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File metadata and controls

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Linux Commmands Cheatsheet

To the reader

This cheatsheet was written with AlmaLinux 9 and Ubuntu 22.04 in mind, so some things may differ from the distribution that you are using.

Even though there are certain steps for enabling and starting services after some packages have been installed, this isn't always necessary on e.g. Ubuntu.

Users and groups


/etc/passwd             # Contains all user accounts
/etc/groups             # Contains all groups
/etc/shadow             # Contains all user accounts passwords

/etc/login.defs                     # Defaults for new user accounts
/etc/skel                           # Skeleton dir for new user accounts
/etc/security/pwquality.conf        # System wide config file for password requirements

Create user

useradd <username>
useradd -r <username>           # Adds a system account (different UID)

Set or change a user's password

passwd <username>
echo "<username>:<password>" | chpasswd           # chpasswd can be used to batch update users password.

Check ID on user or group


Delete user

userdel <username>
userdel -r <username>               # Deletes the user along with the home directory

Create group

groupadd <group name>

Delete group

groupdel <group name>

Add or remove user from group

usermod -a -G user group                    # Adds the user to the group
gpasswd -a user group 
gpasswd -d user group                       # Remove the user from the group

Disable or enable user

usermod -l <username>           # Lock user account
usermod -u <username>           # Unlock user account

Set shell for user

usermod -s /bin/sh                  # Set shell to Bourne shell
usermod -s /sbin/nologin <username>       # When the user tries to login, it will be politely told that a user doesn't have a shell
usermod -s /bin/false <username>      # When the user tries to login, the connection will immediately drop

set password parameters for user

chage -m mindays -M maxdays -d lastday -I -E expiredate -W warndays <username>

Become root

su -

Run a command with sudo

sudo <command>

Run sudo in interactive mode

sudo -i

Become another user and change to their home directory

su - <username>

Add user to admin

usermod -a -G sudo <username>               # For Debian based OS
usermod -a -G wheel <username>              # For Red Hat based OS

Don't require password for sudo

  1. Run visudo.
  2. Add <username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL # Gives user permission to run sudo without password. under # User privilege specification. Replace <username> with desired user.


Permission fundamentals

List all files with tmp ls -l tmp

Remove write from group on file/folder chmod g-w tmp

Remove read from others on file/folder chmod a-r tmp

Remove write from user on file/folder chmod u-w tmp

Add read and write to user on file/folder chmod u+rw

Add read and execute to use on file chmod u+x

Add read, write and execute to all users on file/folder chmod a+rwx

! Even though user hasn't any read permission, the user will still be able to delete the file

! You need execute permission to "cd" (ls) into folder

Test if file or folder exists

if test -f "<file>"
    echo true

if test -d "<folder>"
    echo true

Change owner or group recursive

chown -R USER
chgrp -R GROUP

**View partition, mounts and filesystem df -hT

**View files and sort by size in reverse order du -h ~ | sort -nr

**See indivial cores on cpu in top top AND THEN PRESS 1

**List open files lsof | grep PATTERN

**Output all network interface to file tcpdump -i INTERFACE > FILE

Move/Copy hidden files (Zsh)

setopt glob_dots
mv Foo/* Bar/
unsetopt glob_dots

Move/Copy hidden files (Bash)

shopt -s dotglob
mv Foo/* Bar/
shopt -u dotglob

SetUID, SetGID and Sticky bit


rwsrwxrwx   mark marketing          # if we run the executable, it will run as user mark
rwxrwsrwx   mark marketing          # if we run the executable, it will run as group marketing
rwxrwsrwx   mark marketing          # if it's an directory, all file placed within the directory will have marketing as owner

rwx-rwxrwT                          # others can't execute
rwx-rwxrwt                          # others can execute

Enable or disable SetUID

chmod u+s
chmod u-s

Enable or disable SetGID

chmod g+s
chmod g-s

Enable or disable Sticky bit

chmod g+s
chmod g-s


Set or remove ACL on file or directory

setfacl -m u:USER:rwx PATH
setfacl -m g:GROUP:r PATH
setfacl -Rm g:GROUP:r PATH
setfacl -x g:GROUP PATH

Remove all ACL from file or directory

setfacl -b PATH

Get current ACL on file or directory


! Permission write with ACL doesn't allow deletion of files


List processes

ps -ef | grep <process>
ps -ef --sort=-%cpu | head -10
ps -ef --sort=-%mem | head -10

