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User Side

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Book Table

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Card Page

  1. User Registration and Login:
  • Users need to sign up or log in to access the features of the platform.
  • You can implement user authentication using a username and password or other methods like email verification or social media login.
  1. Homepage:

After logging in, users are directed to the homepage where they see two options: Menu and Book Table.

  1. Book Table:

If the user wants to dine in at a restaurant, they can select the Book Table option.

4. Menu:

If the user does not want to book a table and wants to order food directly, they can select the Menu option.

The menu page displays different food categories (e.g., Dosas, Sandwich, Burger..).

Users can click on each category to view the items available in that category.

  1. Item Details:

When a user clicks on a specific item, they can see the details of that item, such as the name, description, price, and possibly an image.

  1. Add to Cart:
  • Users can add items to their cart by clicking the Add to Cart button on the item's details page.

  • The selected items are added to the user's cart or order list.

  1. Order Confirmation:
  • Once the user has added all the desired items to their cart, they can proceed to the order confirmation page.

  • The order confirmation page displays a summary of the selected items, their quantities, and the total cost.

  1. Place Order:
  • After confirming the order details, the user can proceed to place the order.

You can integrate with a payment gateway or provide options for cash on delivery or other payment methods.

On successful order placement, you can store the order details in the database and provide a confirmation to the user.

Admin Side

Admin Dashboard

Add Product

Add Table

Product List

Product Table

  1. Admin Dashboard:

Upon logging in as an administrator, you are directed to the admin dashboard.

The dashboard serves as a central hub for managing various aspects of the platform.

  1. Add Product:
  • In the admin dashboard, you have an option to add a new product.

  • Clicking on the Add Product button takes you to a form where you can enter the details of the new product.

  • You can include fields such as product name, description, price, category, and any other relevant information.

  • Upon submission, the new product is added to the database and becomes available in the menu for users.

  1. Add Table:
  • The Add Table option allows you to add a new table to the restaurant's inventory.

  • Clicking on this option takes you to a form where you can enter the table details, such as table number, seating capacity, and any additional information.

  • After submitting the form, the new table is stored in the database for later use.

  1. Product List:
  • By clicking on the Product List option in the admin dashboard, you can view all the products available in the system.

  • The product list provides an overview of the products, including their names, descriptions, prices, and categories.

  • You can also implement functionalities such as editing or deleting products from this list

  1. Table List:
  • Similarly, the Table List option in the admin dashboard allows you to view all the tables in the restaurant's inventory.

  • The table list displays information such as table numbers, seating capacities, and availability status.

  • You can perform actions like editing table details or deleting tables from this list.

  1. QR Code Generation:
  • In the table list, there is an option to generate QR codes for each table.

  • By clicking on the Download QR Code option for a specific table, you can generate a unique QR code for that table. The QR code can be downloaded and printed or displayed in the restaurant area.

  • Customers can then scan the QR code using their mobile devices to access the table's menu or other relevant information.

  1. Scanner:
  • The scanner functionality is used by the restaurant staff to scan the QR codes at tables.

  • By scanning the QR code, the staff can identify the specific table associated with that code.

  • This information helps in serving the correct orders to the respective tables.

*. Other Administrative Tasks:

  • The admin panel may offer additional functionalities depending on the specific requirements of your project.

  • This could include managing user accounts, handling restaurant information, viewing order history, managing reviews and ratings, etc.