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PixelPioneer is an image processing platform that allows you to upload images to your account and apply processing to said images. An account is required to use PixelPioneer, users are only able to access the images that they have uploaded. Images are processed using the stored images, the processed image is sent back to the user, the stored image state is not altered.

Additional image processing features coming soon...

System Requirements

Python3.12 sqlite3

Running the application

install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

execute the following command to start the application:

flask run

Test Account Credentials: username: ryan password: password

Project Overview

  • /data -- main application data folder
  • /data/pixelpioneer.db -- sqlite3 database for the application
  • /data/images/ -- image upload folder
  • /flask_session/ -- flask session file directory
  • /static/ -- includes files such as images, & css used within the html pages
  • /templates/ -- includes all Jinja2 templates
  • /templates/images.html -- template for viewing and processing images on a account
  • /templates/index.html -- template for dashboard for the webapp
  • /templates/login.html -- template for login screen
  • /templates/layout.html -- main layout that each template extends
  • /templates/register.html -- template for registeration screen
  • /templates/upload_image.html -- template for upload image screen
  • / -- main application entry
  • / -- contains flask authentication decorators
  • / -- entry point for a SQL connection
  • / -- contains image proccesing operations using Pillow framework
  • / -- contains operations around user management (login, register, etc)
  • /requirements.txt -- list required dependencies

API: /

Modulle is the main entry point for the Flask application and it contains all the routes. Most of the routes within the application are protected with a session, if the session does not exists the user is redirected to the login page. This module only contains logic pertaining to the http request, all operations are passed to services which throw exceptions on failures.


  • / -- dashboard route [redirect to login if not logged in]
  • /login -- login user route
  • /register -- register new user route
  • /uploadImage -- upload new image route [login required]
  • /processImage -- processes an image by filename [login required]
  • /removeImage -- remove image [login required]
  • /images -- view images on account [login required]
  • /logout -- kills session logs users out [login required]

Overview: /

Module contains all the image handling logic, Pillow is used to perform all the image processing. It handles saving uploaded images to disk, and maintaining the images table within the database which keeps state of which accounts own which images. It's also responsible for making sure each account cannot access images on other accounts. The apply_image_process() method is where the image processing is performed, the type argument determines which type of processing is performed on the image. This module also generates the urls needed to access the images from the webapp since they are not in the static folder, images are stored in the /data/images directory but are served via the /images/<filename> route. Storing only the filename in the database made this simple to implement.

Overview: /templates/images.html

This Jinja2 template contains a consiterate amount of functionality that is worth mentioning. The Jinja template populate the image carousel with images from the user account, along with an interface for applying the image processing to each image. The interface contains a selector input for the filter type, a hidden input for the image filename, a 'Apply' and 'X' button. The 'Apply' button executes a javascript function handleSubmit(), inwhich passes itself to the function, formdata is parsed then passed to a fetch call to the processImage route. On, failure a toast message will appear on the bottom right. On, success, new image data is retreived then passed to a new window, displaying the processed image. The javascript function also controls the spinners for the buttons to indicate to the user that the application is processing something. Bigger images take longer to process. The 'X' button, perform a similar but much simplier operation, passing the form data to the /removeImage route.

Design Choices, Issues, & Thoughts

  • My inital idea for the application was going to be a single page image processing webapp, I believe this would of been fine but I wanted to create something a bit more complicated that I could potientally keep adding to if I saw fit. Every major webapp implements accounts with authentication and data access contols, this pushed me to add those features in.

  • The application started out in a single but once it grew it got compliated to maintain, so I decided to push anything the had to interface with the database into a service module. This allowed each module to be alot leaner making it easier for me to maintain. Once that was done, there were multiple calls to get the SQL connection in multiple files, so I ended up moving that to a single module then using the module to get the connection.

  • As the application grew I found that I had blocks of duplicate code so I decided to consildate those blocks into helper methods, this is apparent within the image processing module.

  • At first I had setup the image upload to store to the static directory because serving them on via a url was simple. Eventually, I realized this was not a good idea since it would allow anyone with that url to be able to access the image no matter if they were authenticated to the application. So, I decided to create a data directory and upload them there, then add a route for serving the images that required login.

  • I got stumped using the Pillow framework for a while, I ran across an issue where filters where not being applied to none of my images. I ran through a bunch of debugging, reading forms, and I noticed no one was having this issue I was having which usually points to user error. I was following the documents on Pillows site but was still having issues. Eventually, I spun up the Python interpreter and starting playing around the Pillow to see if I could make something happen, and after a couple of tries I was able to figure out that when I was applying the filter to the image it was returns that new image but I was not saving it in a variable, smh.

Nice to haves

  • better web interface for appling filters to images
  • a way to apply multiple filters to an image
  • additional image processing
  • better forum validation username/password requirements
  • image sharing
  • account managemant


An image processing webapp






No releases published