Grep PID of process

pgrep <process>

Kill process

kill <PID>
pkill <process>

kill -9 <PID>                   # Force
pkill -9 <process name>

**Force killing all processes with certain name

killall -s 9 apache2

systemctl --all

Reload configuration for a service systemctl reload application.service

** systemctl status/start/stop/restart application.service

Enable or disable service at boot time systemctl enable/disable application.service

Enable or disable service completely systecmctl mask/unmask application.service

Search for specific service

systemctl list-units --no-pager | grep -i <search term>


Verify checksum of file

echo checksum file | sha256sum -c


echo $(cat checksumfile) file | sha256sum -c

Calculate checksum of multiple files

find . -type f -exec sha256sum {} \;                # Calculate checksum of files in the current directory.


find /etc -type f -exec sha256sum {} \;             # Calculate checksum of files in a specific directory.

List how many matches a grep results in

cat file | grep string | wc -l

Grep this OR that

grep -E "this|that"

List unique lines

cat file | uniq

Download output from URL

wget -O FILE URL                # Download output as file from URL


**Stream file tail -f FILE

Search input file for regex matches (in this case for a MAC address) and output matches and their respective line numbers cat FILE | grep -n -i [0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]:[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]

**Check if package is installed rpm -qa | grep PACKAGE


Set and view time and date configuration timedatectl

View time zones timedatectl list-timezones

Set time zone timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Stockholm

Set time

timedatectl set-time 20:15:50


timedatectl set-time '2021-08-18 20:15:50'


date -s '2021-08-18 20:15:50'

**Sync time with NTP timedatectl set-ntp true


Install NTP client and server

dnf install chrony ntpstat
systemctl status chronyd

Check current time lagging


Check current time servers ver

chronyc sources -v

Edit NTP server configuration

vi /etc/chrony.conf
systemctl restart chronyd

Force time sync

chronyc makestep


/etc/chrony.conf /var/log/chrony.log

systemctl status chronyd

! Only one daemon should be running and syncing NTP servers

Set keymap temporary

loadkeys se

Set keymap persistent

localectl set-keymap se


Configuration /etc/ssh/sshd_config

##Client time out ClientAliveInterval 600 ClientAliveCountMax 1

-> systemctl restart sshd

**Disable root login PermitRootLogin no

-> systemctl restart sshd

**Disable Empty Passwords PermitEmptyPasswords no

-> systemctl restart sshd

**Allow certain users Allow user1 user2

-> systemctl restart sshd

**Change port Port 2222

-> systemctl restart sshd

##**Analyze servers and get support

sos report

**Install and access cockpit

dnf install cockpit
systemctl enable --now cockpit

Package management

Install certain package

yum install PACKAGE

Remove certain package

yum remove PACKAGE

List all installed packages in the system

rpm -qa

Search for package in the current system

rpm -qa | grep PACKAGE

Installs, verify and get hash of a local package

rpm -ihv PACKAGE.RPM

Remove package



rpm - locally install package

apt-get - Debian-based

Check when system was last updated

cat /var/log/apt/history.log
rpm -qi --last

Get current version cat /etc/redhat-release

Minor upgrade (6.0 -> 6.1), but will preserve current packages yum update

Minor upgrade (6.0 -> 6.1), but will remove packages and replace with newer onces yum upgrade

Query package for info rpm -qi PACKAGE

List configuration files for package rpm -qc PACKAGE

Check what executable is assiciatted with what package rpm -qf PACKAGE/FULL PATH TO EXECUTABLE

Rename all files ending with specific file extension in the current folder

rename -vn currentname newname *.png      # Dry run
rename -v currentname newname *.png       # Actually doing it

Compress and extract files

tar -cvf FILE.TAR ~     # Create an archive from file/folder
tar -xvf FILE.TAR       # Extract an archive

tar -cvzf FILE.TAR.GZ ~     # Create an gzip compress archive from file/folder
tar -xvzf FILE.TAR.GZ       # Extract an gzip compress archive

tar -cvjf FILE.TAR.BZ2 ~    # Create an bz2 compress archive from file/folder
tar -xvjf FILE.TAR.BZ2      # Extract an bz2 compress archive

zip --password MY_SECRET file1 file2 file3

7za a -tzip -pMY_SECRET -mem=AES256
7za e

List listening processes

ss -lntup
netstat -autp
netstat -nat # Show all current TCP connections 

Find something (case insensitive) and supress permission issues find / -iname nanorc 2>/dev/null

