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Fotch – In browser fake REST API for creative development purposes!


When I code for fun, I occasionally need a backend REST API to play with. Usually, I feel too lazy to create a dumb REST API. I have dream about a simple library that I could plug in the frontend with little effort and simulate and persist data somewhere. Then fotch was born.

How it works?

fotch monkey patches the window.fetch API and intercept all calls. When a matching call looks like a REST operation then fotch responds as you would expect from a REST API. All data is stored in window.localStorage.


npm i fotch


import fotch from 'fotch'


That's it! Seriously, just start using the fetch API as if there's a REST API. You can stop intercepting calls using fotch.stop().

▶︎ View demo on CodeSandbox


// Get a list of apples.

// Get an apple by id.

// Create an apple.
fetch('/apples', { method: 'post', data: JSON.stringify({ color: 'red' }) })

// Update an apple.
fetch('/apples/1', { method: 'put', data: JSON.stringify({ color: 'green' }) })

// Remove an apple.
fetch('/apples/1', { method: 'delete' })


The first parameter can be a string or a configuration object.

When the first parameter is a string it will be interpreted as match pattern.


This will filter any fetch calls where the URL contains /api/.

Configuration object

When the first parameter is a configuration object the following options can be used:

Name Type Description
match string The portion to match in a URL to filter fetch calls.
delay number Specify a delay to all calls in milliseconds .
{ min, max } Specify a minimum and a maximum delay to all calls in milliseconds. fotch will return a random delay within that range.

If you need more options then request it creating an issue.


  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install dependencies: npm i.
  3. Make changes and create a PR.


npm run test


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Made with ♥ by @rmariuzzo and contributors.