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Commerce.js Vue.js Cart

This is a guide on adding cart functionality to our Vue.js application using Commerce.js. This is a continuation from the previous guide on creating a product listing page.

See live demo


The goal of this guide is to add cart functionality to our products page with the ability to add items to our cart, increase or decrease the items, and also clear items from the cart. Below are what we plan on accomplishing with this guide:

  1. Retrieve and/or create a cart in our application
  2. Add products to cart
  3. Update line
  4. Remove line items from cart
  5. Empty cart contents


What you will need to start this project:

  • An IDE or code editor
  • NodeJS, at least v8/10
  • npm or yarn
  • Vue.js devtools (recommended)


This project assumes you have some knowledge of the below concepts before starting:

  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • Some knowledge of Vue.js
  • An idea of the JAMstack architecture and how APIs work

Some things to note:

  • The purpose of this guide is to focus on the Commerce.js layer and using Vue.js to build out the application therefore, we will not be going over any styling details.
  • The cart application code is available in the GitHub repo along with all styling details.

Add cart functionality

The cart resource in Chec comes equipped with multiple intuitive endpoints to help develop a seamless shopping cart experience using Commerce.js. We will be interacting with the cart endpoint in multiple components in our application:

  • In our product listing page where we can add items to cartn the cart component where we will be rendering, updating, removing, and clearing the cart items.

1. Retrieve cart

First, let's go back to our app component and pick up where we left off from the previous guide. We want to follow the same logic to fetch our cart data when our application mounts to the DOM as we did with fetching our products. Inside of our data where our initial state gets stored, add an initial cart state and set it to null.

// App.js

data() {
  return {
    products: [],
    cart: null,

Next, we'll need to retrieve our current cart in session with the cart.retrieve() method. Commerce.js automatically creates a cart for you if one does not exist in the current browser session. Commerce.js tracks the current cart id with a cookie and stores the entire cart and its contents. The cart is being handled clientside as we want to utilize cookie sessions to store the cart data. For instance, a user is shopping on a commerce website and starts to add cart items, he/she leaves the website and returns again, the expected behaviour would be that the cart data would persist and cart items still remain. With the Cart API endpoint and cart functionality methods in Commerce.js, the otherwise complex cart logic on commerce websites can be easily implemented. Now let's go ahead and add a new cart method underneath fetchProducts().

// App.js

 * Retrieve the current cart or create one if one does not exist
 * @return {object} cart object
fetchCart() {
  this.$commerce.cart.retrieve().then((cart) => {
    this.cart = cart;
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.log('There is an error fetching the cart', error);

Above, we created a new helper function called fetchCart() that will call the cart.retrieve() Commerce.js method to retrieve the cart in session or create a new one if one does not exist. When this method resolves, we set the returned cart data object to the cart state. Otherwise, we handle a failed request with an error message. In our created() hook, we'll need to then call the fetchCart() when the application mounts.

// App.js

created() {

The cart.retrieve() method will run, resolve, and the returned data will be stored in the cart state. Once you save and refresh your browser upon a successful call to the Cart API endpoint, your result should be similar to the cart object response below:

  "id": "cart_Mo11bJPOKW9xXo",
  "created": 1599850065,
  "last_updated": 1599850065,
  "expires": 1602442065,
  "total_items": 0,
  "total_unique_items": 0,
  "subtotal": {
    "raw": 0,
    "formatted": "0.00",
    "formatted_with_symbol": "$0.00",
    "formatted_with_code": "0.00 USD"
  "currency": {
    "code": "USD",
    "symbol": "$"
  "discount_code": [],
  "hosted_checkout_url": "",
  "line_items": []

2. Add to cart

In Commerce.js, one of the main cart methods is the add to cart. This method will call the POST v1/carts/{cart_id} Cart API endpoint. Now with our cart object response, we can start to interact with and add the necessary event handlers to handle our cart functionalities. Similar to how you can pass props as custom attributes, we can do that with native and custom events. Because we will need to display a button to handle our add to cart functionality, lets go back to the ProductItem.vue component to add that in the product card. The built-in v-on directive has a click event v-on:click which we can write as a shortform @click in Vue.js. We will create a button tag and bind an expression to the directive which is the function handler we want to handle our event, a button click in this case. We will name our custom callback function addToCart().

