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A non-uniform shuffling algorithm to reduce clumping

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Jukebox Index Shuffle

Robert Lee, 24th May 2022


The Fisher-Yates Shuffling algorithm is fast, well understood and provides for "true" shuffling of elements in a uniform distribution; given a truly random number source with configurable bounds, it will produce a truly shuffled list, in which the available options for the Nth value in the list are predictable given the previous (N-1) values, but the actual Nth value is not predictable.

A "truly" shuffled list is useful for implementing games of chance like Poker, where the randomness of a shuffle is essential to avoid cheating, and it may also have some cryptogrophic applications.

However, a truly shuffled list has a non-negligible chance of "clumping": if the Nth element in the shuffled list is the Mth element in the original list, then the (N+1)th element could just as easily be the (M+1)th element - or the (M-1)th element - as any other. For some applications, this is undesirable: For a jukebox programme, this can result in songs from the same artist/album being played in a run even in "shuffle" mode; for interactive fiction, this can result in entry N saying "turn to N+1", increasing the temptation of cheating.

The chance of "clumping" decreases in exponential decay as the number of elements in the list increases. But as the number of elements becomes larger, the cost of fixing this "clumping" by simply testing the list and reshuffling until the clumping is eliminated, significantly increases the computation time.

So a new algorithm was developed that:

  • Is order(N) to shuffling a list of N elements
  • Dramatically reduces or eliminates the chance of adjacent elements in the original list being adjacent in the shuffled list
  • Is not a true shuffle or cryptographically secure.

NB: The author is developing this algorithm for an application that requires certain elements to be sorted to known positions in the final list, and notes on this application will be given throughout.

Inputs and Outputs

The algorithm requires a pseudo-random number generator, which is assumed to produce a non-predictable number between configurable bounds with O(1).

  • This will be represented as the function rnd(a,b), where a is the lower bound and b is the upper bound. Any number between a (inclusive) and b (inclusive) may be returned, in roughly uniform distribution.

The algorithm will require swapping of two elements in the array

  • This is the function swap(E[i], E[j]), where i and j are 1-based indexes.

The second input is N, which is the number of data to be shuffled.

  • The only requirement on the data is that it be a positional and contiguous data structure. The data and its container are not changed by this algorithm (rather, the algorithm returns a list of indicies onto this data structure).

We also need to consider how close in the original list a pair of elements need to be to be considered clumped. This "target number" is typically 1 for adjacent entries, but could be higher to enforce more distance between adjacent entries.

  • T represents the target number (typically 1).

The output is an array of size N, which returns offsets into the original data structure. The offset into the first element may be 0, 1, or any other number (including complex or irrational numbers); subsequent elements will have an additional offset of 1 per element from the original.

  • E[1..N] represents the output index array.
  • O represents the offset of the first element in the original data.

NB: To iterate over the data in shuffled order, the caller should iterate over the output of this algorithm, and look up the corresponding value by index in the original data set.

The algorithm

Let i,j and t be variables of numeric type.

  1. Initialise the index array to be sorted
for i (1..N)
  let E[i] := i+O-1
  1. Perform an O(1) Fisher-Yates shuffle on the index array
for i (i..N-1)
  let j := rnd(i+1, N)
  swap (E[i], E[j])
  1. Reduce clumping (forward pass)
for i (i..N-2)
  if E[i] = E[i+1] ± 1
    let j := rnd(i+2, N)
    swap (E[i+1], E[j])
  • The algorithm also performs satisfactorily if the last line is replaced with swap(E[i], E[j]); however, E[i+1] is usually preferred as it will also eliminate clumps of 3 runs. In the case where specific indexes are required, the use of the alternate swap may be required to avoid a specific index from being moved.


50000 attempts were tested with each alternative method.

The effectiveness of this algorithm is pretty good; in testing of N=50,1000,and 10,000 this reduced the number of adjacent indexes (ascending or descending) to 0 in all cases. The performance remains O(1).

However, improvements are possible with a small performance cost:

Repeating Step 3

Simply repeating step 3 a second time reduced the number to 0 in over all test cases.

This remains O(1), although it means a third pass through the loop.

Reverse pass

  1. Reduce clumping (reverse pass)
for i (N-2..1)
  if abs(E[i] - E[i+1]) ≤ T
    let j := rnd(1, i-1)
    swap (E[i+1], E[j])

This second pass means that all clumps can be removed with roughly equal probability, as well as providing a second pass.

With a target number of 1, this also reduced the number of "clumps" to 0 in all test cases.

This was expected to outperform the 2-pass forward method; however, in testing, the results were often comparable, or worse for larger arrays, unless the number of "clumps" were larger than around 0.5%.

Increasing target number

For a true jukebox shuffle, it may be desirable to eliminate more matches than simply adjacent. One method to do this is to increase the target number, such that adjacent values in the output will be considered adjacent if they are within T spaces of the original input value.

Increasing distance

As well as increasing the target number (distance between elements in the input), there is an argument for also increasing the distance of elements considered in the output beyond simply comparing adjacent elements. An application for this algorithm is not readily apparent, but this could be achieved by replacing step 3 with the following:

for i (i..N-1-T)
  for t in (i+1..i+T)
    if abs(E[i] - E[t]) ≤ T
      let j := rnd(i+T+1, N)
      swap (E[t], E[j])

This would increase the algorithmic complexity to O(NT), but as T must be much smaller than N, this might effectively be considered as O(N) in most cases.

This approach was not tested, as no application was considered for it.

  • Where an entry with a fixed destination is to be supported, this becomes harder to accommodate properly. Should E[t] be such an entry, it would be necessary to move E[i] instead; however, this suggests that we should at this point restart the inner loop for t. This would again increase the complexity of the algorithm.

Test results

The following results were obtained (percentage values shown are the average number of adjacent pairs set within T spaces of their original positions, averaged over 50,000 executions):

T Number of entries single fwd double fwd fwd & back
1 50 0% 0% 0%
1 1000 0% 0% 0%
1 10000 0% 0% 0%
2 50 7.058% 3.848% 3.83%
2 1000 0.348% 0.176% 0.218%
2 10000 0.048% 0.012% 0.028%
3 50 25.806% 9.562% 8.758%
2 1000 1.588% 0.468% 0.364%
2 10000 0.15% 0.03% 0.038%


A non-uniform shuffling algorithm to reduce clumping






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