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elfeed-curate is an add-on for elfeed, an RSS reader for Emacs.

The purpose of this package is to add the additional functionality needed to curate RSS feeds. It provides the capability to annotate feed entries and to publish entries grouped by their subject categories. elfeed-curate uses the available elfeed search functionality for marking, tagging, and filtering of feed entries. The new functions available to support the curation workflow are:

Entry annotation

  • elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation (a key) adds the ability to create and edit annotation text to an entry. Annotations can have org mode formatting and are saved in the elfeed database. This function works in both search and show mode.

    When an annotation is added a custom tag (elfeed-curate-annotation-tag, default is ann) is also added to the entry. This shows which entries have annotations in the search window and can also be used as a filter (s +ann).

Entry selection

  • elfeed-curate-toggle-star (m key) is a convenience function that allows starring entries from the show buffer. See Star and unstar articles in elfeed. elfeed-curate-star-tag (default is star) can be used to change the tag name.

Publication (Exporting)

  • elfeed-curate-export-entries (x key) exports entries in the *elfeed-search* buffer to the desired publication format (see elfeed-curate-org-export-backend). The newly generated file is also opened with the associated application (e.g. a browser for HTML). Exporting directly to Hugo (Markdown plus Front matter) is also supported.

    The subject categories are based on the entry tag names (see details below).


  • Use M-x elfeed-curate-reconcile-annotations to ensure all database entries have the correct annotation tags.

Curation Workflow

My preferred workflow is as follows:

  1. If an entry has content of interest, star (m key) it and add annotation (a key) if desired.
  2. Select all starred entries (s +star) and export them (x key). This can be repeated as often as is needed to ensure that the exported content is to your liking.
  3. Publish exported content.
  4. (optional) Previously published entries can be tracked by tagging all starred entries with a new date-based publication tag (e.g. + pub_DDMMYY).
  5. Remove all of the star tags (m key or - star).

That’s it. The Elfeed filtering capabilities can provide many other entry selection criteria (e.g. time-based), but so far I’ve found that specifically tagging selected entries independent of their subject matter to be simple and efficient.

This is the elfeed search window showing the starred entries to be exported. The entries with annotations (ann) are highlighted.

screenshots/elfeed-curate-search-content.png screenshots/elfeed-curate-export-content.png

The exported content (as HTML here) shows how entries are grouped (based on tag name) and some annotation examples. The same content exported to Hugo is here: 21-Sep-2023 Content of Interest.


This package only depends on org and elfeed being installed.


If you use MELPA, an easy way to install this package is via package-install. Alternatively, download elfeed-curate.el, put it in your load-path and require it.

If you use both MELPA and use-package, you can use this, too:

(use-package elfeed-curate
  :after elfeed)

Custom key bindings

The annotate function works in both search and show modes while the export function works only in search mode. The keys in the elfeed-search-mode-map and elfeed-show-mode-map maps can be bound as shown here:

(use-package elfeed-curate
  :bind (:map elfeed-search-mode-map
              ("a" . elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation)
              ("x" . elfeed-curate-export-entries))
        (:map elfeed-show-mode-map
              ("a" . elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation)
              ("m" . elfeed-curate-toggle-star)
              ("q" . kill-buffer-and-window)))

Doom configuration


(package! elfeed-curate)


(after! elfeed
  ;; Your custom Elfeed configuration.
  ;; elfeed-curate key bindings:
  (define-key elfeed-search-mode-map "a" #'elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation)
  (define-key elfeed-search-mode-map "x" #'elfeed-curate-export-entries)
  (define-key elfeed-search-mode-map "m" #'elfeed-curate-toggle-star)

  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map   "a" #'elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation)
  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map   "m" #'elfeed-curate-toggle-star)
  (define-key elfeed-show-mode-map   "q" #'kill-buffer-and-window))

I had issues closing the show window after the annotation buffer was displayed there. Not sure what the root cause was (is), but overriding the q key with kill-buffer-and-window seems to have solved the problem. This needs more investigation.


  • I have only tested this with Emacs 29.1, both bare-bones and with Doom. The code is compatible back to Emacs 25.1 and Org/Elfeed are the only dependencies, so there’s a good chance this will work out of the box on most modern systems.
  • Testing of the export backends has been limited to mostly HTML and Markdown.


Annotation Window

Annotation edit window: screenshots/elfeed-curate-ann-window.png

Exported annotation:


The a key (elfeed-curate-edit-entry-annoation) will display an org-mode buffer for managing annotation content. Annotation can be added, edited, and deleted for an entry from both the elfeed search and show windows. The annotation tag (ann) will be added or removed automatically.