<!-- ProductItem.vue -->

  Quick add

In Vue.js, data being passed down from a parent component to a child component is called props. When a child component needs to pass data or propagate an event upstream to its parent, its called emitting. After attaching a click event in our Quick add button to call the addToCart() event handler, we will need to emit this logic to the next parent component. At this stage the application is still fairly small so sharing data between components via props and events is manageable. As your application scales, we will need to handle the application state and events with a state management layer like Vuex.

Getting back to our ProductItem.vue component in our methods property, let's attach our event handler's logic. The first argument we need to pass into the $emit() function is the event we want the parent component to listen to and additionally any data we are passing up. In order for Commerce.js to handle adding of items into the cart, we will need to pass in the product ID and the quantity of that product.

// ProductItem.vue

methods: {
    addToCart() {
      this.$emit('add-to-cart', { productId:, quantity: 1 });

Because the ProductItem.vue component is a child component of ProductsList.vue, we will need to pass up the event through the ProductItem component instance as a custom event attribute. Like the native click event, we use the custom event @add-to-cart that we created to continue to emit the event back up to our outer most parent component, App.js.

<!-- ProductList.vue -->

  v-for="product in products"
  @add-to-cart="$emit('add-to-cart', $event)"

Finally in the outer most component App.js, we pass in our callback add-to-cart as an event and attach a handleAddToCart() method where we will be making the cart request to the Chec API.

<!-- App.js -->


The data productID and quantity that were emitted from the ProductItem component will be received in the handling method. Let's go ahead and create the helper handling method and call it handleAddToCart(). As mentioned, we will need to pass in the required parameters productID and quantity of the product item. We destructure the variables as these will be properties that will resolve into the cart object.

 * Adds a product to the current cart in session
 * @param {string} productId of the product being added
 * @param {number} quantity of the product being added 
 * @return {object} updated cart object with new line items
handleAddToCart({ productId, quantity }) {
  this.$commerce.cart.add(productId, quantity).then((resp) => {
    this.cart = resp.cart;
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.log('There is an error fetching the cart', error);

We make a call to the commerce.cart.add endpoint passing in the neccessary data and when the promise resolves, the cart object should return with the appropriate added product details. Upon a successful post request to add a new product to cart, you should see the below abbreviated response with a new line item in the cart object:

  "success": true,
  "event": "Cart.Item.Added",
  "line_item_id": "item_dKvg9l6vl1bB76",
  "product_id": "prod_8XO3wpDrOwYAzQ",
  "product_name": "Coffee",
  "media": {
    "type": "image",
    "source": "|u11 1.png"
  "quantity": 1,
  "line_total": {
    "raw": 7.5,
    "formatted": "7.50",
    "formatted_with_symbol": "$7.50",
    "formatted_with_code": "7.50 USD"
  "_event": "Cart.Item.Added",
  "cart": {
    "id": "cart_Ll2DPVQaGrPGEo",
    "created": 1599854326,
    "last_updated": 1599856885,
    "expires": 1602446326,
    "total_items": 3,
    "total_unique_items": 3,
    "subtotal": {
      "raw": 66.5,
      "formatted": "66.50",
      "formatted_with_symbol": "$66.50",
      "formatted_with_code": "66.50 USD"
    "hosted_checkout_url": "",
    "line_items": [
        "id": "item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V",
        "product_id": "prod_NqKE50BR4wdgBL",
        "name": "Kettle",
        "media": {
          "type": "image",
          "source": "|u9 1.png"
        "quantity": 1,
        "price": {
          "raw": 45.5,
          "formatted": "45.50",
          "formatted_with_symbol": "$45.50",
          "formatted_with_code": "45.50 USD"
        "line_total": {
          "raw": 45.5,
          "formatted": "45.50",
          "formatted_with_symbol": "$45.50",
          "formatted_with_code": "45.50 USD"
        "variants": []

In the json response, you can note that the added product is now given associated line_items details such as its line_item_id, and line_total. With this data, we can now create our cart component and render out cart details like a list of added items.

