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LWHH - Gutenberg

Tutorial Projects

Gutenberg Block Development Tutorial projects based on Obi Plabon's tutorial hosted on Learn With Hasin Hayder.

Project 1

Image block

LWHH - image-block One image bolck which can upload, select from media and show in back end and front end. It has alignment functionality.

Learning context

  • Basic block creation
  • JSON attributes
  • MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck controls
  • Use of Components: Button, Icon
  • Saving block content

Project 2

Card block

LWHH - card-block

A card block consists of image, title, description and a button. It has several layout such as image on top, left, right. On the image it has a label tag can be used for price, category etc.

Learning context

  • Basic block creation
  • JSON attributes
  • Use of InspectorControls, MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck, RichText
  • Use of Components: Button, Icon, PanelBody, SelectControl
  • Saving block content

Project 3

Card block using InnerBlocks

A card block consists of image and an InnerBlock templates. It has several layout such as image on top, left, right. On the image it has a label tag can be used for price, category etc.

Learning context

  • Use of useBlockProps, custome classes, inline CSS
  • JSON attributes
  • Use of InspectorControls, MediaUpload, MediaUploadCheck, RichText
  • Use of Components: Button, Icon, PanelBody, SelectControl, RangeControl
  • InnerBlocks use, InnerBlocks Templates
  • Saving block content


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/tutorial-projects directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

Frequently Asked Questions

= Where do I get this tutorial =

As on 7th February 2024, the tutorial is not available any more. These project's original codes also gone out dated.

= Why do you do it? =

I was refresing myself with the current Gutenberg updates. I found those out dated so just rewrite them in new way. Hopeing someone who had that tutorial could be beneficial.


= 1.0 [12nd Feb 2024]

  • Tutorial successfully finish

= 0.1.1 [11th Feb 2024]=

  • Start Card block

= 0.1.0 [7th Feb 2024]=

  • Release


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
