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The RLI LaTeX Beamer theme for creating CI-proof slides with Latex


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The RLI corporate identidy implemented as a theme for Latex document class beamer. Usable with both, LaTeX and Markdown through pandoc. Here are some example slides


You need to have some Latex packages installed. Linux users may use

sudo apt install texlive
sudo apt install texlive-xetex # to use unicode-aware xelatex
sudo apt install texlive-latex-recommended # for latex beamer
sudo apt install texlive-fonts-extra # maybe required for fonts

Note: If you don't want to litter your system with the countless fonts from texlive-fonts-extra (a full list of the Ubuntu package can be found here), you can get single fonts by installing the specific system package. E.g. to install Roboto, use

sudo apt install fonts-roboto-hinted

Extra packages for markdown (pandoc)

sudo apt install pandoc

When using pandoc, it's recommended to use a version >2.0. Ubuntu/Debian user should know that pandoc from official sources might be outdated. Consider to install a newer version.

For using citations with pandoc pandoc-citeproc is required

sudo apt install pandoc-citeproc

Building the example slides

You need the .sty files and the img/ folder right next to your file.

Recommended workflow

  • Have the clone of

    git clone
  • Keep it up-to-date

  • Copy required files to your slides path

    cp -r beamer_theme/img/ beamer_theme/*.sty <> 


Make sure you have following two lines in the preamble



Build example slides from .tex file

xelatex example-slides.tex

and then: happy building your own slides 🎉.

See the example_slides.tex for some hints on how to create slides with latex beamer.

If bibtex citations are used, run the following commands for correctly processing newly added citations

xelatex example-slides.tex
bibtex example-slides.aux
xelatex example-slides.tex
xelatex example-slides.tex

Markdown (with Pandoc)

When using Markdown (.md) files for creating slides, include the following in the front matter

- title: <Title>
- ...
- theme: rli

Convert .md files to beamer PDF slides by

pandoc -t beamer --pdf-engine=xelatex -o example-slides.pdf 

To enable processing of citations use

pandoc -t beamer --filter pandoc-citeproc --bibliography bib/example.bib --pdf-engine=xelatex -o example-slides.pdf

Note: If you use pandoc version <2.0, replace --pdf-engine by --latex-engine= to process the Markdown file.

Have a look into for details and examples.

Bibliography style

For a custom reference list format, you can download a Citation Style Language (CSL) file from zotero to your ./bib directory. Activate the style by passing the option --csl bib/<STYLE_FILE>.csl to pandoc, e.g. --csl bib/chicago-author-date-de.csl.

To generate a full bibliography, regardless of whether the entries were referenced on the slides or not, use the option nocite: '@*' in the header of the front matter.


Contributions are welcome! Read CONTRIBUTING for developing workflow. If you don't know how to help, see issue for upcoming release.