Do something with results find -iname nanorc | xargs cat

Block process termination nohup apt-get update


jq (or yq)

Return all items with the name property

command | jq .[].name
command | jq -r .[].name        # raw ouput

Return the first item with the name property

command | jq .[0].name
command | jq -r .[0].name       # raw output


anonymous_enable=NO ascii_upload_enable=YES ascii_download_enable=YES ftpd_banner= Welcome to bla bla bla use_localtime=YES

ftp X.X.X.X Login bi = binary mode to transfer files hash = progress bar put FILE bye

**Transfer file to via SSH (SCP) scp FILE USER@X.X.X.X:/home/USER

**NetworkManager nmcli = cli editor for NetworkManager nmtui = ncurses editor for NetworkManager

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts = upstart script for network configuration /etc/hosts /etc/hostname = hostname for machine /etc/resolve.conf = DNS server for name resolving /etc/nsswitch.conf = order for name lookup

Spawn new process with desired priority

nice -n <priority> <process>

Change running process priority

renice -n <priority> <process>

Userspace Highest priority = -20 Lowest priority = 19

System Highest priority = -99 Lowest priority = 39


! Is default enabled in Redhat, CentOS and Fedora Enforcing = Enabled Permissive = Disable, but logs the activity Disable = Disable

Check SELinux status


Change SELinux mode temporary

setenforce 0 = Permissive/Disable
setenforce 1 = Enable


vi /etc/selinux/config




Before enabling SELinux, relabel filesystem

touch /.autorelabel                 # May take a long time!

List label of file

ls -lZ FILE

List label for process

ps axZ | grep -i <process name>


ps efZ | grep -i <process name>

Change SELinux file type context

chcon system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0 /etc/shadow

Restore file type context on folder recursive with verbose mode

restorecon -Rv <path to folder>

Change label on folder

semanage fcontext -a -t <type context> "<path to directory or file(/.*)?" 

List active SELinux fcontext type contexts

semanage fcontext -l

Remove SELinux type contexts

semanage fcontext -d -t <type context> "<path to directory or file(/.*)?" 

List SELinux port type contexts and grep for specific service

semanage port -l | grep <service>

Add SELinux port type context

semanage port -a -t <type context> -p <protocol> <port>

Modify SELinux port type context

semanage port -m -t <type context> -p <protocol> <port>

Modify SELinux port type context

semanage port -d -t <type context> -p <protocol> <port>

Show SELinux manuals

man semanage-fcontext
man semanage-port
man semanage-boolean

List SELinux port type contexts

semanage port -l | grep <service>           # Take a note of the port type context for the service
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
semanage port -a -t httpd_port_t -p <protocol> <port>           # Replace -a with a -d to delete port.
systemctl restart httpd

List SELinux boolean

semanage boolean -l
semanage boolean -l | grep <search pattern>

Set SELinux boolean

setsebool <policy> <boolean>
sestebool -P <policy> <boolean>      # The -P makes the change persistent across reboots.

Troubleshooting SELinux

dnf install setroubleshoot setools
sealert -a /var/log/audit/audit.log

SELinux Labeling

**List label of directory


**List label of socket

netstat -tnlpZ | grep PROCESS

semanage boolean

**List of boolean getsebool -a semanage boolean -l

**Active or disable boolean setsebool -P BOOLEANNAME on/off

**Change the type of label chcon -t TYPE FILE semanage -t TYPE FILE

/.autorelabel ??

##**Machine operations and target levels ! shutdown and reboot is symbolic links to systemctl

systemctl poweroff = shutdown and power off system systemctl reboot = shutdown and reboot

Get current target or run-level

systemctl get-default
who -r      # Output current run level

List targets

ls -al /lib/systemd/system/runlevel*

Set current target on system

systemctl isolate      # Normal desktop


systemctl isolate     # No grapical interface

Set default target on system

systemctl set-default      # Normal desktop


systemctl set-default     # No grapical interface


systemctl default                           # Directly get into default mode

Switch between consoles

ALT+Fx              # E.g. ALT+F3

Copy hidden files

shopt -s dotglob
cp folder/ ../test


mv * ../test 

shopt -u dotglob

Creating a soft link ! removing a soft link does not remove the actual data

ln -s <target> <name>

hard links create another link to the same inode. Does not take up space on the harddrive. A copy is another copy of the data, thus take up space on the harddrive.

