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Lightweight function wrappers able to store and invoke any callable target without the caller having to know the details of the callee. A more performant alternative to std::function, no undefined behavior and configurable behavior when called empty.


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C++ delegates


The C++ delegates library provides lightweight function wrappers able to store and invoke any callable target without the caller having to know the details of the callee. Examples of such callable targets are functions, member functions, function objects or lambda expressions. They just need to support the function call signature specified with the delegate.

This library is written in C++14 following the design goals below:

  1. Safe to use:
    • No undefined behavior, no matter how the delegates are used.
    • Use compile-time checks instead of runtime-checks whenever possible.
  2. Efficiency:
    • Ready to be used in memory and performance restricted software, e.g. on microcontrollers.
  3. Easy to understand, what the caller expects from the callee.
  4. Easy to use.
  5. Configurable behavior for calls when no target was assigned.

Library content


The basic delegate which supports any callable target of any function signature. On call, calls a previously assigned target. By default throws an exception when called without assigned target. But this behavior is configurable with the following options:

  • rome::target_is_expected:
    If no target was assigned before the rome::delegate is called, an exception is thrown. (default)
  • rome::target_is_optional:
    If no target was assigned before the rome::delegate is called, it directly returns without doing anything (only works if Ret == void).
  • rome::target_is_mandatory
    Ensures by design that there is always a target assigned to rome::delegate. For this, the default constructor is deleted and there is no possibility to drop an assigned target.

See also the detailed documentation of rome::delegate in doc/

namespace rome {
    template<typename Signature, typename Behavior = target_is_expected>
    class delegate; // undefined

    template<typename Ret, typename... Args, typename Behavior>
    class delegate<Ret(Args...), Behavior>;


Provides the same functionality as rome::delegate, but with the restriction that data can only be forwarded. To ensure this, only function signatures with void return and arguments of immutable type are supported. E.g. the signature void(const std::string&) would work, while void(int*) or bool() would produce a compile error.

See also the detailed documentation of rome::fwd_delegate in doc/

namespace rome {
    template<typename Signature, typename Behavior = target_is_expected>
    class fwd_delegate; // undefined

    template<typename... Args, typename Behavior>
    class fwd_delegate<void(Args...), Behavior>;


A rome::fwd_delegate that ignores calls if no target was assigned.

Designed for event oder message-driven architectures, to notify about happened events. Thus, it is optional whether someone wants to listen to the event or not.

See also the detailed documentation of rome::event_delegate in doc/

namespace rome {
    template<typename Signature>
    using event_delegate = fwd_delegate<Signature, target_is_optional>;


A rome::fwd_delegate that ensures that always a target is assigned.

Designed for event oder message-driven architectures to command an action that shall happen. Because the execution of the command is mandatory, a target must be assigned during construction of the delegate and can only be overriden by another target afterwards.

See also the detailed documentation of rome::command_delegate in doc/

namespace rome {
    template<typename Signature>
    using command_delegate = fwd_delegate<Signature, target_is_mandatory>;


  • Add the folder ./include to the include paths of your compiler.

  • Include the delegates in your code with:

    #include <rome/delegate.hpp>

Or simply copy the single header file in ./include/rome to your project.


Please see the documentation in the folder ./doc. Especially the following markdown files:


Usage of rome::delegate

Basic usage examples for all three types of Behavior and the three target types function, member function and function object.

See the code in examples/basic_examples.cpp.

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <rome/delegate.hpp>

void print(int i) {
    std::cout << i << '\n';

int plus100(int i) {
    return i + 100;

struct TargetClass {
    int value = 0;

    void set(int i) {
        value = i;

struct Example {
    rome::delegate<int(int), rome::target_is_mandatory> onMandatoryNotEmpty;
    rome::delegate<int(int) /*, rome::target_is_expected*/> onExpectedNotEmpty;  // (1)
    // rome::delegate<int(int), rome::target_is_optional> onMaybeEmpty;          // (2) does not compile
    rome::delegate<void(int), rome::target_is_optional> onMaybeEmpty;

    Example(decltype(onMandatoryNotEmpty)&& mand) : onMandatoryNotEmpty{std::move(mand)} {  // (3)

int main() {
    TargetClass obj{};
    Example x{std::negate<>{}};             // (3)

    std::cout << "Calls after initialization:\n";
    print(x.onMandatoryNotEmpty(1));        // `std::negate<>` was assigned
    try {
        x.onExpectedNotEmpty(2);            // called empty
    catch (const rome::bad_delegate_call& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
    x.onMaybeEmpty(3);                      // called empty

    std::cout << "\nCalls with fresh assigned targets:\n";
    // assign function object
    x.onMandatoryNotEmpty = [](int i) { return i + 10; };
    // assign function object wrapping a function
    x.onExpectedNotEmpty  = [](int i) { return plus100(i); };
    // assign function object wrapping a member function
    x.onMaybeEmpty        = [&obj](int i) { obj.set(i); };

