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Releases: rlue/timer


09 Feb 23:32
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  • Fixes lingering FIFO (named pipe) cleanup


01 Feb 18:28
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  • Fixes #6 (bash syntax error when using -d)
  • Add emojis when using -p

v0.1.5: Desktop notifications, i3status, prettier formatting

28 Jun 21:34
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See commit messages and README for details

Improve Linux support, tmux bugfix, and visual bell

05 May 20:39
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This release:

  • expands mute detection to support Linux (prev. only supported macOS)
  • fixes a display bug in tmux
  • always displays the visual bell, even when the system is not muted

Bugfix: Prevent ringing of accumulated intervals

03 Mar 12:22
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Prior to v0.1.3, timer would "accumulate" interval bells during system sleep, then ring all of them at once when resuming. This version fixes that.

More precise timing!

19 Jan 13:11
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Previous versions of this script would gain milliseconds each second it was running, resulting in inaccurate timing over longer periods. (Issue described in this SO post.)

This release implements a different approach to timing (using date) to ensure that the bell always rings at the specified intervals.


26 May 09:41
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This version fixes a bug where, when running timer as a background process, it would erase the command line prompt upon completion.

First Release

06 Apr 09:49
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Get it on Homebrew!

brew install rlue/utils/timer