List section of a man page

man -f <command>

Search after man page

man -k <keyword>
man -k '^<keyword>'         # Searches after man pages that begins with keyword

Other documentation can be found under /usr/share/doc

Compress and uncompress files with Gzip and Bzip7

gzip <uncompressed file>
# gzip -c <uncompressed file> <compressed target>
gzip -d <compressed file> # decompress file, replacing the archive file
gzip -c -d <compressed file> > <uncompressed file> # decompress file to target file

bzip2 <uncompressed file>
bziped -d <compressed file> 
bzip2 -d -c <compressed file> > <decompressed target> # decompress file to target file

search for a specific term within a file

cat <file> | grep <search term>
cat <file> | grep -i <search term> # ignore case

grep <search term> <file>
grep -i <search term> <file>        # ignore case

search files for a specific term within the file and output

grep -a r -i <search term> .
grep -a r -i --exclude <files e.g. *.iso> <search term> .

Search for a specific term in input and output file, but mark matches

cat <file> | grep -z <search term>

Search for a specific term in input and output only three lines after first match

cat <file> | grep -A 10 <search term>

ssh command on another server

ssh user@machine <command>

copy files between machines using terminal

# Copy remote file to local machine
scp user@machine <file>
sftp user@machine <file>

# Copy local file to remote machine
scp <file> user@machine 
sftp <file> user@machine 

List files with permissions as numbers

stat -c "%a %n" *

Set permission on file(s) och folder(s)

chmod +x        # Add execute to all users
chmod u+w       # Add write to user
chmod g-r       # Subtract read for group
chmod o+x       # Add execute for others
chmod go+x      # Add execute for group and others

Input direction

cat <file> > <another file>      # Redirect standard output to another file (overwrite)
cat <file> >> <another file>     # Redirect standard output to another file (append)
cmd 2> <file>                    # Only redirect errors to file
cmd &> <file>                    # Redirect all output to file
cmd > <file> 2> <file2>          # Redirect standard output to file and output errors to file2


ls | wc -l                       # Count output lines
ls | grep <search term>          # Grep after specific file name from ls
ls | sort --reverse              # Reverse ls output 

Remove metadata/EXIF from files

exiftool -All= *.jpg
exittool -All= -overwrite_original *.png

Reset root password on Red Hat (when SELinux enabled) Comment

edit GRUB using e key
replace "quiet" with "rd.break" under Linux
mount -o remount,rw /sysroot OR /
(chroot /sysroot)
ls -lZ /etc/shadow
passwd root
ls -lZ /etc/shadow
chcon system_u:object_r:shadow_t:s0 /etc/shadow OR touch /.autorelabel)                                         # You can skip this step if SELinux is not enabled
exec /sbin/init

**Reset root password on Ubuntu edit GRUB using e key After the /swap type: replace "ro quiet splash $vt_handoff” with “rw init=/bin/bash” under Linux ctrl+x mount | grep -w / passwd root REBOOT


dnf install podman

Check podman specs

podman info

Start container

podman run -dt -p 3000:3000 redmine

Generate podman file

podman generate systemd --new --files --name redmine
cp /root/container-redmine.service /etc/systemd/system
systemctl enable container-redmine.service
systemctl start container-redmine.service



! nosuid

dnf install nfs-utils libnfssidmap
systemctl enable rpcbind
systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl start rpcbind
systemctl start nfs-server
systemctl start rpc-statd
systemctl start nfs-idmapd
mkdir /data
chmod a+rwx /data
Modify /etc/exports
**/data (rw,sync,root_squash)
**/data * (rw,sync,root_squash)
exportfs -rv


dnf install nfs-utils rpcbind
systemctl start rpcbind
showmount -e x.x.x.x
mkdir /mnt/data
mount x.x.x.x:/data /mnt/data
df -h



dnf install samba samba-client samba-common
firewall-cmd --add-service=samba --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload
mkdir -p /data2
chmod a+rwx /data2
chmod 770 /data3
chown -R nobody:nobody /data2
chown -R USER:GROUP /data3
chcon -t samba_share_ /data2
Modify configuration for samba at /etc/samba/smb.conf
    workgroup = WORKGROUP
    netbios name = centos
    security = user
    map to guest = bad user
    dns proxy = no

    path = /data2
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    guest ok = yes
    guest only = yes
    read only = no

    path = /data3
    valid users = @samba
    browsable = yes
    writable = yes
    guest ok = no


dnf install cifs-utils samba-client
mkdir -p /mnt/data2
mount -t cifs // /mnt/data2

Shell scripting

Script parameters

# The shell script below contains the following lines:

#       #!/bin/sh
#       echo $1
#       echo $2
#       echo $3

./ orange banana kiwi

Script exit codes

if $test
    echo 1
    exit 23
    echo 2
    exit 24

echo $?


