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Installomator Integration

Robert Schroeder edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 1 revision

Installomator Integration

At the core of App Auto-Patch is its integration with the Installomator project, which plays a crucial role in comparing the versions of installed applications against what is the latest available releases, and then helps to facilitate the update process.

Utilizing Installomator's capabilities, App Auto-Patch efficiently helps to keep installed applications on Macs up-to-date.

Version Comparison

  • Current vs Latest Version: App Auto-Patch uses Installomator to find the latest version of the app label for each application installed on the Mac, then compares the two versions to determine whether an update is necessary.

Updating Applications

  • Seamless Batch Updating: Easily update applications to the latest version with minimal effort for all installed applications at once.

App Auto-Patch, powered by Installomator, is an essential tool for Mac Admins seeking a hassle-free way to manage and update their users' Mac applications. Its combination of automated discovery, intelligent version comparison, and easy updating process makes it a valuable asset for maintaining the health and security of Mac computers.