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A Bloomberg Library


To make this compile you need the Bloomberg assembly which you can find here:

This is a pretty early version. I haven't handled all the error responses, and I've never used it in anger, so I don't know how thread safe it is.

I only have a B-Pipe service, so the SAPI stuff probably doesn't work.



Treatment of partial responses

Some of the response come as a series of partial responses anding in a final response. Previously I had been aching the data until the final response, and delivering the consolidated data as the fullfilment of a promise. I have changed this to an observable which receives each partial response ending in a completion. I did this for two reasons.

  1. In general I think it unwise to anticipate the requirements of the user, and do work that may not be required or desirable.
  2. The cached data set might grow unreasonably large.

Handling of responses which mix data and errors

Some responses may mix data and errors (for example requesting reference data on a mixed set of tickers). This was previously ignored or buggy. When an item may be either data or an error it is now returned as an Either monad.

Request/Response pattern

Previously some request/response calls used standard library object. These have all been replaced with specific classes. This makes the intentions of overloaded methods clearer, and makes the interface more stable.


Quick example

Here's a quick example of how to connect, and request some data. There are a couple of points of interest.

  • We need to pass in an authenticator and request authentication when the session has started.
  • We need to wait for initialisation to be complete before we can request data.
var sessionOptions = new SessionOptions
    ServerHost = "", // Your server ip address
    ServerPort = 8194, // Your server port
    AuthenticationOptions = "AuthenticationMode=APPLICATION_ONLY;ApplicationAuthenticationType=APPNAME_AND_KEY;ApplicationName=XXXXXX", // Your server name
    AutoRestartOnDisconnection = true

_bloomberg = new BloombergController(sessionOptions, x => new BpipeAuthenticator(x));
_bloomberg.SessionStatus += (sender, eventArgs) =>
    if (eventArgs.Args == SessionStatus.Started)

_bloomberg.InitialisationStatus += (sender, eventArgs) =>
    if (eventArgs.Args)
        _bloomberg.ToObservable(IntradayBarRequest.Create("VOD LN Equity", new DateTime(2015, 10, 16, 9, 0, 0), new DateTime(2015, 10, 16, 12, 00, 0), EventType.BID, 60))
                intradayBarResponse => Debug.Print("{0}: [{1}]", intradayBarResponse.Ticker, string.Join(",", intradayBarResponse.IntradayBars.Select(intradayBar => string.Format("Open={0}, High={1}, Low={2}, Close={3}, Volume={4}, NumEvents={5}", intradayBar.Open, intradayBar.High, intradayBar.Low, intradayBar.Close, intradayBar.Volume, intradayBar.NumEvents)))),
                error => Debug.Print("Intraday Bar Error: {0}", error),
                () => Debug.WriteLine("Intraday Bars complete"));};


Subscribing to real time data

_bloomberg.ToObservable(new[] { new SubscriptionRequest("VOD LN Equity", new[] { "BID", "ASK" }) })
        response =>
            Console.WriteLine("Subscription Received.");
            Console.WriteLine("{0} - [{1}]", response.Ticker, string.Join(",", response.Data.Select(x => string.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value))));
        error => Console.WriteLine("Subscription Error: {0}", error),
        () => Console.WriteLine("Subscription Completed."));

Requesting reference data

_bloomberg.ToObservable(ReferenceDataRequest.Create(new[] { "VOD LN Equity", "TSCO LN Equity" }, new[] { "PX_LAST" }))
        response =>
            Console.WriteLine("Reference Data Received.");
            foreach (var item in response)
                if (item.Value.IsLeft)
                    Console.WriteLine("Ticker={0}, Error={1}", item.Key, item.Value.Left);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} - [{1}]", item.Key, string.Join(",", item.Value.Right.Select(x => string.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value))));
        error => Console.WriteLine("Reference Data Error: {0}", error),
        () => Console.WriteLine("Reference Data Completed."));

Requesting historical data

_bloomberg.ToObservable(HistoricalDataRequest.Create(new[] { "VOD LN Equity", "TSCO LN Equity" }, new[] { "PX_LAST" }, DateTime.Today.AddMonths(-2), DateTime.Today, PeriodicitySelection.DAILY))
        response =>
            Console.WriteLine("Historical Data Received");
            foreach (var item in response)
                if (item.Value.IsLeft)
                    Console.WriteLine("Ticker={0}, SecurityError={1}", item.Key, item.Value.Left);
                    Console.WriteLine("Ticker={0}", item.Key);
                    foreach (var dateAndFields in item.Value.Right)
                        Console.WriteLine("  Date: {0}", dateAndFields.Key);
                        foreach (var nameAndValue in dateAndFields.Value)
                            Console.WriteLine("    {0}: {1}", nameAndValue.Key, nameAndValue.Value);
        error => Console.WriteLine("Historical Data Error: {0}", error),
        () => Console.WriteLine("Historical Data Completed."));


I wanted to make the library entirely asynchronous. To keep this simple I have used two techniques: Observables, and Promises.

The ticking data and requests which may provide partial responses are provided through an observable:

var disposable = _bloomberg.ToObservable(new[] { "IBM US Equity" }, new[] { "BID", "ASK" })
    .Subscribe(tickerData => Console.WriteLine("{0} - [{1}]", tickerData.Ticker, string.Join(",", tickerData.Data.Select(x => string.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value)))));

// ... to unsubscribe at some point later.

The "one-off" data is provided through a promise:

_bloomberg.RequestToken().Done(token => Console.WriteLine("Token={0}", token));

In both cases the callback is invoked on the thread of the event handler, so long running tasks should be decoupled. For the observable you might use .ObserveOn(TaskPoolScheduler.Default). For the promise you could create a task.


A Bloomberg library







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