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Deploy a static web page using helm and traefik

The purpose of this lab is to develop a full provisioned pipeline to deploy a static web page.

You can clone this repository to get some of the files that are we going to use during the lab.


  1. Build your own Docker image that can serve a static "Hello World" HTML page

  2. Deploy that image as a container in a Kubernetes cluster running locally on your machine using helm and writing your own chart

  3. Deploy a Traefik container in the same local Kubernetes cluster using helm

  4. Make Traefik an ingress point to access the "Hello World" page

  5. Make the "Hello World" page accessible locally at http://hello-world.local


For the purpose of this lab we are going to use a CentOS 7.

Pre-requisite tools

We are going to use the following tools (click in the link to see how to install each tool):

Build of the components

All required files and scripts for this deployment are included in this project.

Deploy the app (manual steps)


These are the required steps, assuming you already have all required tools already installed.

  1. Clone this project in an empty directory

    git clone
  2. Change location to the new directory

    cd deploy-using-helm
  3. Assure that ingress addon for minikube is already installed

    minikube addons enable ingress
  4. Create a namespace

    kubectl create namespace tr-webapp-ns
  5. Install the app:

    1. Add helm repo for the app

      helm repo add tr-webapp
    2. If required, update helm

      helm repo update
    3. Install the app

      helm install tr-webapp tr-webapp/tr-webapp --namespace tr-webapp-ns
  6. Install traefik

    1. Add helm repo for traefik

      helm repo add traefik
    2. If required, update helm

      helm repo update
    3. Install traefik

      helm install traefik traefik/traefik --namespace tr-webapp-ns
  7. List pods in the namespace to check status

    kubectl get pods --namespace tr-webapp-ns

    It should return at least two running pods (our app and traefik service):

    NAME                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    tr-webapp-86b97d69cc-znpvl   1/1     Running   0          4m6s
    traefik-7594596bbc-6mzg9     1/1     Running   0          39s

    Wait until both containers are in Running STATUS.

  8. Apply the ingress file:

    kubectl apply -f helm/ingress.yaml --namespace tr-webapp-ns
  9. Check service resources

    kubectl get svc --namespace tr-webapp-ns

    It should return something like this:

    NAME        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
    tr-webapp   NodePort   <none>        8080:32422/TCP               9m53s
    traefik     LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31004/TCP,443:31250/TCP   8m16s
  10. Check ingress resources

    kubectl get ingress --namespace tr-webapp-ns

    It should return something like this:

    NAME        CLASS    HOSTS               ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
    myingress   <none>   hello-world.local   80      6m24s

    (you should wait a few seconds until "ADDRESS" list an IP address for the ingress resource)

  11. Create a static entry in /etc/hosts to point to the new hostname hello-world.local

    echo "$(minikube ip) hello-world.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  12. Check reachability to the url:

    curl hello-world.local

    You should get a "Hello World" message

Deploy the app using terraform


  1. You should have terraform installed. You can install terraform in CentOS using packet manager:

    sudo yum -y install terraform
  2. Assure that ingress addon for minikube is already installed

    minikube addons enable ingress
  3. Clone this project in an empty directory

    git clone
  4. Change location where terraform code is located:

    cd deploy-using-helm/terraform
  5. Init terraform

    terraform init
  6. Apply terraform code

    terraform apply --auto-approve
  7. Check ingress resources

    kubectl get ingress --namespace tr-webapp-ns

    It should return something like this:

    NAME        CLASS    HOSTS               ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
    myingress   <none>   hello-world.local   80      6m24s

    (you should wait a few seconds until "ADDRESS" list an IP address for the ingress resource)

  8. Create a static entry in /etc/hosts to point to the new hostname hello-world.local

    echo "$(minikube ip) hello-world.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
  9. Check reachability to the url:

    curl hello-world.local

    You should get a "Hello World" message

Alternative solutions to apply ingress entry point

While I was investigating this, I tried some alternative solutions listed below:

  • Use nginx ingress here

  • Use traefik + yaml files here

Next steps

  • Get ingress plugin to work with a newest version of minikube (Current version: 1.23.0).

  • Configure all services using a custom helm chart (remove yaml content).


Some sample code to deploy a static web page using *helm*.






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