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dev setup

  • get a web3 wallet installed, namely Metamask. create a scratch use personal wallet
    • hook up goerli and mumbai network configurations in wallet, via
  • get nodejs installed, v 16.x
  • get pnpm installed
  • pnpm i in root directory and frontend directory
  • set up ENV vars:
    • POLYGONSCAN_API_KEY (for contract code verification post deploy)
    • RMXHACKS_PRIVATE_KEY (for contract deployment)
    • RMXHACKS_WALLET_ADDRESS (also contract deployment)
    • HELLOWORLD_CONTRACT_ADDRESS (post deployment, for the UI to reference)
  • pnpm build (hardhat compile, generates contract artifacts and others like typechain types etc)
  • from hardhat root, pnpm dev should run a local rpc for testing. you can deploy contracts to this, perform test transactions and contract interactions, etc.
  • from frontend root, pnpm dev runs the vite dev server for local testing with HMR
  • from hardhat root, npx hardhat run <script file> to run a deploy script, which is JS written case by case
