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Sample demo to demonstrate some of the main capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (based in Tekton)


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Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines

This is a sample tutorial to shows the main capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (based in Tekton).

This tutorial walks through from the main components of this new way to define CICD pipelines.

To follow it, the next requirements must be resolved:

  • Red Hat OpenShift 4.14+
  • Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator 1.15.0
  • Tekton CLI (tkn)

If you don't have available a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, you could use CRC - CodeReady Containers to have OpenShift 4 on your laptop. Other alternative is use the Developer Sandbox by Red Hat Developer program.

TIP: Create a new project (e.g.) pipelines-demo to follow this repo:

oc new-project pipelines-demo

Pipelines Operator

NOTE: If you are using a shared environment, such as Developer Sandbox, the operator could be already available. So you can skip this step.

To use OpenShift Pipelines, it is required to install the operator in the platform, if it is not already installed. To deploy an OpenShift Operator a cluster-admin user is needed.

To deploy the operators with a cluster-admin user in the openshift-operators namespace (default namespace to install operators in OpenShift):

oc apply -f 00-pipelines-subscription.yaml -n openshift-operators

To check the deployment status:

❯ oc get csv
NAME                                      DISPLAY                         VERSION   REPLACES                                  PHASE
openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.15.0   Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines      1.15.0   openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.14.1   Succeeded


A Task is a collection of Steps that you define and arrange in a specific order of execution as part of your continuous integration flow. A Task executes as a Pod on your OpenShift cluster. A Task is available within a specific namespace, while a ClusterTask is available across the entire cluster.


Sample Task

A sample task with a single step looks like similar to:

kind: Task
  name: hello-task
    - name: say-hello
      command: ['/bin/bash']
      args: ['-c', 'echo Hello World']

Create this task in OpenShift:

oc apply -f 01-hello-task.yaml

Start the task and show the log output:

❯ tkn task start hello-task --showlog
TaskRun started: hello-task-run-gng4t
Waiting for logs to be available...
[say-hello] Hello World

Parametrized Task

Tasks can also take parameters. This way, you can pass various flags to be used in the Task. These parameters can be instrumental in making your Tasks more generic and reusable across Pipelines.

A extended version of the previous task to ask for the name of a person looks like similar to:

kind: Task
  name: hello-params-task
    - name: person
      description: Name of person to greet
      default: World
      type: string
    - name: say-hello
        - /bin/bash
      args: ['-c', 'echo Hello $(params.person)']

This parameter could define a default value, in case it is not defined when the task is started.

Create the task:

oc apply -f 02-hello-params-task.yaml

Start the task without parameters it will force to declare them:

❯ tkn task start hello-params-task --showlog
? Value for param `person` of type `string`? (Default is `World`) World
TaskRun started: hello-params-task-run-xpgv7
Waiting for logs to be available...
[say-hello] Hello World

tkn includes the --use-param-defaults argument to use the default values of the parameters. The argument --param or -p sets up a different value for the parameter:

❯ tkn task start hello-params-task hello-params \
  -p person=Roman \
TaskRun started: hello-params-task-run-jqfbs
Waiting for logs to be available...
[say-hello] Hello Roman

Multiple Stepped Task

Tasks can have more than one step, allowing to specialize the task with more detailed steps. The steps will run in the order in which they are defined in the steps array.

The 03-hello-multisteps-task.yaml includes a task with two steps to combine the execution of the task.

Create the task:

oc apply -f 03-hello-multisteps-task.yaml

Start the task.

❯ tkn task start hello-multisteps-task \
  -p person=Roman \
TaskRun started: hello-multisteps-task-run-xq79n
Waiting for logs to be available...
[write-hello] Preparing greeting
[write-hello] Done!

[say-hello] Hello Roman

OpenShift has a dashboard to check and review the current status of the Tasks and TaskRuns from the menu Pipelines -> Tasks.

Tasks Run Dashboard


A Pipeline is a collection of Tasks that you define and arrange in a specific order of execution as part of your continuous integration flow. Each Task in a Pipeline executes as a Pod on your OpenShift cluster. You can configure various execution conditions to fit your business needs.

In fact, tasks should do one single thing so you can reuse them across pipelines or even within a single pipeline.


Sample Pipeline

A simple pipeline looks like similar to:

kind: Pipeline
  name: say-things-pipeline
    - name: first-task
        - name: pause-duration
          value: "2"
        - name: say-what
          value: "Hello, this is the first task"
        name: say-something-task
    - name: second-task
        - name: say-what
          value: "And this is the second task"
        name: say-something-task

Create the task and pipeline:

oc apply -f 04-say-something-task.yaml
oc apply -f 04-say-things-pipeline.yaml

To start the pipeline:

❯ tkn pipeline start say-things-pipeline --showlog
PipelineRun started: say-things-pipeline-run-4wsvb
Waiting for logs to be available...
[second-task : say-it] And this is the second task

[first-task : say-it] Hello, this is the first task

Or create a PipelineRun definition to start the pipeline:

kind: PipelineRun
  name: say-things-pipelinerun
    name: say-things-pipeline
oc apply -f 04-say-things-pipelinerun.yaml

OpenShift has a dashboard to check and review the current status of the Pipeline and PipelineRun from the menu Pipelines -> Pipelines.

Pipeline Run Dashboard

Parallel Pipeline

Tasks will be executed in the order defined in the pipeline, or create a sequence using runAfter definition.