3. Create a cart component

First, let's start by creating a cart item component in the components folder. We want to follow the same pattern to try to encapsulate small components to be consumed by bigger components. This way we continue to keep our application dry as well and keep our logic separated and clean.

In our components folder, we'll create a CartItem.vue which will render each line item details such as the item image, name, price and quantity. First between our script tag, let's name our component and define an item prop:

export default {
    name: 'CartItem',
    props: ['item'],

Then in our template, we will bind the necessary data to eventually parse the values when the cart component renders.

<!-- CartItem.vue -->

    <div class="cart-item">
        <img class="cart-item__image" :src="" />
        <div class="cart-item__details">
            <h4 class="cart-item__details-name">{{ }}</h4>
            <div class="cart-item__details-qty">
              <p>{{ item.quantity }}</p>
            <p class="cart-item__details-price">{{ item.line_total.formatted_with_symbol }}</p>

Next, let's create the main Cart.vue component. Once again, we will name our component, define a cart prop and import and register our child cart component CartItem.vue within our script tag.

// Cart.vue

import CartItem from './CartItem';

export default {
    name: 'Cart',
    components: {
    props: ['cart'],

Within our template tags, we will render our CartItem.vue component that we registered and pass in the neccessary prop attributes.

<!-- Cart.vue -->

  v-for="lineItem in cart.line_items"

Similar to how we have rendered out a list of products in the previous guide, we will loop through each of the cart items and render out each line item details. The v-for directive will render our each lineItem in the cart.line_items array and parse out the data that was declaratively bound in the CartItem.vue component.

For the main cart component to render in our application, we will also need to call the cart component instance in App.js and pass in the cart prop.

<!-- App.js -->


At this stage, you should be able to see a minimal cart component rendered out in your main application view. Let's continue to add more cart functionalities and build out a more detailed cart interface.

4. Update cart items

Going back to the CartItem.vue component, we will now start to implement the first cart line item action using the Commerce.js method commerce.cart.update(). This request uses the PUT v1/carts/{cart_id}/items/{line_item_id} endpoint to update the quantity or variant for the line item ID in the cart. For this guide, we will only be working with the main variant of the product item.

Let's add a new method in our CartItem.vue component to pass up to the parent Cart.vue component.

// CartItem.vue

methods: {
  updateQuantity(quantity) {
      this.$emit('update-quantity',, quantity);

Above, we created a helper function updateQuantity() to update the line item quantity in the cart object. We will handle the emitting of this event the same way by passing in the event update-quantity we want the parent component to listen out for. The other required arguments we need to propagate up is the and the new quantity of the line item we are updating.

Going back up to our template still in CartItem.vue, let's hook up our update-quantity event. Between the item quantity element, we want to attach our custom updateQuantity method to button click events. In the first button, we will implement a click event to decrease the line item quantity by 1 and in the second button to increase it by 1.

<!-- CartItem.vue -->

  <div class="cart-item">
    <img class="cart-item__image" :src="" />
    <div class="cart-item__details">
      <h4 class="cart-item__details-name">{{ }}</h4>
      <div class="cart-item__details-qty">
        <button @click="() => updateQuantity(item.quantity - 1)">-</button>
        <p>{{ item.quantity }}</p>
        <button @click="() => updateQuantity(item.quantity + 1)">+</button>
      <p class="cart-item__details-price">{{ item.line_total.formatted_with_symbol }}</p>

As you can see, when the click event fires, it will call the updateQuantity() method passed into it with the quantity of the item decreased or increased by 1. These click events will emit the updateQuantity() to the parent Cart.vue component passing in the required data.

For the parent component to handle the event being propagated up, we need to create an event handler to handle updating of the line item quantity.

