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0.3: Lawful Neutral β1

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@robb robb released this 22 Mar 15:51
· 295 commits to master since this release

This is the first beta version of Cartography 0.3.0

  • Adds constrain(clear:) and layout(clear:) to remove all layout constraints from a ConstraintGroup without having to add new ones. (#82)
  • Adds align in various versions to facilitate aligning multiple views by the same edge. (#84)
  • Adds distribute to evenly space out multiple views either horizontally or vertically. (#86)
  • Setting up a constraint between two views that don't share a common ancestor will now trigger an assertion. (#92)
  • Expressions or numerical constants can no longer be placed on the left hand side of the ==, <= or >= operators. While this is a breaking change, rewriting the declarations to only have a property on the left hand side should not be complicated. (#94)
  • Added plenty of documentation. (#102)

Thanks @truppelito for the ConstraintGroup clearing methods 💖