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Command: BlockTrain

Robert MacLean edited this page May 19, 2020 · 2 revisions

BlockTrain 🚂

This command will allow you to block or mute a user and all their followers.

Important: BlockTrain and people who you follow already

People who you already follow will not be blocked/muted by the BlockTrain.


twot BlockTrain [--dryrun] [--log | -l] [--target | -t <username>]] [--mute | -m]


twot blocktrain [--dryrun] [--log | -l] [--target | -t <username>]] [--mute | -m]


twot bt [--dryrun] [--log | -l] [--target | -t <username>]] [--mute | -m]


  • target <username> or -t <username>: This specifies the account to target. This account will be blocked or muted and then all accounts who follow them will be blocked/muted as well.
  • --mute or -m (optional): Mute an account and their followers, rather than block them which is the default.
  • --log or -l (optional): This option will produce a log file of every account which was impacted by the BlockTrain. This is useful to have as a way to undo the changes using the unblock command.
  • --dryrun (optional): This option will ensure no actions are actually made to the target or their followers.


Block an account, in this example @fakeacccount, and their followers

twot BlockTrain fakeaccount

Mute an account, in this example @fakeacccount, and their followers

twot bt fakeaccount -m