// Cart.vue

methods: {
   * Updates line_
   * @param {string} id of the cart line item being updated
   * @param {number} quantity (new) of the line item to update
   * @return {object} updated cart object
  handleUpdateQuantity(lineItemId, quantity) {
    this.$commerce.cart.update(lineItemId, { quantity }).then((resp) => {
        this.cart = resp.cart;
    }).catch((error) => {
        console.log('There is an error updating the cart items', error);

In this helper handler function, we will calling the commerce.cart.update() endpoint with lineItemId and destructured quantity. When we fire the updateQuantity() button in our CartItem.vue component, this event handler will run and response with the line item updated with the new quantity. We'll also need to bind the handler to the CartItem.vue component.

<!-- Cart.vue -->

  v-for="lineItem in cart.line_items"

Upon a successful request, you should receive a response similar to the below abbreviated data:

  "success": true,
  "event": "Cart.Item.Updated",
  "line_item_id": "item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V",
  "product_id": "prod_NqKE50BR4wdgBL",
  "product_name": "Kettle",
  "media": {
    "type": "image",
    "source": "|u9 1.png"
  "quantity": 2,
  "line_total": {
    "raw": 91,
    "formatted": "91.00",
    "formatted_with_symbol": "$91.00",
    "formatted_with_code": "91.00 USD"
  "_event": "Cart.Item.Updated",
  "cart": {
    "id": "cart_Mo11z2Xn30K7Wo",
    "created": 1600021165,
    "last_updated": 1600125011,
    "expires": 1602613165,
    "total_items": 2,
    "total_unique_items": 1,
    "subtotal": {
      "raw": 91,
      "formatted": "91.00",
      "formatted_with_symbol": "$91.00",
      "formatted_with_code": "91.00 USD"
    "currency": {
      "code": "USD",
      "symbol": "$"
    "discount_code": [],
    "hosted_checkout_url": "",
    "line_items": [
        "id": "item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V",
        "product_id": "prod_NqKE50BR4wdgBL",
        "name": "Kettle",
        "media": {
          "type": "image",
          "source": "|u9 1.png"
        "quantity": 2,
        "price": {
          "raw": 45.5,
          "formatted": "45.50",
          "formatted_with_symbol": "$45.50",
          "formatted_with_code": "45.50 USD"
        "line_total": {
          "raw": 91,
          "formatted": "91.00",
          "formatted_with_symbol": "$91.00",
          "formatted_with_code": "91.00 USD"
        "variants": []

5. Remove items from cart

Now that we have the ability to update the quantity of individual line items in your cart, you might also want the flexibility of being able to completely remove that line item from your cart. The Commerce.js commerce.cart.remove() method helps to remove a specific line item from your cart object.

Let's go back to our CartItem.vue component to add the remove item from cart logic. Underneath the previously added updateQuantity() function, let's now add a helper method and call it removeFromCart().

// CartItem.vue

methods: {
  updateQuantity(quantity) {
    this.$emit('update-quantity',, quantity);
  removeFromCart() {

Once again, we will emit the event up to the parent cart component when the method is called in our template.

Let's now update our template with the removeFromCart() method. In our first click event where the updateQuantity() is called, we want to add a ternary operator to invoke the updateQuantity() function when the line item quantity is more than 1, otherwise invoke the removeFromCart() method when the quantity is 1. Commerce.js does not allow for line item quantities to be updated with a value below 1. Therefore when the line item with a quantity of 1 is decrease, the removeFromCart() method will be called and will remove that line item from the cart completely.

Secondly, we will attach the removeFromCart() method to an isolated Remove button as well. When this click event is fired, the associated line item will be removed from the cart object.

<!-- CartItem.vue -->

  <div class="cart-item">
    <img class="cart-item__image" :src="" />
    <div class="cart-item__details">
      <h4 class="cart-item__details-name">{{ }}</h4>
      <div class="cart-item__details-qty">
        <button @click="() => item.quantity > 1 ? updateQuantity(item.quantity - 1) : removeFromCart()">-</button>
        <p>{{ item.quantity }}</p>
        <button @click="() => updateQuantity(item.quantity + 1)">+</button>
      <p class="cart-item__details-price">{{ item.line_total.formatted_with_symbol }}</p>
    <button class="cart-item__remove" @click="removeFromCart()">Remove</button>

In our Cart.vue component, we will need to continue to emit the remove-from-cart method up to the main App.js parent component.

