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Loot Rules

Eric Robinson edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 6 revisions

With Dragonflight comes the return of Master Loot! As a guild we want to make use of the RCLootCouncil addon to have more meaningful upgrades to our raid. Our hope is that the increased performance of the raid will propel us closer to getting that Cutting Edge achievement. This system will require a lot of trust from both officers and raiders. So I'm writing this guide in order to convey complete transparency and information.

Please be aware that this is our first attempt at making this work so there might be some things we'll need to iron out.

General Rules

Our general thoughts and approach about loot will be:

  • Their place in the guild, for example the tank vs healer vs dps.
  • The improvement over their current gear
  • How often they attend raids compared to the others interested
  • How many drops they have gotten recently
  • Their other contributions to the guild
  • What is best for the guild
  • Main characters get preference over alts
  • Core raiders get preference over trials.

With that being said, here are the 6 options that can be used to let us know that loots value. In order of importance.

Main Spec Need

This is a very useful item for your main spec and an upgrade. Item will be awarded based on general approach listed above.

Main Spec Greed

This option is for those pieces of loot you think might serve as an alternative to your current gear. Maybe something that will be useful in a niche situation on a particular boss. It will be the lower priority when MS Need are available.

Off Spec Need

Choose this option is the loot is a upgrade to your off spec. Keep in mind that established swap raiders will get a higher priority.

Off Spec Greed

Just like MS Greed this is occasionally used for loot that while not an upgrade will be useful in niche situations.


No interest in the loot. If it's the only option available, it's likely to be disenchanted or sold.

Tier sets.

Everyone will be expected to add a note when bidding for tier tokens. This note should contain your current number of tier pieces. For example if you currently have 2 set, your note should say "2 pieces". If you don't put a note, we can't guarantee the priority will be followed and you might be overlooked. Please mention it to officers if you've forgot to add a note. We can add it after the fact.

Here's the priority we'll follow when awarding tier pieces for Dragon flight.

  1. Completing 2 set
  2. First piece of tier
  3. Completing 4 set
  4. Third piece of tier

this priority should ensure that the raid gets 2 piece of tier first then starts to award 4 piece.

End Notes

While we realize no system is perfect, I hope that we can make this work in order to be more productive in raids and kill more bosses. We are open to constructive critisme or feedback.