Get current shell

echo $0
cat /etc/passwd | grep YOURUSERNAME

List available shells

cat /etc/shells


Configure network (Red Hat)

Change DNS resolution order

vi /etc/nsswitch.conf
man nmcli-examples

nmcli con show PROFILENAME  # Display settings from profile
nmcli con up INTERFACE      # Load new settings from profile

nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv4.addresses IPADDRESS/XX,IPADDRESS/XX        # Primary (or seconday IP address)
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv4.gateway IPADDRESS      # Sets gateway
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv4.dns IPADDRESS,IPADDRESS        # Sets DNS servers
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv4.dns-search DOMAIN      # Sets search domain aka. DNS suffix
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv4.method manual      # Set either static (manual) IP address or a address from DHCP (auto).

nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv6.addresses IPADDRESS/XX,IPADDRESS/XX        # Primary (or seconday IP address)
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv6.dns IPADDRESS,IPADDRESS        # Sets DNS servers
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv6.dns-search DOMAIN     # Sets search domain aka. DNS suffix
nmcli con mod INTERFACE ipv6.method manual      # Set either static (manual) IP address, a address from DHCP (auto) or disabled.


Use nmtui 😉


Scan and connect to WIFI

nmcli device wifi list
nmcli --ask device wifi connect "<SSID>"a

Advanced networking

IP forwarding

sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 OR net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1

Permanent save

  1. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
  2. Add net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
  3. sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf


Overview tables filter mangle nat raw

chain INPUT = incomming traffic FORWARD = going to a router, from one device to another OUTPUT = outgoing traffic

target ACCEPT - accept connection REJECT - send reject response DROP - drop connection without sending any response

**iptables #**List iptables rules iptables -L

#**Remove all iptables rules iptabels -F

Configure firewall (Red Hat)

firewall-cmd --list-all                             # List all firewall rules
firewall-cmd --get-zones                            # List firewall zones

firewall-cmd --get-active-zone                      # Check current firewall zone
firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-all               # List all firewall rules for the public zone

firewall-cmd --get-services                         # List all firewall appliable services rules
firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent         # Add service to the firewall
firewall-cmd --remove-service=http --permanent      # Remove service to the firewall
firewall-cmd --add-port=80/tcp --permanent          # Add port to the firewall
firewall-cmd --remove-port=80/tcp --permanent       # Remove port to the firewall
firewall-cmd --add-icmp-block-inversion             # Block ICMP (ping)
firewall-cmd --remove-icmp-block-inversion          # Allow ICMP (ping)

firewall-cmd --reload                               # Reload firewall rules
firewall-cmd --complete-reload                      # Reload the firewall service, which also terminate active connections
firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent                 # Make current configuration permanent

Advanced firewall (Red Hat)

Add custom service to firewalld

  1. Copy any XML file under /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ and modify it.
  2. Restart the firewall:

systemctl restart firewalld

  1. List all services - you should find you newly added service:

firewall-cmd --get-services

  1. Add the service as a rule to the firewall and save it permanently:

firewall-cmd --add-service=XX --permanent


System logs

System logs (RedHat)

/var/log/boot # Boot events
/var/log/chronyd # NTP events
/var/log/messages # All events
/var/log/secure # Security events
/var/log/cron # Cron events
/var/log/maillog # SMTP events

Successful and non-successful login attempts:

/var/log/auth.log       # Debian/Ubuntu
         secure.log     # Red Hat/CentOS

Log a specific message to system log files

$ logger -s "Message"     

Log a specific message to Kernel log buffer (useful for dmesg debugging)

# echo "Message" >> /dev/kmsg


See journal from last boot

journalctl -b -1

Activate persistent storage

vi /etc/systemd/journald.conf
Go to [Journal] and add line Storage=persistent
mkdir /var/log/journal
systemctl restart systemd-journald
journalctl --flush



Allow or disallow access to crontab

Based on existence of /etc/cron.allow and /etc/cron.deny, user is allowed or denied to edit the crontab in below sequence.

