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Pin Field (DF52) Generation

Raghavendra Balgi edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 1 revision

PIN Generation (DF52)

(From v0.8.0)

Isosim now supports generation of PIN from the UI. The following PIN formats will be supported -

  • ISO-0
  • ISO-1
  • ISO-3
  • IBM-3264

The field will have to be defined with additional properties (supported with yaml spec type only) like shown below -

              - name: "PIN Data"
                id: 12
                type: Fixed
                size: 8
                data_encoding: BINARY
                position: 52
                gen_type: "pin_gen"
                  pin_clear: "1234"
                  pin_format: "ISO0"
                  pin_key: "AB9292288227277226252525224665FE"
                  pan_field_id: 3
                  pan_extract_params: "0:15"
                  pan: ""

Most of the above properties are self explanatory.

  • The pan_field_id indicates the id of the field from where the PAN can be extracted (the user can override this on the UI)
  • The pan_extract_params is a start and end index (exclusive) to extract a substring from the PAN (This is useful if the pan_field_id is the Track 2/3 fields where you will need to exclude the starting few characters

Example -

PIN Generation