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BERT based Model for predicting Emojis. This uses Huggingfaces pretrained RoBERTa model. It gets finetuned on a dataset containing twitter data with 7 different emojis as lables. Figure shows the architecture of EmoBERT.


The code in this repository was tested and created with python version 3.7.
All needed requirements are listed in requirements.txt. To Install them run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The dataset needs to be a pickled pandas dataset consisting of a column "tweet" which holds the tweet and a column "emoji_class" which holds the numeric representation of the emoji and a column "emoji" which holds the unicode representation of the emoji.

Config for Training/Testing

There is a config file one has to create with all the setup for the model. This looks like the following:

batchsize = 64 # Batchsize for the Dataloading
n_classes = 7 # Number of classes, change this when you want to train on more/less than 7 classes

modelname_to_save = EmoBERT_base # Model name that gets saved in models/ with epoch attached
test_data = data/emoji_test.pkl # Testdata path, needs to be a pkl file
train_data = data/emoji_train.pkl # Traindata path, needs to be a pkl file
learning_rate = 2e-5 # Learning rate
epochs = 5 # Epochs to train

modelname_to_load = models/finetuned_EmoBERT_base_epoch_2.model # model which should be used for testing
test_data = data/emoji_test.pkl # Testdata path, needs to be a pkl file

# Here you can add all preprocessing steps needed.
steps: lemmatize_tweets, remove_tweets_with_less_than_two_words

Following preprocessing steps are currently supported:

Preprocessing Step Description
remove_stopwords Removing all stopwords
remove_punctuation Romove all punctuation
stem_tweets Apply stemming to the data
lemmatize_tweets Apply lemmatizing to the data
replace_at_with_at Replace all freestanding @ with at since freestanding @ are often used instead of at
remove_extra_whitespace All extra whitespaces are removes
replace_smileys All smiley created with punctuation are replaced by a word representing them.
unify_apostrophes All apostrophs get unified to the same one.
replace_extra_letters Some extra unnecessary letters get removed (Loooooove -> Loove)
make_lowercase Make everything lowercase.
remove_digits Remove all digits
remove_urls Remove all urls (http and https urls)
remove_non_english_characters Remove all non englisch characters.
remove_whole_hashtags All hashtags are removed (the whole hashtag not only the #)
remove_only_hashtags All hashtags are removed (only the #)
remove_freestanding_hashtags All freestanding hastags are removed (with a whitespace afterwards). This is usefull after removing non english chars since then all non englisch hashtags result in only a # .
remove_tweets_with_less_than_two_words Remove tweets with less then two words.
apply_random_oversampling Apply some random oversampling (Oversample everything to the sample number of the class with the most samples).

Testing the Model

To test the model following command needs to be executed: python <path_to_config> Add to the config which model you want to test and the path to the testdata. A pretrained model can be downloaded from here (Drive) (Pretrained on the given dataset with the given config file)

Training the Model

To train (finetune) the model following command needs to be executed: python <path_to_config> The models get saved in models/ directory. Further in results/ the results of the training gets saved as .json, this file holds the train/test loss of each epoche, as precision, recall and accuracy metrics. Add all necessary parameters to the config.


Model recall accuracy precision recall diff accuracy diff precision diff
SVM 56.54 58.64 54.98 - - -
EmoBERT 77.72 80.86 75.82 +21.18 +22.22 +20.84
EmoBERT w/ oversampling 76.28 80.09 75.96 +19.74 +21.45 +20.98
EmoBERT w/ stowords removed and stemming 61.42 65.00 62.74 +4.88 +6.36 +7.76
EmoBERT w/ Lemmatization 76.62 80.72 77.44 +20.08 +22.08 +22.46
EmoBERT w/ Stemming 73.28 78.93 76.61 +16.74 +20.29 +21.63


BERT based Model for predicting Emojis







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