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First fully functional release

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@rlebrette rlebrette released this 11 Aug 15:33
· 1 commit to master since this release

This is the first executable release!

Everything is packaged in the zip file as a portable installation.
Some examples are provided.
The config file has to be updated with the correct parameters for your own installation. See the setting section of the JRMCStatusListener.exe.config file:

<setting name="Host" serializeAs="String">
   <value>localhost</value> <!-- the host where JRiver is running on -->
<setting name="Port" serializeAs="String">
   <value>52199</value> <!-- the port where JRiver is running on-->
<setting name="Username" serializeAs="String">
   <value>rlebrette</value> <!-- the user allowed to connect -->
<setting name="Password" serializeAs="String">
   <value>test</value> <!-- the password of the user -->
<setting name="Script" serializeAs="String">
   <value>display.vb</value> <!-- the default script which is used if no other is provided on the command line -->

Take a look to the vb scripts to know what you can do.

dir\> JRMCStatusListener.exe
dir\> JRMCStatusListener.exe myscript.vb

The first command run using the default script specified in the config file.
The second one is using the provided script.