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🌟 Logger.nvim

This plugin provides a logger class for logging messages via the vim.notify function in Neovim. It provides consistent logging and uses vim.inspect under the hood as well when possible to log tables. I kept copying this code over in my Neovim plugins, now I can just do:

use {
    requires = { "rmagatti/logger.nvim" }

🚀 Usage

To use the logger class, first require it in your Neovim Lua plugin:

local Logger = require("logger").new({ log_level = "debug", prefix = "my_prefix" })

You can optionally set the log_level and prefix using the setter functions:


Then, you can use the logging methods to log messages:

logger:debug("debug message")
logger:info("info message")
logger:warn("warning message")
logger:error("error message")


-- Logging examples
logger:debug("This is a debug message.") -- Logs "my_prefix DEBUG: This is a debug message." as a vim.notify with level DEBUG
logger:info("This is an info message.") -- Logs "my_prefix INFO: This is an info message." as a vim.notify with level INFO
logger:warn("This is a warning message.") -- Logs "my_prefix WARN: This is a warning message." as a vim.notify with level WARN
logger:error("This is an error message.") -- Logs "my_prefix ERROR: This is an error message." as a vim.notify with level ERROR

-- Logging tables
logger:debug("something", { something = "foo", bar = "baz" })

-- output
my_prefix DEBUG: something { something = "foo", bar = "baz" }




Creates a new logger instance with an optional obj_and_config table. The table can contain the log_level and prefix properties to set the default log level and prefix for the logger.



Sets the log level for the logger. level can be either a string or number, as described in :h vim.log.levels.


Sets the prefix for the logger. The prefix is logged alongside the log level in each message.

Logging methods


Logs a debug message. This is the most verbose logging level, and will only log if the log level is set to "debug" or vim.log.levels.DEBUG.


Logs an info message. This is the default logging level, and will log if the log_level is set to "info", "debug", or vim.log.levels.DEBUG or vim.log.levels.INFO.


Logs a warning message. This will log if the log_level is set to "warn", "info", "debug", or vim.log.levels.DEBUG or vim.log.levels.INFO or vim.log.levels.WARN.


Logs an error message. This will log if the log_level is set to "error", "warn", "info", "debug", or vim.log.levels.DEBUG or vim.log.levels.INFO or vim.log.levels.WARN or vim.log.levels.ERROR.

📝 Notes

This plugin uses vim.notify to log messages, so make sure that you have the necessary Neovim version and configuration to use this function.