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Reporting Bugs

David Chan edited this page Oct 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

We receive bug reports related to the GPU code that are not actionable because impossible to reproduce. If you start a bug report, please make sure to include (use a github gist if it is too bulky):

  • Version of OS, Type of GPU, nvidia-smi output, Python Version (if related to python), and if you're building from source, or using the conda installation.
  • A gdb stack-trace
  • Minimum reproducible example. Make this as short as possible, so we don't have to go hunting through your code for potential errors.
  • If it's a linker bug, please report the output of ldd on the executable, or the file. Also please include the output of nm -u on the executable or file.

Please open a new issue unless you are certain that you have the exact same one as an existing one. This makes it easier for us to triage.

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