    std::cout << "\nCalls after dropping targets:\n";
    // x.onMandatoryNotEmpty = nullptr;     // (4) does not compile
    x.onExpectedNotEmpty  = nullptr;
    x.onMaybeEmpty        = nullptr;
    print(x.onMandatoryNotEmpty(7));        // function object still assigned
    try {
        x.onExpectedNotEmpty(8);            // called empty
    catch (const rome::bad_delegate_call& e) {
        std::cout << e.what() << '\n';
    x.onMaybeEmpty(9);                      // called empty
  • (1) - second template parameter is rome::target_is_expected by default
  • (2) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_optional must have void return
  • (3) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_mandatory has deleted default constructor, a target must be assigned during construction
  • (4) - rome::delegate with rome::target_is_mandatory does not allow to drop targets


Calls after initialization:

Calls with fresh assigned targets:

Calls after dropping targets:

Usage of rome::command_delegate and rome::event_delegate

Model of an extremely simplified cruise control system. The four classes Engine, BrakingSystem, SpeedSensor and CruiseControl are atomic, i.e., are free from dependencies to other classes. Integration integrates all four.

See the code in examples/cruise_control.cpp.

#include <iostream>
#include <rome/delegate.hpp>

struct Engine {
    void accelerate() {
        std::cout << "engine accelerating\n";
    void turnOff() {
        std::cout << "engine turned off\n";

struct BrakingSystem {
    void turnBrakesOn() {
        std::cout << "brakes on\n";
    void turnBrakesOff() {
        std::cout << "brakes off\n";

struct SpeedSensor {
    // Assigning delegate is optional for speed sensor to work.
    rome::event_delegate<void(float)> onSpeedChanged;

class CruiseControl {
    float targetSpeed_ = 0.0F;

    // Assigning both delegates is required for cruise control to work.
    rome::command_delegate<void()> onAccelerateCar_;
    rome::command_delegate<void()> onSlowDownCar_;

    void updateAcceleration(const float drivingSpeed) {
        if (drivingSpeed < targetSpeed_ * 0.95F) {
        else if (drivingSpeed > targetSpeed_ * 1.05F) {

    void setTargetSpeed(const float targetSpeed) {
        targetSpeed_ = targetSpeed;

    CruiseControl(rome::command_delegate<void()>&& onAccelerateCar,
        rome::command_delegate<void()>&& onSlowDownCar)
        : onAccelerateCar_{std::move(onAccelerateCar)}, onSlowDownCar_{std::move(onSlowDownCar)} {

struct Integration {
    SpeedSensor speedSensor;
    CruiseControl cruiseControl;
    Engine engine;
    BrakingSystem brakes;

        : cruiseControl{
            [this]() {
            [this]() {
            }} {
        speedSensor.onSpeedChanged = [this](float drivingSpeed) {

Integration integration{};

int main() {
    // Simulate IO not connected in this example


brakes off
engine accelerating
engine turned off
brakes on


The delegates only depend on following headers of the C++ standard library:

  • <algorithm>
  • <cstddef>
  • <exception>
  • <type_traits>
  • <utility>

Comparision with other solutions

Similar C++ standard library counterparts, in behavior and interface:

  • std::move_only_function (C++23)
    Very similar by constraints and efficency. However, it is undefined behavior when an std::move_only_function is called empty. For C++ delegates, this behavior is definable.
  • std::function (C++11)
    Copyable but less efficient. Throws an exception when called empty.

Design decisions

  • Why do delegates take ownership of assigned function objects?
    Lets take the example delegate<void()> d = []() {};. If the delegate would only reference the function object created by the lambda expression, it may easily happen, that the assigned function object is already destroyed when the delegate is called. To make safe usage of the delegate easy and unsafe usage hard, the delegate takes the ownership of a function object.
    Note, that it is still necessary to manage the lifetime of objects that the function object captures by reference.

  • Why is the size of the delegate sizeof(void*) + 2*sizof(void(*)())?

    • One function pointer stores the function that invokes the target.
    • One function pointer stores the function that destroys an assigned function object. This happens either when the delegate is destroyed or when a target is dropped.
    • The object pointer stores the address where the function object is stored. Or, with small object optimization, the function object is stored within the memory of the pointer.

    Thus, it is already the minimum size needed to achieve the above. And the size is kept at that minimum for to be available for memory restricted devices.

  • Why can't I copy delegates, why are they move-only?

    • It would need another function pointer stored within the delegate that increases its size significantly.
    • Copying the delegate may only lead to a shallow copy of the target but a deep copy might be needed. Because the delegate hides the assigned target, this issue is not visible.

    As a result, the C++ delegates are move only. If you need multiple instances of the same delegate, just create multiple delegates and assign the same target.

  • Why can't I directly assign a function to a C++ delegate, as for example with std::move_only_function? Because it is less optimizable and may lead to less efficient code.

