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Basic bunq API client. Uses bunq-http and extends it with:

  • automatic session management (initial key generation, device installation, login, auto reauthenticate after expiry)
  • preconfigured production and sandbox hosts, including matching rate limit throttling
  • installation/session persistence (provides a FileStore and MemoryStore, but you can always plug in your own)
  • promise-based (async) functions for managed calls to the API
  • async iterator for paginated resource walking

The async iterator allows you to use for await...of to loop over all (paginated) resources, automatically fetching new pages as you go. See the usage example below.

Please note this is not a full SDK; aside from the "login calls" (installation, device-server, session-server) the library does not know about any API endpoints or responses. In many cases, however, this is perfectly fine as you can just send/receive JSON following the documentation.


npm install --save bunq-session

Usage example

import { BunqSession, FileStore } from 'bunq-session';

const bunq = new BunqSession('___my_bunq_sandbox_api_key___', {
  sandbox: true,
  store: new FileStore('./state.json'),

(async () => {
  try {
    const userId = await bunq.getUserId();
    for await (const account of bunq.list(`user/${userId}/monetary-account`)) {
      if (account.status !== 'ACTIVE') continue;
      console.log(`${account.description}: ${account.balance.currency} ${account.balance.value}`);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`ERROR: ${err.message}`);



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