If cron.allow exists - only users listed into it can use crontab
If cron.allow does not exist - all users except the users listed into cron.deny can use crontab
If neither of the file exists - only the root can use crontab
If a user is listed in both cron.allow and cron.deny - that user can use crontab.


echo USER >>/etc/cron.allow      # Allow specific user(s) to use crontab
echo ALL >>/etc/cron.deny       # Deny all users from using crontab except those in cron.allow

List available options

man 5 crontab

Edit crontab for current user

crontab -e

Edit crontab for another user

crontab -e -u <user>

List crontab for current user

crontab -l


Schedule command to run at specific time

<command> | at <time>
<command> | at <time> <date>
<command> | at now +1 hours            # Start specific command about 1 hour
<command> | at <time> -M               # suppress email notification

Enable or disable the atd service

systemctl enable/disable atd

Allow or disallow access to at

echo USER >>/etc/at.allow      # Allow specific user(s) to use at
echo ALL >>/etc/at.deny       # Deny all users from using at except those in at.allow

Performance tuning


List tuned profiles tuned-adm list

View current tuned profile active tuned-adm active

Active tuned profile tuned-adm profile powersave

Disable tuned profile tuned-adm off

Get tuned profile recommendation tuned-adm recommend



lsblk                # List block devices and mount points
df -h                # List volumes with sizes and mount points
blkid                # List UUID for block devices
fdisk -l <device>    # list partitions of a device

Quick format, create a single partition and format it to EXT4

lsblk                       # 1. List disk
fdisk <path to device>      # 2. Open disk in fdisk
g OR s                      # 3. Choose partition table. g for GPT and s for DOS (MBR)
n -> ENTER -> ENTER -> ENTER                 # 4. Create a new partition
t -> L -> xx -> ENTER       # 5. Set the partition type
w                           # Write changes

q                           # Quit without making changes

mkfs.ext4 <path to device x>        # Quick format the disk
mkdir /data
mount <path to device x> /data

Label volume

e2label <device>

Mount a device with specific label

mount -L <label> <mount point>

Resize partition and filesystem

resize2fs <path to device x>

Format partition to XFS

mkfs.xfs <path to device x>

Mount disk upon boot

Edit /etc/fstab

UUID=<uuid> <mount point>   <file system>   <defaults> <0> <0>              

# ext4, vfat (for FAT and FAT32),swap, udf (DVD), iso9660 (CD) and xfs. For more information, see

Check integrity on disk

e2fsck -f <device>

Interactive partitioning tool

cfdisk <block device path>


swapoff -a                                      # Disable all SWAP devices


mount -o loop /PATH/TO/ISO /MOUNTPATH           # Mount a ISO image on desired path
mount -a                                        # Remount all entries in /etc/fstab
mount -o remount,rw /                           # Remount /


Physical volume (PV) = One or more block devices that makes up a volume group (VG) Volume group (VG) = A volume group (VG) contains one or more logical volumes (LV) Logical volume (LV) = Logical partition (LV) that can be formatted with a file system such as e.g. EXT4.

Create LVM, physical volume, volume group and logical volume, format volume and resize

pvcreate <path to block device>
vgcreate <name of volume group> <path to block device> <path to block device>                                    # Create new VG on block device - a PV is automatically created 
lvcreate -L <sizeXX> -l <100%FREE> -n <name of logical volume> <name of volume group>             # Create new LV with 50 GB size
lvresize -L <sizeXX> /dev/mapper/<name of volume group>-<name of logical volume>       # Resize LV to new size - add -r to resize underlaying file system
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/<name of volume group>-<name of logical volume>                     # Create a ext4 file system on the new LV
resize2fs /dev/mapper/<name of volume group>-<name of logical volume>                     # Resize underlaying file system

Remove LV

lvremove <volume group>/<logcial volume>

Remove VG

vgremove <volume group>

Remove PV

pvremove <path to block device>

Resize LV

lvresize <path to mapped device> -l +100%FREE -L +10GB
  1. create physical partition fdisk n t 8e

  2. create physical volume pvcreate /dev/sdb1 pvcreate /dev/sdc1

vgcreate LOGICALNAME /dev/sdb1 OR vgcreate LOGICALNAME /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

lvcreate --name LOGICALNAME -l +100%FREE LOGICALNAME mkfs.ext4

vgextend LOGICALNAME /dev/sdc1 lvextend -l +100%FREE LOGICALNAME resize2fs # xfs_growfs when XFS

lvcreate -n data1_lv -l +100%FREE data1_vg #########################################################3


