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147 lines (130 loc) · 6.25 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Bug in entropy regularization in TensorFlow PPO/TRPO (#579)
  • Bug in which advantage normalization was broken for recurrent policies (#626)
  • Bug in examples/ (#691)
  • Bug in FiniteDifferenceHvp (#745)


  • Fix overhead in GaussianMLPRegressor by optionally creating assign operations (#622)


  • Epsilon-greedy exploration strategy, DiscreteMLPModel, and QFunctionDerivedPolicy (all needed by DQN)
  • Base Model class for TensorFlow-based primitives
  • Dump plots generated with matplotlib to TensorBoard
  • Relative Entropy Policy Search (REPS) algorithm
  • GaussianConvBaseline and GaussianConvRegressor primitives
  • New Dockerfiles, docker-compose files, and Makefiles for running garage using Docker
  • Vanilla policy gradient loss to NPO
  • Truncated Natural Policy Gradient (TNPG) algorithm for TensorFlow
  • Episodic Reward Weighted Regression (ERWR) algorithm for TensorFlow
  • gym.Env wrappers used for pixel environments
  • Convolutional Neural Network primitive


  • Move dependencies from environment.yml to
  • Update dependencies:
    • tensorflow-probability to 0.5.x
    • dm_control to commit 92f9913
    • TensorFlow to 1.12
    • MuJoCo to 2.0
    • gym to 0.10.11
  • Move dm_control tests into the unit test tree
  • Use GitHub standard .gitignore
  • Improve the implementation of RandomizedEnv (Dynamics Randomization)
  • Decouple TensorBoard from the logger
  • Move files from garage/misc/instrument to garage/experiment
  • to be canonical in format and use automatic versioning


  • Move some garage subpackages into their own repositories:
  • Remove Theano backend, algorithms, and dependencies
  • Custom environments which duplicated openai/gym
  • Some dead files from garage/misc ( and
  • Remove all code coverage tracking providers except CodeCov


  • Clean up warnings in the test suite
  • Pickling bug in GaussianMLPolicyWithModel
  • Namescope in LbfgsOptimizer
  • Correctly sample paths in OffPolicyVectorizedSampler
  • Implementation bugs in tf/VPG
  • Bug when importing Box
  • Bug in test_benchmark_her


  • Avoid importing Theano when using the TensorFlow branch
  • Avoid importing MuJoCo when not required
  • Implementation bugs in tf/VPG
  • Bug when importing Box
  • Bug in test_benchmark_her
  • Bug in the CI scripts which produced false positives


  • PPO and DDPG for the TensorFlow branch
  • HER for DDPG
  • Recurrent Neural Network policy support for NPO, PPO and TRPO
  • Base class for ReplayBuffer, and two implementations: SimpleReplayBuffer and HerReplayBuffer
  • Sampler classes OffPolicyVectorizedSampler and OnPolicyVectorizedSampler
  • Base class for offline policies OffPolicyRLAlgorithm
  • Benchmark tests for TRPO, PPO and DDPG to compare their performance with those produced by OpenAI Baselines
  • Dynamics randomization for MuJoCo environments
  • Support for dm_control environments
  • DictSpace support for garage environments
  • PEP8 checks enforced in the codebase
  • Support for Python imports: maintain correct ordering and remove unused imports or import errors
  • Test on TravisCI using Docker images for managing dependencies
  • Testing code reorganized
  • Code Coverage measurement with codecov
  • Pre-commit hooks to enforce PEP8 and to verify imports and commit messages, which are also applied in the Travis CI verification
  • Docstring verification for added files that are not in the test branch or moved files
  • TensorBoard support for all key-value/log_tabular calls, plus support for logging distributions
  • Variable and name scope for symbolic operations in TensorFlow
  • Top-level base Space class for garage
  • Asynchronous plotting for Theano and Tensorflow
  • GPU support for Theano


  • Rename rllab to garage, including all the rllab references in the packages and modules inside the project
  • Rename run_experiment_lite to run_experiment
  • The file was replaced by the pycma library available on PyPI
  • Move the contrib package to garage.contrib
  • Move Theano-dependent code to garage.theano
  • Move all code from to
  • Update several dependencies, mainly:
    • Python to 3.6.6
    • TensorFlow to 1.9
    • Theano to 1.0.2
    • mujoco-py to 1.50.1
    • gym to 0.10.8
  • Transfer various dependencies from conda to pip
  • Separate example script files in the Theano and TensorFlow branch
  • Update LICENSE, and .gitignore
  • Use convenience imports, that is, import classes and functions that share the same or similar name to its module in the corresponding file of their package
  • Replace ProxyEnv with gym.Wrapper
  • Update installation scripts for Linux and macOS


  • All unused imports in the Python files
  • Unused packages from environment.yml
  • The files under rllab.mujoco_py were removed to use the pip release instead
  • Empty files
  • The environment class defined by rllab.envs.Env was not imported to garage and the environment defined by gym.Env is used now


  • Sleeping processes produced by the parallel sampler. NOTE: although the frequency of this issue has been reduced, our tests in TravisCI occasionally detect the issue and currently it seems to be an issue with re-entrant locks and multiprocessing in Python.