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Sveltekit Route Guard

sveltekit-route-guard is a JavaScript library for creating route guard for SvelteKit.

The sveltekit-route-guard package contains only the functionality necessary to create a handle function for hooks.server.js to handle the route guard. There is no extra dependency needed for this library.

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Using npm:

npm install sveltekit-route-guard

Using yarn:

yarn add sveltekit-route-guard

Using pnpm:

pnpm add sveltekit-route-guard


Note You don't have to pass all the routes in your /routes directory. Just pass the routes you want to add guard. Other routes will be marked as allowed by default.

// src/hook.server.ts
import { createRouteGuard } from 'sveltekit-route-guard'
import { redirect, type Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit'
export const handle: Handle = createRouteGuard({
 routes: [
  { pathname: '/protected' },
  { pathname: '/login' }
 beforeEach(to, event, next) {
  if (to.pathname === '/protected') {
   return next('/login')
  return next()

Using alongside trpc-sveltekit:

// src/hook.server.ts
import { router } from '$lib/trpc/router'
import { createTRPCHandle } from 'trpc-sveltekit'
import { createContext } from '$lib/trpc/context'
import { createRouteGuard } from 'sveltekit-route-guard'
import { redirect, type Handle } from '@sveltejs/kit'

const trpcHandle = createTRPCHandle({

export const handle: Handle = createRouteGuard({
 next: trpcHandle,
 routes: [
  { pathname: '/protected' },
  { pathname: '/login' }
 beforeEach(to, event, next) {
  if (to.pathname === '/protected') {
   return next('/login')
  return next()

Using authentication

// src/hook.server.ts
import { verify } from 'jsonwebtoken'
import { JWT_SECRET } from '$env/static/private'
import { createRouteGuard } from 'sveltekit-route-guard'

import type { User } from '@prisma/client'
import type { Handle, RequestEvent } from '@sveltejs/kit'

const getCurrentUser = (event: RequestEvent) => {
 try {
  const token = event.cookies.get('token')
  return verify(token || '', JWT_SECRET) as User
 } catch (_) {
  return null

export const handle: Handle = createRouteGuard({
 routes: [
   pathname: '/projects',
   meta: {
    auth: true
   pathname: '/login',
   meta: {
    auth: false
 beforeEach(to, event, next) {
  // check if the user is authenticated ot not
  const user = getCurrentUser(event)
  if (user) event.locals.user = user

  // not authenticated and requires authentication is true
  if (!user && to.meta?.auth) {
   return next('/login')

  // already authenticated, can't go to /login
  if (user && to.meta?.auth === false) {
   return next('/')

  // no guard, continue the request
  return next()