The topic is written for Red Hat 9 in mind - some commands won't work! You can use both /dev/device OR /dev/vg*/lv*/ **Create **

vgcreate <volume group name> <block device path>
lvcreate --type vdo -n <logical volume name> -L <physical size> -V <logical size> <volume group> # Use exact size e.g. 20 GB
lvcreate --type vdo -n <logical volume name> -l <physical size> -V <logical size> <volume group> # Use extent instead e.g. +100%FREE
mkfs.ext4 -E nodiscard <path to volume>
mkfs.xfs -K <path to volume>

Show VDO stats

lvs -olv_name,vdo_compression,vdo_deduplication
vdostats --human-readable

Change setting on vdo

lvchange --compression n <path to volume>
lvchange --deduplication y <path to volume>


Stratis volumes will always show 1 TB when eg. running df Uses thin provision as default

Install Stratis

dnf install stratis-cli stratisd
systemctl enable stratisd --now

Create Stratis pool

stratis pool create <pool name> <block device>

List Stratis pools

stratis pool list

List Stratis filesystem

stratis filesystem list

Create Stratis filesystem on pool

stratis filesystem create <pool name> <filesystem name>

Enable or disable overprovisioning

stratis pool overprovision <yes OR no>

Add more block devices to pool

stratis pool add-data <pool name> <block device>

Create snapshot of Stratis filesystem

stratis filesystem snapshot <pool name> <filesystem name> <snapshot name>

Remove snapshot of Stratis filesystem

stratis filesystem destroy <pool name> <snapshot name>


mkdir -p <mount point>
mount /dev/stratis/<pool name>/<filesystem name> <mount point>

Mount (persistent)

vi /etc/fstab
UUID="<UUID>" <mount point> xfs defaults,x-systemd.requires=stratisd.service 0 0


Boot options

systemctl get-default                       # Get current setting
systemctl set-default      # Set to GUI
systemctl set-default     # Set to CLI


Access Grub during boot



Pressing ESC during boot


Holding SHIFT during boot

Boot into a specific target

Do not attempt to boot in to emergency or rescue mode without root password - you will be stuck otherwise.

Go into Grub menu during boot
Press e to edit
at the end of the linux line, type:
Then CTRL+X to start
cat /proc/cmdline

vi /etc/default/grub
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg                # BIOS
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg       # UEFI

Output available kernels

grubby --info ALL


grubby --set-default <path to kernel>

Last selected kernel becomes default

vi /etc/default/grub


**Generate new keys

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C "comment"


ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "comment"

Copy you keys to a remote computer

ssh-copy-id USER@ -i .ssh/

NFS and autofs

Create a folder and share it using NFS

(dnf install nfs-utils)         # Or whatever package manager you're using.
mkdir -p /exports/<folder>
vi /etc/exports -> /export/<folder>  <IP range/address to allow or just * to allow all>(rw,sync,no_root_squash)
(systemctl enable --now nfs-server)
(systemctl status nfs-server)
showmount -e
firewall-cmd --add-service nfs --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Mount a NFS share

(dnf install nfs-utils)         # Or whatever package manager you're using.
vi /etc/fstab -> <IP address or hostname of NFS server>:/exports/<folder>  /mnt/<folder>   nfs rw 0 0
mount -a

Set up autofs (direct) on client machine

dnf install autofs
vi /etc/auto.master --> add /- /etc/
vi --> add /mnt/<server> -rw,soft <server>:/<share>
systemctl enable --now autofs

Set up autofs (indirect, in this case users home directories) on client machine

Permissions are matched using the user's id. Create the folder on the source machine and change the ownership to a ID that matches the user accessing the share.

dnf install autofs
vi /etc/auto.master --> add /mnt/home /etc/auto.home
vi auto.home --> add * -rw,soft,timeo=5 <server>:/home/&
systemctl enable --now autofs



Find process group id and set priority to minimum

read processname; for x in $(pgrep $processname); do echo $x; renice -n 19 -p $x; done;

