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![Spring Social Bootstrap SDK](

Spring Social Bootstrap SDK builds on Spring Social by providing an opinionated foundation for building API clients e.g.

// API client settings configuration
TestBaseApiClientPlatformSettings platformSettings = new TestBaseApiClientPlatformSettings();
TestBaseApiClientSecuritySettings securitySettings = new TestBaseApiClientSecuritySettings(TEST_API_KEY);
settings = new TestBaseApiClientSettings(platformSettings, securitySettings);

// Initialize API client
TestBaseApi testApi = new TestBaseApiTemplate(settings);

// CRUD examples

TestBaseApiResource testBaseApiResource = testApi.testOperations().get(testBaseApiResource.getId());

testBaseApiResource.setName("New Name");


// Querying for all

// Custom querying

// Query Builder
testApi.testOperations().qb().withPaging(1, 25, "name", Sort.Direction.ASC).query();

// Pagination

// Configuring settings post-initialization

// Reading the HTTP Archive (HAR) log of entries (HTTP requests)
AlfHar alfHar = testApi.harOperations().query();

// Replaying the HAR log; 30 seconds between each request
testApi.replayOperations.replay(alfHar, new Interval.FixedInterval(30));

While Spring Social is advertised as a framework to "connect your Spring application with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) API providers such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn", there is no inherent requirement that using it be limited to either SaaS providers or social networks.

Many companies have developed APIs that have perhaps evolved organically, with non-standard response formats, custom auth schemes and/or without strict REST compliance. Spring Social Bootstrap SDK intends to make creating clients of these APIs much easier.

Unlike existing Spring Social projects like Spring Social Twitter or Spring Social Facebook, Spring Social Bootstrap SDK is not necessarily anticipating integrating against an OAuth 1.0a- or 2.0-compatible API or SaaS provider.

Spring Social Bootstrap SDK projects may also be used both inside and outside of a Spring Application Context.

Spring Social Influence

This project follows the Spring Social Core convention of declaring a base interface (BaseApi) whose implementation (AbstractBaseApiTemplate) provides access to implementations of API resource operations (BaseApiResourceOperations).

It also provides interfaces and abstract implementations of Spring Social's Service Provider 'Connect' Framework for common, non-OAuth authentication and authorization connections e.g. API keys, session IDs, and/or Basic Authentication.

Spring's RestTemplate provides the synchronous client-side HTTP access. AbstractBaseApiTemplate configures this client with Spring Social Bootstrap Settings' ClientSettings, which is composed of:

  • ClientPlatformSettings (to configure the API environment to be used), and
  • ClientSecuritySettings (to define the authentication and/or authorization requirements, if any, to connect to an API)

The project provides hierarchical abstract implementations of BaseApiResourceOperations that provide basic-, query-, and CRUD-type API operations:

  • AbstractBaseApiResourceTemplate (uses a provided RestTemplate to execute queries, configures the resource API URI template, and can provide a builder pattern for constructing query URLs),

  • AbstractBaseApiResourceQueryTemplate (adds default or custom query capabilities)

  • AbstractBaseApiResourceCRUDTemplate (adds CRUD-style capabilities)

Adding Support for a New Service Provider with Spring Social Bootstrap SDK

The process of developing a client for a new service provider based on Spring Social Bootstrap SDK consists of several steps. For most use cases, the following may be sufficient:

