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Use Image Observations

Although most environments return observations that somehow describe the physical state of the agent and environment, others return observations that contain spatial data instead. As an example, consider the MemorizeDigits-v0 gym environment, where the agent must memorize what each digit looks like using RGB observations such as:

 |                           |
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Image observations can be represented as tensors containing each individual pixel's RGB value. Typically these tensors have the shape (HEIGHT, WIDTH, CHANNELS) where CHANNELS denotes the number of channels. RGB images have 3 channels and grayscale images have 1 channel.

This page will guide you through managing these image observations and environments.

Pixel Environments

The following gym environments have been tested with garage and have examples written for them:

  • MemorizeDigits-v0 - see examples/tf/
  • CubeCrash-v0- see examples/tf/
  • PongNoFrameskip-v4 - see examples/tf/

Gym environments that do not return pixel observations by default can be used with garage.envs.wrappers.PixelObservationWrapper, which overrides the default observation and instead returns a tensor of RGB values by making calls to env.render(mode='rgb_array'). See the section on this wrapper below for more on this.

Environment Wrappers

Garage includes various environment wrappers that are particularly useful when working with pixel observations. You may use multiple wrappers simultaneously, though the order in which you use them matters. See the pixel-specific wrappers section for more details on this.


When wrapping image-based environments in GymEnv, is_image should be set to True:

env = GymEnv(gym.make('MemorizeDigits-v0'), is_image=True)

This converts the gym.spaces.Box observation space to an akro.Image space, which then:

  • Tells CNN primitives in garage to normalize pixel values to between 0 and 1. This typically decreases training time, particularly in environments where observation values vary widely. Note that for memory optimization purposes, this is only done internally within the primitives, so calls to env.step() will still return raw pixel values. This ensures that pixel values are held in memory as integers (ideally 8-bit integers, ie. uint8), and are only converted to float32 values when passed to CNN primitives.

  • Unflattens observations when necessary to preserve relationships between spatial data.

Pixel-Specific Wrappers

These are used to modify the environment observations, usually in ways that would reduce the input size and improve training speed. They can be found in the garage/envs/wrappers directory. The ones to note here are:


This wraps around environments that typically produce observations that are not images, and instead generates pixel observations from the wrapped environment. The behavior of this wrapper is similar to that of gym.wrappers.pixel_observation.PixelObservationWrapper, except that the gym wrapper returns a gym.spaces.Dict observation space:

from gym.wrappers.pixel_observation import PixelObservationWrapper as gymWrapper
from garage.envs.wrappers import PixelObservationWrapper as garageWrapper

env = gym.make('Pendulum_v0')
# env.observation_space == Box(3,)
env.reset() # needed when using gym's wrapper
gym_wrapped = gymWrapper(env)
# gym_wrapped.observation_space == Dict({'pixels':Box(1000, 1000, 3)})
garage_wrapped = garageWrapper(env)
# garage_wrapped.observation_space == Box(1000, 1000, 3)

Notice that the resulting observation space is 3-dimensional, and now represents the RGB pixel values.


As the name implies, this wrapper converts a 2D RGB image into a single-channel, grayscale image. This can only be applied to 3-channel images.

env = gym.make('Env')
# env.observation_space.shape == (100, 100, 3)
env_wrapped = Grayscale(env)
# env_wrapped.observation_space.shape == (100, 100)


It is a good idea to use this wrapper to scale down image observations, especially when dealing with large images. In the PixelObservationWrapper example above, the images are 1000 px by 1000 px. Images of this size will drastically increase training time, and is unnecessary when information about the environment can be discerned from a lower resolution image.

You should be careful not to downsample images to the point where information is lost. A good way to check this is to plot the observations using matplotlib:

import gym
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from garage.envs.wrappers import PixelObservationWrapper, Grayscale, Resize

env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0')
env = PixelObservationWrapper(env)
env = Grayscale(env)
# env.observation_space.shape == (100, 100)
env_wrapped = Resize(env, 86, 86) # env, width, height
# env_wrapped.observation_space.shape == (86, 86)

obs = env.reset()
plt.imshow(obs, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255) #grayscale colormap

Grayscaled + Resized observation on the left, raw observation on the right Note that size here refers to its resolution, so images are not cropped. Only 2D single-channel images can be resized, so this wrapper is usually applied after the Grayscale wrapper.


Frame stacking is a technique used in RL to create observations from which temporal data can be inferred. As a concrete example, consider the Pendulum-v0 environment where the agent must balance the pendulum vertically by applying some amount of torque to the shaft. To do this reliably, the agent needs to infer both the current position of the pendulum and the direction in which it is moving. The former is given by the current image observation, but the latter cannot be inferred from one image alone. To combat this, you can stack N (say, 3) images into one , which would embed this information into one observation.

Frames are stacked on a rolling basis. When stacking N frames, the N most recent frames are returned as the observation. Moreover, stacking frames does not affect the width or height of the images, only the number of channels in the final observation.

You can only use StackFrames with single-channel images.

env = gym.make('SingleChannelEnv')
# env.observation_space.shape == (100, 100)
wrapped_env = StackFrames(env, 2) # stack last 2 frames
# wrapped_env.observation_space.shape == (100, 100, 2)


The following script demonstrates how you would use the aforementioned options in a launcher file

def  pixel_observations_example(ctxt=None, seed=1, buffer_size=int(1e4)):

    with TFTrainer(snapshot_config=ctxt) as trainer:

        env = gym.make('Pendulum-v0')
        env = PixelObservation(env) # goes first
        env = Grayscale(env)
        env = Resize(env, 86, 86)
        env = StackFrames(env, 2) # goes after all pixel wrappers

        env = GymEnv(env, is_image=True) # goes last

        # setup policy, Q function, etc.
        # pass env to the algorithm

This page was authored by Mishari Aliesa (@maliesa96).