    • With direct assignment delegate<void()> d = &function;:
      The address of the function or member function is passed to the assignment operator's function argument. Thus, it is only known during runtime.
    • When wrapped by a function object delegate<void()> d = []() { function(); };:
      The function is now bound to the type of the function object. Therefore, it is known during compilation time.
  • Why is the size for small object optimization sizeof(void*)?
    An object pointer is already needed to store the dynamic allocated storage for function objects. If the size of the function object is less or equal sizeof(void*), the space of the pointer can instead be used to store the function object in. This enables to small buffer optimize any lambda expression that captures a reference or a pointer. Through that reference/pointer any addionally needed data may be accessed.
    As a result, dynamic allocation should be avoidable in any use case without increasing the size of the delegate.

  • Why is the namespace called rome?
    This has nothing to do with the Italian capiltal, it's just the initials of my name.


The tests are free of warnings, tested with -Werror -Wall -pedantic -Wextra, on following compilers:

  • Clang: 4.0.0 and 16.0.5
  • GCC: 5.4.0 and 13.2.0
  • MSVC: not yet tested

The tests can be found in ./test.

Build and run the tests:

ninja -C build run_all_tests

ROME_DELEGATES_BUILD_TESTS=ON needs to be set to configure the test targets. They are hidden otherwise.

Test targets:

  • run_unittests -- tests functionality and constraints of the delegates
    Uses the library provided copy of the unittest framework doctest and the mocking framework Trompeloeil.
  • run_compile_error_tests -- tests whether compile errors are raised as expected
    Requires Python 3 and pytest to be installed.
  • run_example_tests -- runs the examples of the documentation and tests against the expected output
    Requires Python 3 to be installed.
  • run_all_tests: runs all the tests above


Some request, a question or found a bug? Please open an issue on GitLab or write me an email. I am also happy to hear from any positive or negative experience you had with this library.


The initial use case was to wire independent modules together. Let A and B be two modules. A is reactive and may produce the event done. If A produces the event done, B shall start.

namespace module_a {
    struct A {
        /* something that produces the event `done` */

namespace module_b {
    struct B {
        void start();

void wire() {
    // connect them somehow

In OOP, this is commonly done by A having an association to an interface I and B realizing that interface. B is then injected into A by using I.
It might look something like the following:

namespace awkward {
    struct I {
        virtual void done() = 0;

namespace module_a {
    struct A {
        awkward::I& done;

namespace module_b {
    struct B : public awkward::I {
        void done() override;  // but should be called `start`

void wire() {
    module_b::B b{};
    module_a::A a{b};

This has the following consequences:

  • I needs to be stored somewhere, either in module A, module B or a third module.
    • If I is stored in A or B, one module depends on the other, they are not independent anymore.
    • If I is stored in a third module, that third module is created just for that purpose, while A and B still are not as independet anymore as without.
  • By realizing I in B, I becomes a public interface of some class in B. However, the function names of I might be a bad fit for the public interface of B, so you need to add an extra class and hide it somehow, just to realize I.

A better solution is to use std::function for the event done:

namespace module_a {
    struct A {
        std::function<void()> done;

namespace b {
    struct B {
        void start();

void wire() {
    module_a::A a{};
    module_b::B b{};
    a.done = [&b]() { b.start(); };

While already a lot better than the OOP interface headache, std::function isn't exactly lightweight. On memory restricted devices this might become a problem. Furthermore, std::function throws an exception if no target was assigned. This enforces to assign a target to any provided event, whether handling that event is of interest or not. And if the handling of an event is required, a compile error is preferable to a runtime exception.

So we need a lightweight solution, similar to std::function, that enables us to mark the handling of the event as optional or mandatory, with unhandeled optional events doing nothing and unhandeled mandatory events raising a compile error.

That's where my journey started and the reason for the rome::event_delegate and the rome::command_delegate.


  • Sergey Ryazanov for his incredible article The Impossibly Fast C++ Delegates. He explains how you can use the fact that the address of any function can be passed as non-type template argument to create highly optimizable function delegates.
  • Lee David for help finding more comprehensible names
  • Matthias Deimbacher for the initial set up of the CI pipelines at gitlab


  1. Ryazanov, Sergey. “The Impossibly Fast C++ Delegates.” The Impossibly Fast C++ Delegates, CodeProject, 18 July 2005,
  2. Cppreference. std::move_only_function,, 14 November 2023,, CC-BY-SA.
  3. Cppreference. std::function,, 14 November 2023,, CC-BY-SA.
  4. Kirilov, Viktor. doctest, 15 March 2023,, MIT
  5. Fahler, Björn. Trompeloeil, 21 July 2023,, BSL-1.0


Lightweight function wrappers able to store and invoke any callable target without the caller having to know the details of the callee. A more performant alternative to std::function, no undefined behavior and configurable behavior when called empty.








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