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nuget: MobF

nuget: MobF.React

MobF is a functional reactive state management library for Fable based on MobX and Elmish. It attempts to retain the functional spirit of MVU, while embracing the capabilities of F# to reduce boilerplate and ease component composition.


MobF supports Femto, which will set up the MobX dependency automatically:

femto install MobF

Manual installation

.NET library:

dotnet add package MobF

npm package (note the 'x', this is mobx, the underlying JS library)

npm install mobx --save


Instead of maintaining a single immutable state tree and formalizing all message passing explicitly, MobF allows you to compose individual models into an object graph which can be restructured with minimal disruption.

Each model has an immutable State and accepts a Msg to perform updates. The updates can be addressed directly to the model without the involvement of containing/parent structures.

Consistency between models is maintained via Computed views and subscriptions, which react to changes in the state, just as in regular MobX.


open System
open MobF

module Task =
    type State = {
        Id: Guid
        Description: string
        IsDone: bool

    type Msg =
        | Describe of string
        | Complete
        | Restart

    type Model = Model<State, Msg>

    let create description =
        let init () = {
            Id = Guid.NewGuid()
            Description = description
            IsDone = false

        let update state = function
            | Describe desc -> { state with Description = desc }
            | Complete -> { state with IsDone = true }
            | Restart -> { state with IsDone = false }

        Model.useInit init
        |> Model.andUpdate update
        |> Model.create

module TaskList =
    type State = {
        Tasks: Task.Model list

    type Msg =
        | Add of string
        | CompleteAll

    type IComputed =
        abstract PendingCount: int

    type Model = Model<State, Msg, IComputed>

    let create () =
        let init () = {
            Tasks = []

        let update state = function
            | Add desc ->
                let task = Task.create desc
                { state with Tasks = task :: state.Tasks }

            | CompleteAll ->
                state.Tasks |> List.iter (fun x -> x.Post(Task.Complete))

        let compute state =
            { new IComputed with
                member _.PendingCount =
                    (0, state.Tasks)
                    ||> List.fold (fun a x -> if x.State.IsDone then a else a + 1)

        Model.useInit init
        |> Model.andUpdate update
        |> Model.createWithComputed compute

let tasks = TaskList.create()

tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "foo")
tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "bar")

Reaction.autorun (fun () ->
    printf "There are %i pending tasks" tasks.Computed.PendingCount


MobF also accepts a union type for the state, which is useful for modelling async/input models.

module Input =
    type State<'T> =
        | Idle
        | Pending of 'T
        | Accepted of 'T
        | Rejected

    type Model<'T> = Model<State<'T>, State<'T>>

    let inline create<'T> () =
        let init () = Idle
        let update _ m = m

        Model.useInit init
        |> Model.andUpdate update
        |> Model.create

let model = Input.create<string>()

model.Post(Input.Pending "Hello")
model.Post(Input.Accepted "Hello, World!")

Complex init function

init can accept a function of type Msg -> unit which allows you to post a message to the model instance being created. The messages are queued and execute after init has completed.

let init post =
    post (TaskList.Add "Do a thing")
    post (TaskList.Add "Do another thing")

        Tasks = []

This is particularly useful for setting up subscriptions, such as timers or event handlers.

let init post =
    setInterval (fun () -> post (TaskList.Add "Tick...")) 1000

When using init with post, you build up the model slightly differently

Model.useInitWithPost init
|> Model...

Complex update function

Like init, update can accept a post function, but in addition, you can also accept the computed view. These additional parameters are passed as a tuple along with the state.

let update state msg =
    //simple form

let update (state, post) msg =
    //state with post

let update (state, post, computed: IComputed) msg =
    //state, post and computed

As with init, these forms require a slightly different model build-up.

Model.useInit init
|> Model.andUpdateWithPost update

Model.useInit init
|> Model.andUpdateWithComputed update


Subscriptions allow you to trigger effects when observable data changes. The Subscribe module provides two kinds, manual and automatic. A manual subscription is active until explicitly disposed. An automatic subscription is bound to the lifetimes of the listener and target, when either of them are disposed, the subscription is cancelled.

Automatic subscriptions can only be registered within the context of an init or update function (or any functions called by them); where the current model serves as the listener.

let task = Task.create "Do a thing"

//listen for changes to the 'Description' field on the task
let sub =
    task |> Subscribe.manual
        (fun s -> s.Description)
        (fun value -> printfn "Description is %s" value)

task.Post (Task.Describe "foo")
task.Post (Task.Describe "bar")

//cancel the subscription
type State = {
    Description: string

type Msg =
    | Init
    | UpdateDescription of string


let update (state, post) = function
    | Init ->
        //register an auto subscription which will remain active until
        //our model (listener), or the task (target), are disposed
        task |>
            (fun s -> s.Description)
            (fun desc -> post (UpdateDescription desc))

    | UpdateDescription desc ->
        { state with Description = desc }

To trigger the effect immediately upon registering, use the 'immediate' variants manualImmediate and autoImmediate. Otherwise, the subscriptions will only respond to changes which occur after the registration has been made.

