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This code is the new, improved version of the Monte Carlo reaction rate code first presented in 2010:

  • Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: I. Monte Carlo method and statistical distributions, Longland, R.; Iliadis, C.; Champagne, A. E.; Newton, J. R.; Ugalde, C.; Coc, A.; Fitzgerald, R., link
  • Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: II. Tables and graphs of reaction rates and probability density functions, Iliadis, C.; Longland, R.; Champagne, A. E.; Coc, A.; Fitzgerald, R., link
  • Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: III. Nuclear physics input, Iliadis, C.; Longland, R.; Champagne, A. E.; Coc, A., link
  • Charged-particle thermonuclear reaction rates: IV. Comparison to previous work, Iliadis, C.; Longland, R.; Champagne, A. E.; Coc, A., link

Subsequent updates to the method are documented in:

  • Thermonuclear reaction rate of 18Ne(α ,p ) 21Na from Monte Carlo calculations, Mohr, P.; Longland, R.; Iliadis, C., link
  • Correlated uncertainties in Monte Carlo reaction rate calculations, Longland, Richard, link
  • Correlated energy uncertainties in reaction rate calculations, Longland, Richard; de Séréville, Nicolas, link


  • GSL - Gnu Scientific Library
  • c++ compiler
  • cmake
  • (openmp - not used at present)

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the code:
    git clone
  2. Create a build directory:
    cd RatesMC
    mkdir build
    cd build
  3. Compile the code
    cmake ..

The code should now be ready to run with

Update at any time with
git pull
cd build
cmake ..

Running the code

When you run ./RatesMC, it will read the input file:, perform a Monte Carlo reaction rate calculation, and will write several output files. Some of these are then used by the analysis scripts below:

  • RatesMC.log
    The log file. Check this for errors
  • RatesMC.out
    The simplified reaction rate output file containing all essential rate information
  • RatesMC.full
    The Full RatesMC output table. Includes 2-sigma rate uncertainties, 1-sigma rate uncertainties, Classical Rate, Median Rate, Mean Rate, Log-Normal mu and sigma parameters, and the Anderson-Darling Statistic
  • RatesMC.latex
    Latex file for pasting rate into publications
  • RatesMC.cont
    Contributions of each resonance to the reaction rate at each temperature
  • RatesMC.integ
    Integrals for broad resonances
  • RatesMC.sfact
    Astrophysical S-factor for broad resonances and analytical rate
  • RatesMC.samp
    Reaction rate samples
  • ParameterSamples.dat
    All samples of the input parameters
  • RatesMC.PT
    Porter-Thomas samples. Use for diagnostics only

New features

  • Non-resonant Contributions
    Previously non-resonance contributions could be added to the reaction rate calculation by including them as a parameterized list of S(0), S'(0), and S''(0) as explained in Eqn. 3.102 of Iliadis' Nuclear Physics of Stars (2nd ed.). However, that requires a fit to the astrophysical S-factor. Now, I've included the option to include the S-factor directly as a table.
    There is space for two parts. Each part contains 3 lines:

    1. Energy (in keV)
    2. S (keV.b)
    3. Fractional uncertainty of S-factor (enter a negative value for factor uncertainty)
      For example:
    Non-resonant table  
    Enter comma-separated energies (keV) on 1st line, S-factors (keV.b) on 2nd line, and fractional uncertainties on 3rd line
    0      2      4      6      8      10     20     40     60     80     100    200    400    600    800    1000   1500   2000   2500
    10.92  10.81  10.69  10.59  10.48  10.38  9.92   9.15   8.56   8.07   7.67   6.39   5.21   4.65   4.35   4.13   3.76   3.56   3.42
    -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04  -1.04
    0  0
    0  0
    0  0
  • Interfering Resonances
    Interferences now work like in the old version of RatesMC. Be warned that this feature is still under testing and there is not a lot of error checking at present.

  • Correlations
    Turning correlations between resonances was a bit of a hidden feature before, and was a little finicky with little 'c's to flag which resonances should be correlated. This how now been improved: at the end of a resonance input, enter 'e' to indicate that it's energy-correlated, and 'w' if it's width correlated (including resonance strength).
    Example 1 (resonances at 560 and 877 keV have correlated widths):

    Ecm    DEcm     wg       Dwg    Jr      G1      DG1     L1      G2      DG2      L2   G3  DG3  L3 Exf   Int
    -43.9  1.5      0        0      1.5     2.2     1.6     1       1.14    0.04      1    0     0    0   0.0   1
    560.0  1.7      0.331    0.041  1.5     6       3       2       0.350   0.056     1    0     0    0   0.0   0  w
    877.0  2.0      3.65     0.51   2.5     11.9    3.6     2       3.1     1.3       1    0     0    0   0.0   0  w