List only certain directories

ls /etc/kubernetes/{pki,manifests}

Read a file in a script - line by line

while IFS= read -r x;
  echo $x
done < <file>

Case in script

case "${1}" in
    square)     echo "You specified 'square'." ;;
    circle)     echo "You specified 'circle'." ;;
    triangle)   echo "You specified 'triangle'." ;;
    *)          echo "Unknown shape '${1}'."; exit 1 ;;

Trim content with tr

$x | tr "x,x,x,x" " "           # Replace characters with whitespace char.
$x | tr -d "x,x,x,x"            # Delete characters

Search for test in files and retur with matches (line by line)

grep <search pattern> <file>
grep -n <search pattern> <file>         # Show which rows

Search for all files with are 3M big and copy it to certain folder

find / -type -f -size 3M -exec cp -r {} <path> \;

Search for all files in the specified folder (recursive)

find <path> -iname <search pattern>       
find . -iname <search pattern>          # Current folder

Search for all files owned by a specific user in the specified folder (recursive)

find <path> -iname <search pattern> --user <username or user ID>   

Search for all files in the specified folder (not recursive)

find <path> -maxdepth 1 -iname <search pattern>          # Only search within the specifed

DNS lookup with dig

dig <domain name> <type> +noall +answer         # Only output the DNS records and their respective values

Generate password

cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | head -c 20              # Generates as password that contains a-zA-Z0-9 and with a length of 20 characters.


Generate CSR

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout <domain>.key -out <domain>.csr

Generate self-signed certificate (valid for one year)

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout <domain>.key -out <domain>.crt -sha256 -days 365


Configure Git (locally)

Create a local config
git config --local "<nickname or fullname>"
git config --local "<email address>"
git config --local core.sshCommand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/<private key file>'

Revert last commit without removing any changes

git reset --soft HEAD~1


git reset --soft <hash of commit>

Revert last commit and changes made since last commit (POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS!)

git reset --hard HEAD~1


git reset --hard <hash of commit>

Remove unstaged files

git reset @

Add all changes to staged

git add *

Add all changed to staged including deleted files

git add --all .

Force push

git push --force

Change commit author

git commit --amend --reset-author

Commit with comment

git commit -m "Message"

Show commits

git log --name-only


List newline

:set list


Search for a container image

podman search <container name>

Edit list of container registries

vi /etc/containers/registries.conf                  # By changing order of registries, you can prioritize which one that should come first respective come last.

Pull image

podman pull <address to the image>

Login to container registry

podman login <url to registry>


skopeo login <url to registry>

Inspect container image

podman pull <address to the image>
podman inspect docker://<url to image> | less


skopeo inspect docker://<url to image> | less

podman inspect docker://<url to image> | grep -A2 Cmd           # List container entrypoint command

List containers

podman ps               # List running containers
podman ps -a            # List all container

List container images

podman images

Run a container

podman run --name <container name> <image id or url>
podman run --name <container name> -d -p <host port:container port> <image id or url> -e <environment variable>="<value>"
podman run --name <container name> <image id or url>             # Run the container in background (detached)
podman run -it --name <container name> <image id or url> <cmd>      # Run container interactively 

Remove all containers

podman rm -a
podman rm -a -f          # Remove all container regardless of state.

Start, stop or kill container

podman start <container name or id>
podman stop <container name or id>
podman kill <container name or id>

Execute commands interactively inside container

podman exec -it <container name or id> <cmd>

Expose container ports

podman run

Run a container with persistent storage

mkdir <container persistent storage>
podman run --name  -d -p 4080:8080 -v <path to dir:container path>
podman run --name  -d -p 4080:8080 -v <path to dir:container path:z>
podman run --name  -d -p 4080:8080 -v <path to dir:container path:Z>

Create a container file/Docker file

mkdir <container name>
cd <folder name>
vi container-file


    RUN microdnf install -y nginx

    RUN rm -r /usr/share/nginx/html/*

    COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html/

    COPY /

    EXPOSE 80

    CMD /

vi index.html



    exec /usr/sbin/nginx -g "daemon off;"

chmod +x

podman login

podman build . -t <container image:release name>

podman images

podman run

Enable docker container to start without user have been logged on

loginctl show-user <user>
sudo loginctl enable-linger <user>
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
cd ~/.config/systemd/user
podman generate systemd --name <container name> --files --new 
systemctl daemon-reload --user
systemctl list-unit-files --no-pager --user | grep container-<container name>
systemctl --user status container-<container name>
systemctl --user start container-<container name>
systemctl --user enable container-<container name> --now

docker compose logs -f