05-say-things-in-order-pipeline.yaml file has a sample of order and parallel tasks in a pipeline.

oc apply -f 05-say-things-in-order-pipeline.yaml

To start the pipeline:

❯ tkn pipeline start say-things-in-order-pipeline --showlog
PipelineRun started: say-things-in-order-pipeline-run-w6fvn
Waiting for logs to be available...
[first-task : say-it] Hello, this is the first task

[second-parallel-task : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 3
[third-parallel-task : say-it] Happening after task 1, in parallel with task 2

[fourth-task : say-it] Happening after task 2 and 3

And the graphical representation of this pipeline run is:

Parallel pipeline run


Workspaces allow Tasks to declare parts of the filesystem that need to be provided at runtime by TaskRuns. A TaskRun can make these parts of the filesystem available in many ways:

  • using a read-only ConfigMap or Secret,
  • an existing PersistentVolumeClaim shared with other Tasks, create a PersistentVolumeClaim from a provided VolumeClaimTemplate,
  • or simply an emptyDir that is discarded when the TaskRun completes.

Workspaces are similar to Volumes except that they allow a Task author to defer to users and their TaskRuns when deciding which class of storage to use.

The main use cases for Workspaces are:

  • Storage of inputs and/or outputs
  • Sharing data among Tasks
  • Mount points for configurations held in Secrets or ConfigMaps
  • A cache of build artifacts that speed up jobs


This is a sample task with a workspace:

kind: Task
  name: count-files-workspace-task
    - name: source
      description: The workspace consisting of repository.
    - name: count
        - /bin/bash
      args: ['-c', 'echo $(find /workspace/source -type f | wc -l) files in repo']

07-count-workspace-pipeline.yaml file describes a sample pipeline using a workspace across different tasks. This example uses a ClusterTask to demonstrate how to reuse these objects in a pipeline.

Create the task and the pipeline:

oc apply -f 07-count-files-workspace-task.yaml
oc apply -f 07-count-workspace-pipeline.yaml

As this workspace requires a storage, we need to create the PersistentVolumeClaim. The 07-workspace-pvc.yaml defines it.

Create PVC to store the data:

oc apply -f 07-workspace-pvc.yaml

Start the pipeline requires to declare the workspace to use, among other parameters declared in the pipeline:

tkn pipeline start count-workspace-pipeline \
    --param GIT_URL= \
    --param GIT_REVISION=main \
    --workspace name=workspace,claimName=workspace-pvc \

Start again the pipeline with other parameters:

tkn pipeline start count-workspace-pipeline \
    --param GIT_URL= \
    --use-param-defaults \
    --workspace name=workspace,claimName=workspace-pvc \


Tekton Triggers is a Tekton component that allows you to detect and extract information from events from a variety of sources and deterministically instantiate and execute TaskRuns and PipelineRuns based on that information. Tekton Triggers can also pass information extracted from events directly to TaskRuns and PipelineRuns.


To show how triggers works, we will extend our previous pipeline to be executed with a trigger when a new change is pushed into the GitHub repository.

The main objects related with triggers are:

  • EventListener: listens for events at a specified port on your OpenShift cluster. Specifies one or more Triggers or TriggerTemplates.

Create our EventListener that uses a TriggerTemplate:

oc apply -f 08-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener.yaml

The EventListener will create a service to be used to access to. If we want to use this service externally, we need to expose as a route:

❯ oc get svc
NAME                                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP,9000/TCP   13m
❯ oc expose svc el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener

The new should be similar to:

❯ oc get route
NAME                                        HOST/PORT                                                                   PATH   SERVICES                                    PORT            TERMINATION   WILDCARD
el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener   el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener-pipelines-demo.apps-crc.testing          el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener   http-listener                 None

This command will get right url to use in the WebHook:

echo "$(oc get route el-count-workspace-pipeline-eventlistener --template='http://{{}}')/hooks"

We will use this route later to integrate in our GitHub repository as a WebHook.

  • Trigger: specifies what happens when the EventListener detects an event. A Trigger specifies a TriggerTemplate, a TriggerBinding, and optionally, an Interceptor.
oc apply -f 08-count-workspace-pipeline-trigger.yaml

The trigger includes an Interceptor, that it is a "catch-all" event processor to perform payload filtering, to get the details from GitHub repo.

    - ref:
        name: github
        - name: secretRef
            secretName: github-interceptor-webhook
            secretKey: secret

This secret will be used to add a security check to confirm that GitHub is invoking the EventListener under a security context.

We need to create a Secret with the value to use from GitHub WebHook to create a secured call.

oc apply -f 08-github-interceptor-webhook-secret.yaml
  • TriggerTemplate: specifies a blueprint for the resource, such as a TaskRun or PipelineRun, that you want to instantiate and/or execute when your EventListener detects an event. It exposes parameters that you can use anywhere within your resource’s template.
oc apply -f 08-count-workspace-pipeline-triggertemplate.yaml
  • TriggerBinding: specifies the fields in the event payload from which you want to extract data and the fields in your corresponding TriggerTemplate to populate with the extracted values. You can then use the populated fields in the TriggerTemplate to populate fields in the associated TaskRun or PipelineRun.
oc apply -f 08-count-workspace-pipeline-triggerbinding.yaml

The latest step is create a new GitHub WebHook in our repository using the route exposed above and adding the /hooks path.

In your GitHub repo go to Settings -> Webhooks and click Add Webhook. The fields we need to set are:

  • Payload URL: Your external IP Address from the route with /hooks path
  • Content type: application/json
  • Secret: Value defined in github-interceptor-webhook secret.

From now every time you push a new change in your repository, a new pipeline execution will happen.

git push origin main

For more details about how to create a webhook, please, review this doc.

If you want to integrate with other Git server, you could use Webhooks, following the examples created here

... and beyond

This repo includes a short summary of many of the main objects and capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (a.k.a. Tekton), but it is only a surface of all the them. Please, go to the resources of this amazing project to learn and improve your CICD pipelines in a cloud native way.


Sample demo to demonstrate some of the main capabilities of Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines (based in Tekton)







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