Most org-mode formatting will be exported properly, but may differ depending on the export format.

Surrounding annotation text with angle brackets < text > allows you to override the original entry link and author(s). Everything outside of the angle brackets will be ignored. This is handy for adding an arbitrary link that is not currently in your feed list. The entry tags remain unchanged so you can decide which group(s) the entry should be in. A link override example would typically look like this:

<Link Name (Author Name) =Interesting stuff.=>

The following key combinations are used to exit the annotation buffer:

C-c C-cSaveSaves the annotation content. If the annotation buffer is empty, the annotation is removed.
C-c C-dDeleteDelete the annotation content.
C-c C-kAbortExit the annotation buffer without saving changes.

Export Behavior

The x key (elfeed-curate-export-entries) takes the following actions:

  1. All displayed or selected search entries are grouped based on their subject matter tagging.
    • Tags are converted to group headings by replacing _ characters with a space and capitalizing all words. E.g. the med_dev tag becomes “Med Dev”.
    • Tags to be excluded from the subject categories are specified in elfeed-curate-group-exclude-tag-list. Non-subject group tags should be added to this list.
    • If one or more authors are available from the feed, they will be listed next to the link in parentheses: (Author 1, Author 2, …).
    • An entry will only be displayed in one group. If the entry is in multiple groups, the other groups will be shown in bold brackets ([Group 2, Group 3,…]) next to the exported link.
    • Use elfeed-curate-no-group-tag to determine how entries that do not belong to any group are treated. I.e. there are no tags left after removing the excluded list tags (above). By default, they are added to the “No Category” group. Set to nil to not display these entries.
    • By default, the count of each group is included in the group heading. If a prefix argument is used before the export (C-u x), the count will not be shown. The count can be permanently removed by setting elfeed-curate-show-group-count to nil.
  2. The grouped content is exported to an org file ( in the elfeed-curate-export-dir directory).
    • Use elfeed-curate-org-options to specify custom org file options.
    • The elfeed-curate-org-content-header-function can be used to customize all org file header content.
  3. The file is then converted to the desired export format specified by elfeed-curate-org-export-backend. A date-stamped export file with the selected backend extension (.md, .html, etc.) is created.
  4. The exported content is then displayed.
    • If the format is Markdown (md) and elfeed-curate-hugo-base-dir is specified the exported date-stamped Markdown file is written to the specified content section (elfeed-curate-hugo-section). The Hugo development server will automatically detect the change and display the new content.
    • In all other cases, the exported content will attempt to be displayed via elfeed-curate--open-in-external-app (xdg-open in most cases).


Here are the variables that can be customized:

elfeed-curate-title-length60Maximum length of the entry title to show in the annotation edit buffer.
elfeed-curate-annotation-key:my/annotationElfeed database meta data key to store annotations.
elfeed-curate-annotation-tag‘annTag used to indicate that annotation has been added to an entry.
elfeed-curate-star-tag‘starTag used to indicate that annotation has been `starred`.
elfeed-curate-no-group-tag‘no_categoryTag used to indicate that an entry has no group tag. The entry will be added to this group in the export. Set to nil to not display these entries.
elfeed-curate-org-content-header-function#’elfeed-curate-org-content-header–defaultFunction used to create the header (options and title) content. The default is for HTML output.
elfeed-curate-org-titleContent of NoteThe TITLE part of the ‘<Date> <Title>’ format. See the elfeed-curate-org-content-header--default function.
elfeed-curate-date-format“%d-%b-%Y”The date format used in the title.
elfeed-curate-org-options#html-style:nil toc:nil num:nil f:nil html-postamble:nil html-preamble:nilSet org document format options. Default is for an HTML export: no styles, TOC, section numbering, footer.
elfeed-curate-export-dir~/orgWrite the .org file and exported content to this directory.
elfeed-curate-org-export-backend‘htmlSelect export format. Can be one of:
ascii - Export to plain ASCII text.
html - Export to HTML.
md - Export to Markdown.
odt - Export to OpenDocument Text.
pdf - Export to PDF (requires additional setup).
elfeed-curate-group-exclude-tag-list(list ‘unread elfeed-curate-star-tag elfeed-curate-annotation-tag)List of tags to exclude from the group list. These are typically non-subject categories.
elfeed-curate-show-group-counttFlag to enable showing the count of each group in the exported output. If a prefix argument is used before the export (C-u x), the count will not be shown.
elfeed-curate-hugo-base-dirnilBase directory of the Hugo project. Used for ‘md exports.
elfeed-curate-hugo-section“posts”Hugo section name. Posts will be written to elfeed-curate-hugo-base-dir/content/<section>.