  1. Create a base API interface extending BaseApi for the provider.
  2. Create a base resource DTO extending BaseApiResource.
  3. Create a client platform settings implementation extending AbstractClientPlatformSettings.
  4. Create a client security settings implementation of ClientSecuritySettings, potentially extending one of the provided abstract implementations:
    • AbstractClientSecurityApiKeySettings
    • AbstractClientSecurityApiKeyUsernamePasswordSettings
    • AbstractClientSecurityApiKeyBasicAuthSettings
  5. Create a client settings implementation extending AbstractClientSettings incorporating the platform and security settings implementations created.
  6. Create a resource API interface for the provider extending the desired interface:
    • BaseApiResourceOperations
    • BaseApiResourceQueryOperations
    • BaseApiResourceCRUDOperations
  7. Add the resource API operation method to the base API interface.
  8. Create an implementation of the resource API interface extending the desired abstract implemenation:
    • AbstractBaseApiResourceTemplate
    • AbstractBaseApiResourceQueryTemplate
    • AbstractBaseApiResourceCRUDTemplate
  9. Create an implementation of the base API interface extending AbstractBaseApiTemplate, initializing the resource API template, performing any required configuration of the ObjectMapper or RestTemplate, and/or adding any request interceptors.

Optional steps

  • If paged results are needed and the provided Spring Data-like Page DTO can't be used, create a page DTO extending BaseApiPage. A custom Jackson serializer and deserializer may also then be required (see PageSerializer and PageDeserializer).
  • If custom query builder capabilities are desired, either extend BaseApiUriComponentsBuilder or BaseApiUriComponentsBuilderWithPagination, depending on your needs.
  • Create new implementations of ClientHttpRequestInterceptor when API requests need to be augmented before being sent, and associate it with the RestTemplate in the base API template.
  • If template settings need to be configurable at runtime (for example, to switch to a different subdomain), see TestBaseApiTemplate#configureSettings() for an example of how to do this

Supporting Spring Social's Service Provider 'Connect' Framework

Spring Social Bootstrap SDK-based projects are designed to work either inside or outside a Spring application context, either directly instantiated or registered with a factory.

It also provides some assistance with integrating the project with Spring Social's Service Provider 'Connect' Framework:

  1. Create an implementation of AuthOperations; if pre-authorization is not required, always provide authorization.
  2. Create a service provider implementation of BaseApiServiceProvider.
  3. Create an API adapter implementation of BaseApiAdapter.
  4. Create a connection extension of AbstractBaseApiConnection5.
  5. Create a connection factory extension of AbstractBaseApiConnectionFactory

Example Implementation

Spring Social Bootstrap SDK provides an example implementation of a new service provider (TestBaseApi), plus unit tests demonstrating its usage, under the src/test/java package.

The classes under a test_support package denote the implementations created for a new service provider (named "Test") API that has the following characteristics:

  • A /test resource API endpoint with full RESTful/CRUD support
  • A /test/health-check API endpoint for validating API connections
  • The API returns both JSON and XML representations of resources
  • Query responses are returned wrapped in a Spring Data-like Page representation
  • All requests require a session ID to have been acquired

The following classes were created:

  • TestBaseApi, the base API interface
  • TestBaseApiResource, the resource DTO
  • TestBaseApiClientSettings, the API client settings incorporating TestBaseApiClientPlatformSettings and TestBaseApiClientSecuritySettings
  • TestOperations, the resource API interface
  • TestTemplate, the resource API implementation
  • TestBaseApiTemplate, the base API implementation
  • TestPaginationUriComponentsBuilder, a custom URI builder
  • SessionIdRequestInterceptor, a new ClientHttpRequestInterceptor
  • LoginTemplate, an AuthOperations implementation
  • TestBaseApiConnectionData, a ConnectionData extension
  • TestBaseApiServiceProvider, the service provider implementation
  • TestBaseApiAdapter, the API adapter implementation
  • TestBaseApiConnection, the connection extension
  • TestBaseApiConnectionFactory, the connection factory extension

Unit tests are also provided demonstrating direct and factory creation of the example implementation, inside and outside of a Spring application context:

  • TestBaseApiTemplateTest, directly creating a TestBaseApiTemplate and performing CRUD, query, and page navigation operations on it
  • TestBaseApiConnectionFactoryTest, directly creating a TestBaseApiConnectionFactory, authorizing against it, and creating a connection
  • TestBaseApiConnectionFactorySpringTest, creating ConnectionFactoryLocator Spring @Bean that locates the bean from a ConnectionFactoryRegistry