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rmcvey edited this page Jan 1, 2011 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the jsper wiki!

jsper is a native implementation of HTML5 storage (localStorage and sessionStorage) that degrades quite gracefully all the way back to IE6 by using cookies. This is not a milestone, others have done this. What I've done differently is:

  • created a better api to access localStorage using simple get, set methods
  • provide automatic serialization/deserialization of storage items, i.e. what you put in is what you get back
  • provide iterators
  • all non-getter methods are chainable, and most methods are overloaded and accept callbacks
  • i allow you to manually switch storage engines (if supported by the browser) and retrieve info about what engine is currently in use

Browser Support

jsper has been unit tested in IE6,7,8/Firefox 2,3,4/Chrome/Safari

Getting started and Notes

This is the entirety of the setup process:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jsper.js"></script>
<!-- alternatively, you can use the query plugin version -->

Note: if you are using the jquery plugin version, replace jsper.method with $.jsper.method (or jQuery.jsper.method if you prefer)

Getting and Setting

jsper.set('foo', {bar:'baz',boz:{bez:'biz'}});
//jsper.get returns the type of object you gave it; in this case, an object
var my_object = jsper.get('foo');

jsper.set('arr', ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
// returns an array
var my_array = jsper.get('arr');


// set an array in storage
jsper.set('an_array', ['This', 'is', 'pretty', 'cool']);

var message = "";

// perform iteration, data is the stored value and index is numerical index
jsper.each('an_array', function(data, index){
   message += " "+data;

console.log(message);//outputs: "This is pretty cool"

Overloaded Methods

var multiple_keys = {
   first:['a', 'b', 'c'],

//set multiple keys at the same time

console.log(jsper.get('first'));//returns: array [a, b, c]

var first_and_second = jsper.get(['first','second']);
// or 
jsper.each(['first'. 'second'], function(data, index){
   console.log(" %s", data);//output: a b c d e f