    Example 2 (resonances at 2101 and 2236 keV have correlated energies):

    2101.0 50.0     0        0      1.5     210e3  40e3     2       17      8.5       1    48.0  9.2  0   0.0   1  e
    2236.0 50.0     0        0      2.5     240e3  50e3     2       1       0.5       1    520.0 100  0   0.0   1  e
    2426.0 50.0     0        0      3.5     120e3  20e3     2       1       0.5       1    760   140  0   0.0   1
  • AME masses
    Do you want to just read the AME 2020 mass table? Me too! Now, insead of entering the particle mass in lines 6-8, you can just type the nuclide's name. For example:

    1               ! Zproj
    18              ! Ztarget
    0               ! Zexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1H              ! Aproj   (input either mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    35Ar            ! Atarget (input either mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    0               ! Aexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
  • AME atomic number
    Keep forgetting the atomic number of your nuclei? Enter the nuclide's name in the charge section. Yes I know the isotope is irrelevent.

    1H              ! Zproj
    35Ar            ! Ztarget
    0               ! Zexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1H              ! Aproj   (input either mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    35Ar            ! Atarget (input either mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    0               ! Aexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
  • Nubase ground-state spin Tired of looking up the ground state spin of your reacting nuclides? Guess what, you can enter their names to use the NuBase 2020 evaluation. This ignores parentheses so use with caution!

    1               ! Zproj     (or nuclide's name to use AME 2020)
    18              ! Ztarget
    0               ! Zexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1.00728         ! Aproj     (input either nuclear mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    34.9654         ! Atarget
    0               ! Aexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1H              ! Jproj     (or nuclide's name to use NuBase 2020)
    35Ar            ! Jtarget
  • Separation energies Sick of calculating separation energies from nuclide masses? Yep, you guessed it, RatesMC can finally do that for you!

    1H              ! Zproj     (or nuclide's name to use AME 2020)
    35Ar            ! Ztarget
    0               ! Zexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1H              ! Aproj     (input either nuclear mass in amu, or the nuclide's name, e.g. 23Na)
    35Ar            ! Atarget
    0               ! Aexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    1H              ! Jproj     (or nuclide's name to use NuBase 2020)
    35Ar            ! Jtarget
    0.0             ! Jexitparticle (=0 when only 2 channels open)
    AME             ! projectile separation energy (keV) - Enter 'AME' for auto calculation
    AME             ! exit particle separation energy (=0 when only 2 channels open)
  • Factor uncertainties
    Factor uncertainties on parameters can finally be input directly into the code! Beware: this only works for partial widths and Porter Thomas mean values, not energies.
    For example, if you want to enter a factor of two uncertainty for the first partial width of a resonance, you would enter the following:

    Ecm     DEcm    wg      Dwg     J     G1        DG1        L1    G2      DG2      L2   G3  DG3  L3  Exf   Int
    200     2       0       0       2     0.0372    -2.0       1     2.7e-4  1.35e-4  1    0   0    0   0.0   1

Analysis scripts

Most of these will need to be edited to make sure the correct files are being analysed.

  • PlotUncertainties.R
    New code to plot the 1, 2, and 3-sigma uncertainties of the rate, as well as a comparison to literature if desired
  • PlotCompare.R
    Plots the 1-sigma uncertainties of the present rate and a literature rate
  • PlotContribution.R
    Plots the contribution bands of each resonance as a function of temperature
  • PlotIntegrand.R
    Plots the integrands for broad resonances. Be sure to adjust the temperature you're looking for at the top of the code
  • PlotSFactor.R
    Plots the astrophysical s-factor for all resonances. This has now been updated from the previous version to work well!
  • PlotPanel6.R
    Plots the reaction rate probability density distribution for 6 useful temperatures
  • PlotPanelall.R
    Plots the reaction rate probability density distribution for all temperatures
  • PlotParameter.R
    Diagnostics. Check the probability distribution of input parameters
  • PlotCorrelations.R
    Diagnostics. Show correlations of rate (at a given temperature) with all input parameters. Also show corner plot correlations between everything (should be mostly uncorrelated unless energy or width correlations are turned on)
  • PlotPT.R
    Diagnostics. Plot the Porter-Thomas samples


Copyright (C) 2022 Richard Longland

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

Author: R. Longland


No description, website, or topics provided.