<!-- Cart.vue -->

  v-for="lineItem in cart.line_items"
  @remove-from-cart="$emit('remove-from-cart', $event)"

Finally in App.js, let's create the event handler to make the request to the commerce.cart.remove() endpoint to execute our remove-from-cart event. The commerce.cart.remove() method takes in the required lineItemId parameter and once the promise is resolved, the returned cart object is one less of the removed line item.

// App.js

 * Removes line item from cart
 * @param {string} id of the cart line item being removed
 * @return {object} updated cart object
handleRemoveFromCart(lineItemId) {
  this.$commerce.cart.remove(lineItemId).then((resp) => {
    this.cart = resp.cart;
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.log('There is an error updating the cart items', error);

Update your template with the removeFromCart() event attribute in the Cart component instance.


With a successful request, your response should look like the below abbreviated data:

  "success": true,
  "event": "Cart.Item.Removed",
  "line_item_id": "item_7RyWOwmK5nEa2V",
  "_event": "Cart.Item.Removed",
  "cart": {
    "id": "cart_Mo11z2Xn30K7Wo",
    "created": 1600021165,
    "last_updated": 1600129181,
    "expires": 1602613165,
    "total_items": 0,
    "total_unique_items": 0,
    "subtotal": {
      "raw": 0,
      "formatted": "0.00",
      "formatted_with_symbol": "$0.00",
      "formatted_with_code": "0.00 USD"
    "currency": {
      "code": "USD",
      "symbol": "$"
    "discount_code": [],
    "hosted_checkout_url": "",
    "line_items": []

6. Clear cart items

Lastly, the cart action we will be going over in this guide is the commerce.cart.empty() method. The empty() at the Cart endpoint completely clears the contents of the current cart in session.

Since removal of the entire cart contents will happen at the cart component level, we will intercept an event for it directly in the cart UI. Lets get back to our Cart.vue component and add a click event to execute a helper function we will call emptyCart(). Underneath the component instance of CartItem add in the button below:

<!-- Cart.vue -->

 <button v-if="cart.line_items.length" @click="emptyCart()">Empty cart</button>

The v-if Vue directive will first check if there are any items inside the cart and if so, the Empty cart will render.

Add a new method in the Cart.vue component to emit the empty-cart method up to App.js.

// Cart.js

emptyCart() {

Now in App.js, we will create an event handler to handle the emptyCart() method. The commerce.cart.empty() does not require any parameters as calling the function simply deletes all the items in the cart.

// App.js

  * Empties cart contents
  * @return {object} updated cart object
handleEmptyCart() {
  this.$commerce.cart.empty().then((resp) => {
    this.cart = resp.cart;
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.log('There was an error clearing your cart', error);

Now with the handler function created, let's hook it up to our cart component.

<!-- App.js -->


With a successful request to the cart endpoint, your response will look similar to the below json data:

  "success": true,
  "event": "Cart.Item.Removed",
  "line_item_id": "item_1ypbroE658n4ea",
  "_event": "Cart.Item.Removed",
  "cart": {
    "id": "cart_Mo11z2Xn30K7Wo",
    "created": 1600021165,
    "last_updated": 1600131015,
    "expires": 1602613165,
    "total_items": 0,
    "total_unique_items": 0,
    "subtotal": {
      "raw": 0,
      "formatted": "0.00",
      "formatted_with_symbol": "$0.00",
      "formatted_with_code": "0.00 USD"
    "currency": {
      "code": "USD",
      "symbol": "$"
    "discount_code": [],
    "hosted_checkout_url": "",
    "line_items": []

And there you have it, we have now wrapped up part two of the Commerce.js Vue.js guide on implementing cart functionalities to our application. The next guide will continue from this one to add a checkout flow.


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