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 Copyright:      Jens Mundhenke
 Author:         Jens Mundhenke
 known Problems:
 Version:        25.01.2009 for AVR-NET-IO
 Description:    TFTP-Bootloader

 Changes:        11.01.2012 Holger Klabunde
                       Support for devices > 64kB
                 31.03.2012 Michael Rakowski
                       minimal changes to compile for 1284p (enc28j60.h)

 Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der
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 Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung,
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 Falls nicht, schreiben Sie an die Free Software Foundation,
 Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

This project implements a bootloader for using TFTP transfer.

The code is stored in the boot flash section of the AVR. It needs
the maximum size of 8k bytes of this section. Due to the limited space
Debug-Outputs can not be enabled globally.

The loader can either be called by a jump to

 64kB devices 		0xe000  (0x7000 in a C function call)
128kB devices 		0x1e000 (0xF000 in a C function call)
256kB devices 		0x3e000 (0x1F000 in a C function call)

when needed or after every reset by settig the BOOTRST fuse to 0. While flashing
this bootloader the program flash is deleted. A reset after flashing will start
the loader even if BOOTRST is not active because the empty program space is
filled with NOPs.

All parameters of the IP connection (own IP/Mask/Gateway, TFTP-server and
filename) are stored in the EEPROM. If you start with an empty EEPROM,
default values defined in config.h will be used. The positions of data
in EEPROM are the same in Ulrich Radig's webserver. The output of the loader#
can be sent using syslog and/or usart. See para.h.

The makefile sets the fuses as needed for the loader. Don't forget to set
the BOOTSZ-fuses in your project to 4K words (if you change fuses while
programming your project).

The program is based on the work of Ulrich Radig. His IP stack used in
his webserver was easy to understand and to simplify to meet the needs
of this project. Danke, Ulrich!

I'm using the 3CDAEMON as TFTP and SYSLOG server. TFTP is also tested with
tftpd32. All tests were done in a LAN, the TFTP download may not work on
WAN connections.

Jens Mundhenke
jens (at)

 - The loader will never work on ATmega32, the boot flash section is to small.


A lan bootloader for the AVR AtMega1284p






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