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RoadToJobs: the open-sourced personal Interview Journey Tracking app


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RoadToJobs - The open-source Interview Tracking app 👀📝

CI (Lint, TypeCheck, Build)

Just as every journey holds significance, the same can be said for the numerous interview journeys throughout your lifetime 🌊.

Make it a point to diligently record and monitor every aspect of your interview journey with each company 🔥.

RoadToJob's Journey Management

Key Features 🚀

RoadToJobs helps you to:

  • Create a journey for every interview period in your life.
  • Mark a goal for the journey and start to tackle it.
  • Track every status and proactively handle the progress of the interview.
  • Noted everything, noted today, great lessons for tomorrow.
  • Manage your own blocklist, personal avoid,... for future references.
  • ...

We are all human, and we can't remember everything from the past, so we should have an appropriate platform to assist us.

RoadToJobs helps you to write & note every detail of your job-seeking journey.

RoadToJobs is an OSS application for single & self-hosted usage.


  • NodeJS 18 x TypeScript
  • SurrealDB
  • Vue 3 x TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS for UI/UX

A simple VPS from $5 (Vultr/DigitalOcean) can run RoadToJobs just lovely fine 🥹❤️. You don't need the NASA-server specs.

Project Structure

RoadToJobs follows the monorepo strategy, each folder would contain their own README file.

  • server: Backend
  • web: Frontend
  • shared: Stuff that can be used from both server & web
  • tests-e2e: E2E test cases to test the Deployed Application.


Check out RoadToJobs Documentation


We are following 2 kinds of testing:

  • E2E test cases
  • Manual test cases
    • We'll try our best to make them automated (save time & life 😉)


Thank you for considering contributing to the RoadToJobs! The contribution guide can be found in the Contribution Documentation

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the RoadToJobs community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within RoadToJobs, please send an e-mail to Seth Phat via All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The RoadToJobs is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.