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In-App Purchase Sample

See for license terms and conditions.

This sample webview app illustrates the use of some common core Cordova APIs and, where possible, the equivalent HTML5 APIs within a hybrid mobile HTML5 app. This app has been built and installed on Android Crosswalk, Android, iOS and Windows 8 devices. It may run on other Cordova platforms, but has not been tested on those other platforms.

A detailed "how to debug" using the Intel XDK and this app is provided in the included tutorial. Please read the included tutorial for an introduction to this sample app and how to debug Cordova apps with the Intel XDK.

App Framework

([]) source: license:


For details regarding the included .gitignore file, please see the official git doc pages and, specifically, the gitignore reference page. This .gitignore file can be used as a starting point for your own Intel XDK projects. The Intel XDK blank templates and most of the Intel XDK samples include a default .gitignore file for your project. You are welcome to modify it to meet the needs of your project, if you are using git.

The .jscodehints file is used by Brackets to exclude files and directories from code hint scanning. This is helpful for speeding up the built-in Brackets editor if your project contains large numbers of files that are not part of your source or are not important for code hinting while using the built-in Brackets editor.

The intelxdk.config.additions.xml file contains additional configuration options that can be used to control the Cordova build option outside of that which can be done using the Intel XDK graphical user interface (GUI). In addition, it includes an alternate example of how you can include icons and splash screens in your project; especially for including icons that are not yet part of the Intel XDK GUI. See Adding Intel XDK Cordova Build Options Using the Additions File for details.

Please ignore the config.xml file, the Cordova CLI config.xml format has been changing significantly, especially with the release of CLI 5, and this config.xml file has not been updated to reflect those changes. It will not work as written. It was originally created for use with PhoneGap CLI and has not yet been updated for use with a current version of Cordova CLI.


A sample for applications with in-app purchases







No packages published


  • CSS 94.7%
  • JavaScript 3.7%
  • HTML 1.6%