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Governance and Growth

This project is an example of generating reproducible research for the web using R. You can view the site here.

Starting a new project

These instructions are based on Barry Rowlingson's workflow for publishing course notes. The process involves two steps:

  1. Use knitr to turn annotated R code into webpages.
  2. Use to build a website by stitching those pages together with a template.

Annotated R scripts

Create a project directory with the following sub-directories. Using this directory tree saves you the time of correcting broken image links to graphs ouput from R later on.

- data				Data files to be used by R
- site				Where cactus will house and build the project website  
- source          All your .Rhtml files

Using R Studio with knitr, write your annotated R code using the .Rhtml format. Instead of wrapping the document in the normal html tags, set Django hooks at the top and bottom:

{% extends "base.html" %}{% block content %}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...

<!--begin.rcode block1
## Generate some numbers
x <- sample(1:20,10)

{% endblock %}

If you want to include a show/hide code function, you can tell knitr to add a CSS layer which acts as show/hide toggle button by setting the following knitr chunk hook before the Django hook at the top of each .Rhtml file. (This is a workaround, you should be able to set the chunk hook once before calling knit()).

<!--begin.rcode echo=FALSE

knit_hooks$set(toggle = function(before, options, envir) {
  if (before) {
    ## before a chunk has been evaluated.
    return("<div class=\"codetoggle\"><a href=\"\">[+/- Code]</a></div>")


Static Website Generator

Set up, follow the tutorial to create a new project in projectdirectory/site/.

Get and customize an HTML template like Skeleton to use as the base.html template. Grab the CSS file used by knitr as a starting point to make the code chunks look nicer. If you want a show/hide code chunks function, remember to add necessary CSS styles.

If you set the knitr chunk hook to add a show/hide code button above all code chunks, add some JavsScript to site/templates/base.html to handle showing/hiding the code layers. For example (using jQuery):

<!-- JavaScript Includes -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../static/js/jQuery.js"></script>

<!-- show/hide code script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
	$('.codetoggle').click(function(e) {
	var originalText;
	function() {
	originalText = $(this).text();
	function() {
</script> <!-- show/hide code-->

Publishing and Updating

The following script is an exmaple of calling both knitr and catcus from R. Alternatively, this can also be implemented for single pages, e.g.: Knit.2.cactus('3-Methods.Rhtml','3-Methods.html).

projectdirectory <- "projectdirectory" 

pd <- paste0(projectdirectory, "/site/build", collapse = NULL)

## Function for calling knitr:
Knit.2.cactus <- function(src, dest) {
  if(require(knitr)) {
    opts_knit$set(root.dir = pd) 
    src <- paste0("../../source/",src, collapse = NULL)
    dest <- paste0("../pages/",dest, collapse = NULL)
  else {
    return("knitr not found.")

# Get a list of all the annotated R scripts
rhtml.files <- list.files(path="../../source/",pattern="\\.Rhtml$")

# Knit all .Rhtml files to .html
for (x in 1:length(rhtml.files)) {
	html.file <- paste0(substr(rhtml.files[x], 1, nchar(rhtml.files[x])-6),".html", collapse = NULL)

# System call tells cactus to rebuild the site
system(paste0(" ", pd, " build", collapse = NULL))


Econometrics using Panel Data methods in R






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