Note that effects are only triggered when the observed value changes, not necessarily when attempts are made to update it. In the example of manual subscriptions above, setting the description to "Do a thing" five times would not trigger the subscription, because the effective value is identical.

The Model type implements IDisposable, and calling Dispose will cancel all active and manual subscriptions it is currently participating in.


Each model defines a javascript property called debugView which will render the state with sprintf "%A". Nested models are handled gracefully.

> console.log(tasks.debugView)
{ Tasks = [{ Id = 33c2086f-12d4-41d3-8d33-e169467fcf86
  Description = Also do other things
  IsDone = true }; { Id = 0fde59af-a68f-4492-ae72-0c78bb7c94bf
  Description = Frob the things
  IsDone = true }] }

When compiled with Debug configuration, MobF messages are invoked in named actions which can be observed in mobx-devtools. In Release configuration, the actions are not named, to avoid serialization costs.

React Integration

One of the more compelling features of MobX is the integration for React, which provides fine-grained memoization and reactive updates with very little effort.

MobF.React is a thin wrapper over mobx-react-lite. It provides two mechanisms for creating react components, a function called observer, and a Fable plugin attribute similar to (and directly inspired by) [<ReactComponent>] in Feliz.


MobF.React supports Femto, which will set up the mobx-react-lite dependency automatically:

femto install MobF.React

Manual installation

.NET library:

dotnet add package MobF.React

npm package

npm install mobx-react-lite --save

Note: this assumes react and react-dom are already installed, both are required


Fable Plugin

Decorating a function with [<ObserverComponent>] allows you to define components in a more declarative style. It also gives some additional benefits:

  • A displayName is given to the component, which greatly improves the React devtools experience.
  • Invocations of the function are tranformed into React.createElement calls, which allows for a more natural usage.
  • If the props argument has a PascalCased field Key, a camelCase key field is synthesized, which becomes the React element key.
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props

open MobF.React

//the function must take a single argument and return a value of ReactElement
let TaskView (props: {| Task: Task.Model; Key: string |}) =
    let m = props.Task

    //unlike 'pure' elmish, there is no dispatch function, instead you post
    //messages directly to the target model
    li [OnClick (fun _ -> m.Post(Task.Complete))] [
        let style =
            match m.State.IsDone with
            | true -> Style [Color "#ccc"]
            | false -> Style []

        span [style] [str m.State.Description]

let TaskListView (props: {| TaskList: TaskList.Model |}) =
    let m = props.TaskList

    div [] [
        h2 [] [
            str $"There are %i{m |> TaskList.pendingCount} pending tasks"
        ul [] [
            for t in m.State.Tasks do
                //invocations of the function are automatically transformed into
                //calls to React.createElement, also note that a key is given
                TaskView {| Task = t; Key = t.State.Id.ToString() |}

let tasks = TaskList.create()
tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "Frob the things")
tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "Also do other things")

TaskListView {| TaskList = tasks |} |> mountById "root"

Decorator Function

The function observer wraps the view definition (in React parlance, a 'higher order component'). You then use the result of this application as you would any other component.

open MobF.React

let Component = observer(fun () ->
    div [] [

Using the task list model above, you can define the following reactive view:

let tasks = TaskList.create()

tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "Frob the things")
tasks.Post(TaskList.Add "Also do other things")

open Browser
open Fable.React
open Fable.React.Props
open Fable.React.ReactBindings

open MobF.React

type Props = {
    Todo: TaskList.Model

//note the observer function wrapping the view definition
let View = observer(fun (props: Props) ->
    div [] [
        h2 [] [
            str $"There are %i{props.Todo |> TaskList.pendingCount} pending tasks"
        ul [] [
            for task in props.Todo.State.Tasks do
                //unlike 'pure' elmish, there is no dispatch function, instead
                //you post messages directly to the target model
                li [OnClick (fun _ -> task.Post(Task.Complete))] [
                    let style =
                        match task.State.IsDone with
                        | true -> Style [Color "#ccc"]
                        | false -> Style []

                    span [style] [str task.State.Description]

    React.createElement(View, { Todo = tasks }, []),


MobX based reactive state management for Fable







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