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libmutter-fix is a script to download, modify, and recompile libmutter in order to apply a 'bandaid' for a bug where the XkbNewKeyboardNotify event causes the system to freeze for several milliseconds when writing input to /dev/uinput.

This happens when using multiple input devices, or in my case, when simulating input with a program (eg. macros).

This bug is not existant in Wayland nor non-GNOME-based desktop managers (from what I hear).

This script is derived completely from a post here by Osvald Lindholm - so shoutouts to them for the initial steps.

Additional threads found during my research on this bug:

NOTE: The original fix was reverted because it apparently causes issues on some non-QWERTY keyboards. I cannot confirm or deny this, as it doesn't affect me.

WARNING: Use this at your own risk. I created it for my own purposes so I can keep an up-to-date version of libmutter. If the script fails or you wish to fix this issue yourself, just follow the steps listed in the initial link above.


Must be on a Debian-based distro using x11.

Run python, let it run, then reboot.

How do I know if it worked?

You can use xdotool key q as a quick way to see if you suffer from the lag. Your system should lock up for a noticable amount before posting the key.

Run this command again after applying the fix and rebooting, and there should be no more system freeze.

Tested On

  • Pop!_OS 21.xx
  • Pop!_OS 22.04


Script for patching libmutter to fix /dev/uinput system freezes using x11.






