isolated(any) function types is implemented directly in generated code and does not require runtime support.

Using a type as a generic argument generally requires runtime type metadata support for the type. For @isolated(any) function types, that metadata support requires a new Swift runtime. It will therefore not possible to use a type such as [@isolated(any) () -> ()] when back-deploying code on a platform with ABI stability. However, wrapping the function in a struct with a single field will generally work around this problem. (It also generally allows the function to be stored more efficiently.)

The task-creation APIs in the standard library have been implemented in a way that allows their signatures to be changed without ABI considerations. Direct enqueuing on the isolated actor does require runtime support, but fortunately that support has present in the concurrency runtime since the first release. Therefore, there should not be any back-deployment problems supporting the proposed changes.

Adopters of @isolated(any) function types will generally face the same source-compatibility considerations as this proposal does with the task-creation APIs: it requires generalizing some parameter types, which generally should not cause incompatibilities with direct callers but can introduce problems in the somewhat unlikely case that anyone is using those function as values.

When to use @isolated(any)

It is recommended that APIs which take functions that are likely to run concurrently and don't have a predetermined isolation take those functions as @isolated(any). This allows the API to make more intelligent scheduling decisions about the function.

Examples that should usually use @isolated(any) include:

  • functions that wrap the creation of a task
  • algorithms that call a function multiple times in parallel, such as a parallel map

Examples that should usually not use @isolated(any) include:

  • algorithms that preserve the current isolation, such as a non-parallel map; these functions should usually take a non-Sendable function instead
  • APIs that intend to call the function with a specific isolation, such as UI frameworks that expect their event handlers to be @MainActor or actor functions that run an operation on the actor

Future directions

Interaction with assumeIsolated

It would be convenient in some cases to be able to assert that the current synchronous context is already isolated to the isolation of an @isolated(any) function, allowing the function to be called without crossing isoaltion. Similar functionality is provided by the assumeIsolated function introduced by SE-0392. Unfortunately, the current assumeIsolated function is inadequate for this purpose for several reasons.

The first problem is that assumeIsolated only works on a non-optional actor reference. We could add a version of this API which does work on optional actors, but it's not clear what it should actually do if given a nil reference. A nil isolation represents non-isolation, which of course does not actually isolate anything. Should assumeIsolated check that the current context has exactly the given isolation, or should it check that it is safe to use something with the given isolation requirement from the current context? The first rule is probably the one that most people would assume when they first heard about the feature. However, it implies that assumeIsolated(nil) should check that no actors are currently isolated, and that is not something we can feasibly check in general: Swift's concurrency runtime does track the current isolation of a task, but outside of a task, arbitrary things can be isolated without Swift knowing about them. It is also needlessly restrictive, because there is nothing that is unsafe to do in an isolated context that would be safe if done in a non-isolated context.5 The second rule is less intuitive but more closely matches the safety properties that static isolation checking tests for. It implies that assumeIsolated(nil) should always succeed. This is notably good enough for @isolated(any): since assumeIsolated is a synchronous function, only synchronous @isolated(any) functions can be called within it, and calling a synchronous non-isolated function always runs immediately without changing the current isolation.

The second problem is that assumeIsolated does not currently establish a link back to the original expression passed to it. Code such as the following is invalid:

myActor.assumeIsolated { += 1   // invalid: Swift doesn't know that myActor is isolated

The callback passed to assumeIsolated is isolated because it takes an isolated parameter, and while this parameter is always bound to the actor that assumeIsolated was called on, Swift's isolation checking doesn't know that. As a result, it is necessary to use the parameter instead of the original actor reference, which is a persistent annoyance when using this API:

myActor.assumeIsolated { myActor2 in += 1

For @isolated(any), we would naturally want to write this:

myFn.isolation.assumeIsolated {

However, since Swift doesn't understand the connection between the closure's isolated parameter and myFn, this call will not work, and there is no way to make it work.

One way to fix this would be to add some new way to assert that an @isolated(any) function is currently isolated. This could even destructure the function value, giving the program access it to as a non-@isolated(any) function. But it seems like a better approach to allow isolation checking to understand that the isolated parameter and the self argument of assumeIsolated are the same value. That would fix both the usability problem with actors and the expressivity problem with @isolated(any). Decomposition could be done as a general rule that permits isolation to be removed from a function value as long as that isolation matches the current context and the resulting function is non-Sendable.

This is all sufficiently complex that it seems best to leave it for a future direction. However, it should be relatively approachable.

Statically-isolated function types

@isolated(any) function types are effectively an "existential erasure" of the isolation of the function, removing the type system's static knowledge of the isolation while dynamically preserving it. This is directly analogous to how Any erases the type of the value you store into it: the type system no longer knows statically what type is stored there, but it's still possible to recover it dynamically. This analogy is why this proposal uses the keyword any in the attribute name.

Where there's an existential, there's also a generic. The generic analogue to @isolated(any) would be a type that expressed that it was isolated to a specific value, like so:

func delay<A: Actor>(on operationActor: A,
                     operation: @isolated(to: operationActor) () async -> ())

This is a kind of value-dependent type. Value-dependent types add a lot of complexity to a type system. Consider how the arguments interact in the example above: both value and type information from the first argument flows into the second. This is not something to do lightly, and we think Swift is relatively unlikely to ever add such a feature as @isolated(to:).

Fortunately, is is unlikely to be necessary. We believe that @isolated(any) function types are superior from a usability perspective for all the dominant patterns of higher-order APIs. The main thing that @isolated(to:) can express in an API signature that @isolated(any) cannot is multiple functions that share a common isolation. It is quite uncommon for APIs to take multiple closely-related functions this way, especially @Sendable functions where there's an expected isolation change from the current context. When only a single function is required in an API, @isolated(any) allows its isolation to bound up with it in a single value, which is both more convenient and likely to have a more performant representation.

If Swift ever does explore in the direction of @isolated(to:), nothing in this proposal would interfere with it. In fact, the features would support each other well. Erasing the isolation of an @isolated(to:) function into an @isolated(any) type would be straightforward, much like erasing an Int into an Any. Similarly, an @isolated(any) function could be "opened" into a pair of an @isolated(to:) function and its known isolation. Since the common cases will still be more convenient to express with @isolated(any), the community is unlikely to regret having added this proposal first.

Alternatives considered

(to be expanded)


I'd like to thank Holly Borla and Konrad Malawski for many long conversations about the design and implementation of this feature.


  1. Currently, if the enclosing context is isolated to a value, the closure is only isolated to it if it actually captures that value (by using it somewhere in its body). This is often seen as confusing, and the isolated captures proposal is considering lifting this restriction by unconditionally capturing the value.

  2. Expressing this exactly would require the use of value-dependent types. Value dependence is an advanced type system feature that we cannot easily add to Swift. This is discussed in greater depth in the Future Directions section.

  3. Technically, it is possible to achieve this effect in Swift today in a way that Swift could conceivably look through: the caller could be a closure with an isolated parameter, and that closure could be called with an expression like fn.isolation as the arugment. Swift could analyze this to see that the parameter has the value of fn.isolation and then understand the connection between the caller's isolation and fn. This would be very cumbersome, though, and it would have significant expressivity gaps vs. an isolated-captures feature. 2

  4. This optimization doesn't change the formal isolation of the functions involved and so has no effect on the value of either #isolation or .isolation.

  5. As far as data-race safety goes, at least. A specific actor could conceivably have important semantic restrictions against doing certain operations in its isolated code. Of course, such an actor should generally not be calling arbitrary functions that are handed to it.